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SIMPLE Sorting Sorting is a typical operation to put the elements in an array in order. Internal Sorts [for small data sets] selection bubble (exchange)

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Presentation on theme: "SIMPLE Sorting Sorting is a typical operation to put the elements in an array in order. Internal Sorts [for small data sets] selection bubble (exchange)"— Presentation transcript:

1 SIMPLE Sorting Sorting is a typical operation to put the elements in an array in order. Internal Sorts [for small data sets] selection bubble (exchange) External Sorts [for large data sets]

2 Selection Sort 0 2 swap 21, 9 1 1 swap 13, 13 2 3 swap 21, 15
Find smallest element, and put at the head of the list,repeat with remainder of list Selection Sort index (k) sm_index swap 21, 9 swap 13, 13 swap 21, 15 swap 21, 17 21 15 9 13 17

3 Selection Sort void sort(double [5]);
void swap(double [5], int, int); // prototypes void main(void) { int index; double my_list[ ] = {21, 13, 9, 15, 17}; sort(my_list); // function call cout<<"\nThe sorted array is: \n"; for(index=0; index<5; index++) cout<<'\t'<<my_list[index]<<endl; }

4 Selection Sort void sort(double testArray[5])
{ int n, k, sm_index, moves=0; double smallest; for(k=0; k<4; k++) // size-1 = number of passes { smallest=testArray[k]; sm_index=k; for(n=k+1; n<5; n++) // size = # elem. to look at if(testArray[n]<smallest) { smallest=testArray[n]; sm_index=n; } swap(testArray, sm_index, k); // call to swap()

5 Bubble Sort 21 25 13 9 17 Put smaller first No change

6 Bubble Sort Begin again and put smaller first No change
21 17 9 13 25 Begin again and put smaller first No change Put smaller first

7 A Bubble Sort Function void bubble_sort(int array[ ], int length) {
int j, k, flag=1, temp; for(j=1; j<=length && flag; j++) flag=0; // false for(k=0; k < (length-j); k++) if (array[k+1] > array[k]) // > low to high temp=array[k+1]; // swap array[k+1]= array[k]; array[k]=temp; flag=1; // indicates a swap } } } } // has occurred

8 Insertion sort: Pick up the cards one at a time. When a card is picked up put it in the “already picked up list” in its correct position. *

9 G D Z F B E Index number G D Z F B E D G Z F B E D G Z F B E D F G Z B E B D F G Z E B D E F G Z

10 InsertionSort( int a[], int n)
{ int I; loc; temp; for (I = 1; I < n; I++) { temp = a[I]; loc = I; while (loc && (a[loc-1] > temp)) a[loc] = a[loc-1]; -- loc; } a[loc] = temp; GET NEXT ELEMENT TO INSERT Find its place in list -- keep moving items down until the correct locations is found

11 Insertion Sort Analysis: Worst case: O(n2) O(n) BEST CASE?
….comparisons and moves for (I = 1; I < n; I++) { temp = a[I]; loc = I; while (loc && (a[loc-1] > temp)) { a[loc] = a[loc-1]; -- loc; } a[loc] = temp; O(n) Good for mostly sorted lists Average case = O(n2) BEST CASE? *

12 Using Pointers for Sorting
In the algorithms looked at the data is physically re-arranged

13 Quicksort algorithm Split list into two “halves” one greater than the other now split each of these two lists

14 Elements………….. j Less than j Greater than j e s <s >s < e >e m c g w <c >c <g >g <m >m <w >w a b c d D e f F g h i j k l m o q s u v w y z

15 Partition Divide the list into two halves: left and right where the left half is smaller than the right: ----> use a “pivot” elements less than the pivot go left, elements greater than the pivot go right

