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Do Now What is central idea? What is social commentary?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now What is central idea? What is social commentary?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now What is central idea? What is social commentary?
What is the definition of rhetoric? What is pathos, logos, and ethos? How do we summarize? What is a C.C.C. and in what type of writing is it used?

2 Objective Today we will analyze test-taking strategies and review how to apply concepts for our Rhetoric test!

3 Find Key Words what evidence proves she did not commit a crime? (beginning) her opinion about government what backs up #2 YOUR TURN

4 Distractor Analysis People who make tests are sneaky.
They make answers that SEEM right but are not the right answer. We call these DISTRACTORS. So I use distractor analysis to eliminate the wrong answers. Let me show you what I mean!

5 1. Anthony begins the speech by declaring that she will prove that she did not commit a crime. What evidence does she use to give her argument persuasive power? A. She retells historical events in a way that makes them understandable. B. She builds a logical argument based on a founding document. C. She cites research on her topic to increase the credibility of her ideas. D. She refers to statements by other leaders working for the right to vote.

6 1. Anthony begins the speech by declaring that she will prove that she did not commit a crime. What evidence does she use to give her argument persuasive power? A. She retells historical events in a way that makes them understandable. A is incorrect because although in this statement Anthony does refer to the origin of government and the founding documents, she is not retelling events to prove her point.

7 1. Anthony begins the speech by declaring that she will prove that she did not commit a crime. What evidence does she use to give her argument persuasive power? D. She refers to statements by other leaders working for the right to vote. D is incorrect because although Anthony notes that women are dissatisfied with current conditions and should have equal rights with men, she does not use the statements of other women to support her position.

8 1. Anthony begins the speech by declaring that she will prove that she did not commit a crime. What evidence does she use to give her argument persuasive power? C. She cites research on her topic to increase the credibility of her ideas. C is incorrect because although the quotations from the Declaration are the basis for the argument, they are not research documents, nor are they cited as research.

9 1. Anthony begins the speech by declaring that she will prove that she did not commit a crime. What evidence does she use to give her argument persuasive power? B. She builds a logical argument based on a founding document. B is correct because in this excerpt from the speech, Anthony interprets two quotations from the Declaration of Independence to build her argument for women’s suffrage.

10 Do #2 with your fingertip partner.
You need to both do this on your distractor analysis sheet!

11 Finish independently! Quiet Time I can and will check your answers!
Raise your hand if you have a question. I can and will check your answers! Quiet Time

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