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Chapter 1: Foundations of World History

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1 Chapter 1: Foundations of World History
I. The Study of World History

2 The Historian and His Task
The Historian’s Resources Primary sources: Records produced during the time period being studied Secondary sources: Records that explain or interpret primary sources

3 The Historian and His Task
The Historian’s Resources Primary sources are derived from three basic historical resources: Artifacts Tradition Written records

4 The Historian and His Task
Artifacts Objects made by man Small relics Towering monuments Works of art Everyday items Architecture

5 The Historian and His Task
Tradition The handing down of information by word of mouth from generation to generation Legends, ballads, folk songs, tales

6 The Historian and His Task
Written Records Abundant and diverse Most important to historians

7 The Historian and His Task
The Historian’s Use of His Resources Evaluation of historical sources

8 The Historian and His Task
The Historian’s Use of His Resources Historical synthesis Historical interpretation

9 The Historian and His Task
The Historian’s Philosophy Limited Must select what to record Must select what to emphasize These decisions are driven by a historian’s philosophy of life

10 Studying History with a Christian Worldview
A perspective from which one examines and interprets the universe and everything in it

11 Studying History with a Christian Worldview
The Christian Worldview: God made the world and everything in it This world has fallen into a sad and broken condition because of human sin God is working to redeem this world to Himself

12 Studying History with a Christian Worldview
Divine Control of History Divine providence: God has planned and controls all of human history Divine providence affects our study of history in two important ways

13 Divine Providence We should be historical optimists.
We should develop the habit of studying history with God’s will in mind.

14 Studying History with a Christian Worldview
Man’s Fall into Sin Why our world is a troubled place Historical actions can be evaluated by the moral standards of Scripture

15 Studying History with a Christian Worldview
Redemption in Christ as the Goal of History To redeem this world to Himself To establish Christ’s kingdom on earth so that through that kingdom He may declare His own glory

16 A Final Word History: The study of the record of the past acts of God and man on earth from its creation to the present, based on the best surviving evidence

17 Chapter 1: Foundations of World History
II. The Beginnings of World History

18 Creation Yahweh, the only true God “In the beginning God”
Created by speaking Six days

19 Creation The Climax of Creation The human race On the sixth day

20 Creation Mankind’s Distinction Created in the image of God
All of the qualities that set humans apart from the rest of creation and that reflect part of God’s own personality

21 Creation Mankind’s Purpose Creation Mandate Subdue Have dominion
Knowledge and skill Advancement of culture To declare God’s glory

22 Creation Mankind’s Purpose Creation Mandate Civilization Cities
Specialization Organization

23 The Fall Adam and Eve The First Sin Consequences Twisted affections
Thwarted dominion

24 Redemption Genesis 3:15 The Two Seeds The Central Conflict
Seed of the serpent Seed of the woman The Central Conflict

25 Moral Decay and Judgment
Cain and his seed Cities and civilization Not pleasing to God Seth and his seed Eventually mixed with Cain’s seed

26 Moral Decay and Judgment
The Great Flood God’s plan for Noah The entire earth

27 A Second Beginning Noah’s sons Noah’s prophecy Canaan Shem Japheth

28 A Second Beginning Babel Confusion of languages

29 A Second Beginning Rise of Nations
Nation: A very large group of people who have in common the same land area and the same language Table of Nations

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