16 left right Pivot = 98 left left left right left right left right left right

17 int partition(int num[], int left, int right)
{int pivot, temp; pivot = num[left]; // "capture" the pivot value, which frees up one slot while (left < right) { // scan from right to left while(num[right] >= pivot && left < right) // skip over larger or equal val right--; if (right != left) { num[left] = num[right]; // move the higher value left++; } // scan from left to right while (num[left] <= pivot && left < right) // skip over smaller or equal val left++; { num[right] = num[left]; // move lower value into the available slot right--; } } num[left] = pivot; // move pivot into correct position return left; } // return the pivot index

18 #include <iostream>
using namespace std; int partition(int [], int, int); // function prototype int main() { const int NUMEL = 7; int nums[NUMEL] = {98,32,45,99,101,73,67}; int i, pivot; pivot = partition(nums, 0, NUMEL-1); cout << "\nThe returned pivot index is " << pivot; cout << "\nThe list is now in the order:\n"; for (i = 0; i < NUMEL; i++) cout << " " <<nums[i]; cout << endl; return 0; } The pivot index is 4 the list is now in the order: *

19 Quicksort algorithm must call the partition algorithm
until the “list is sorted”, I.e. on each half recursively until the “halves” are too small Quicksort algorithm: pick pivot & partition list call quicksort(left half) call quicksort (right half)

20 Elements………….. Quicksort(left) j Quicksort(right) Less than j Greater than j Q(left/left) e Q(left/rgt) Q(rgt/left) s Q(rgt/rgt) <s >s < e >e m c g w <c >c <g >g <m >m <w >w a b c d D e f F g h i j k l m o q s u v w y z 14 calls to Quicksort

21 left right Pivot = 98 left left left right left right left right After the partition with the pivot=98 98 is in its final position right left

22 Result of 1st partition 2nd and 3rd partition 4th partition 32 45

23 void quicksort(int num[], int lower, int upper)
{ int i, j, pivot; pivot = partition(num,lower, upper); if (lower < pivot) quicksort(num, lower, pivot - 1); if (upper > pivot) quicksort(num, pivot + 1, upper); return; }

24 #include <iostream>
using namespace std; void quicksort(int [], int, int); // function prototypes int partition(int [], int, int); int main() { const int NUMEL = 7; int nums[NUMEL] = {67,32,45,73,98,101,99}; int i; quicksort(nums, 0, NUMEL-1); cout << "\nThe sorted list, in ascending order, is:\n"; for (i = 0; i < NUMEL; i++) cout << " " <<nums[i]; cout << endl; return 0; }

25 Quicksort(nums, 0, 6) pivot (after partition = 2) Quicksort(nums, 0, 1) pivot (after partition = 1) 45 32 32 45 Quicksort(nums, 0, 0) pivot (after partition = 0) 32 Quicksort(nums, 3,6) pivot (after partition = 3) Quicksort(nums, 4,6) pivot (after partition = 4) 101 99 99 101 Quicksort(nums, 5,6) pivot (after partition = 6) 99 Quicksort(nums, 5,5) pivot (after partition = 5)

26 IN CLASS Assignment: Given the list of numbers below, write out the steps for the quicksort algorithm:

27 Piv=12 Piv=8 Piv=56 Piv=2 Piv=14 Piv=6

28 Analysis of Quicksort:
void quicksort(int num[], int lower, int upper) { int i, j, pivot; pivot = partition(num,lower, upper); if (lower < pivot) quicksort(num, lower, pivot - 1); if (upper > pivot) quicksort(num, pivot + 1, upper); Takes O(upper-lower) since every element must be compared to the pivot

29 Best case time: Time(Quicksort(n)) = Partition(n) + Quicksort(n/2)+Quicksort(n/2) O(n) Partition(n/2) + Quicksort(n/4) + Quicksort(n/4) + Partition(n/2) + Quicksort(n/4) + Quicksort(n/4) = O(n) + 2*O(n/2) + 4*(Quicksort(n/4) … = O(n) + O(n) + O(n) Log(n) times….. = O(nlogn)

30 Worst case time: N times = O(n2)

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