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02 | Mastering Your Data Graeme Malcolm | Data Technology Specialist, Content Master Pete Harris | Learning Product Planner, Microsoft.

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Presentation on theme: "02 | Mastering Your Data Graeme Malcolm | Data Technology Specialist, Content Master Pete Harris | Learning Product Planner, Microsoft."— Presentation transcript:

1 02 | Mastering Your Data Graeme Malcolm | Data Technology Specialist, Content Master Pete Harris | Learning Product Planner, Microsoft

2 Module Overview Master Data Services Master Data Models
Managing Master Data Creating a Master Data Hub

3 The Master Data Problem
CRM Customer ID Name Address Phone 1235 Ben Smith 1 High St, Seattle ? Order Processing System Marketing System Account Customer Address Phone 531 Benjamin Smith 1 High St, Seattle Contact Name Address Phone 22 B Smith 5 Main St, Seattle

4 Master Data Services CRM Master Data Services Marketing System
Customer ID Name Address Phone 1235 Ben Smith 1 High St, Seattle Master Data Hub Customer ID Account No Contact No Customer Address Phone 1235 531 22 Ben Smith 1 High St, Seattle Data Steward Master Data Services Order Processing System Marketing System Account Customer Address Phone 531 Benjamin Smith 1 High St, Seattle Contact Name Address Phone 22 B Smith 5 Main St, Seattle

5 Master Data Models A versioned data model for specific business item or area of the business Contains definitions for entities required in the business area Often an entity with the same name as the model, as well as related entities Each entity has a defined set of attributes All entities have Code and Name attributes Attributes can be categorized in attribute groups Each instance of an entity is a known as a member Customers Model Version 1 Account Type Entity Code: 1 Name: Standard Member Attributes: Code (string) Name (string) Code: 2 Name: Premier Member Customer Entity Code: 1235 Name: Ben Smith Address: 1 High St, Seattle Phone: AccountType: 1 CreditLimit: 1000 Member Attributes: Code (free-form text) Name (free-form text) Address (free-form text) Phone (free-form text) AccountType (domain-based) CreditLimit (free-form number) Contact Details Attribute Group Version 2 Version 3

6 Demo: Creating a Master Data Model
In this demonstration, you will see how to: Create a Model Create an Entity Create Attributes Add and Edit Members

7 Managing Master Data in Excel
Use the Master Data Services Add-In for Excel to connect to a model Create entities Add columns to create attributes Edit entity member data in worksheets Publish changes to Master Data Services

8 Demo: The MDS Add-in for Excel
In this demonstration, you will see how to: Connect to a Master Data Services Model in Excel Add a Member Add a Free-Form Attribute to an Entity Add a Domain-Based Attribute and Related Entity

9 Master Data Hierarchies
Code: 1 Name: Standard Account Type Member Code: 1235 Name: Ben Smith Account Type: 1 Customer Member Code: 1267 Name: Amy Strande Code: CustUS Name: US Customers Consolidated Member Leaf Member Name: Amy Strande Code: CustEU Name: European Customers Code: 2214 Name: Sabina Schütz Special Delivery Customers Code: Cust-EU Code: 2600 Name: Andrew Sinclair Code: 1785 Name: Doris Krieger Derived Hierarchies Natural hierarchical groupings based on domain- based relationships Explicit Hierarchies Hierarchical groupings of specific members Can be mandatory or non-mandatory Collections Non-hierarchical groupings of specific members Can include leaf and consolidated members from any hierarchy

10 Master Data Business Rules
Validate master data using business rules Define rules with expressions: Condition (“If a customer's credit limit is greater than 1000”) Action (“Then the account type must be Premier”) Apply rules in MDS Explorer or Excel Assign priority values to control rule validation order

11 Staging and Importing Data
Load data into staging tables Using SSIS, Import and Export Wizard, Transact-SQL, etc. Run staging stored procedures stg.udp.EntityName_Leaf stg.udp.EntityName_Consolidated stg.udp.EntityName_Relationship View import status in Master Data Manager Validate imported data

12 Demo: Importing Master Data
In this demonstration, you will see how to: Use an SSIS Package to Import Master Data View Import Status Validate Imported Data

13 Consuming Master Data Create subscription views in Master Data Manager
Formats: Leaf Attributes Consolidated Attributes Collection Attributes Collections Explicit Parent Child Explicit levels Derived Parent Child Derived Levels

14 Demo: Subscription Views
In this demonstration, you will see how to: Create a Subscription View Query a Subscription View

15 Module Summary Use Master Data Services to define business entities
Empower data stewards to “own” business entity data Build a master data hub to manage data entity consistency across the enterprise


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