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Presentation on theme: "Phonics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phonics

2 Zkk zkk zfkju pwiid Wkai msn kem lssf? Mip pvc,mip pvc Bwcii zkhp xnff

3 Obnubilate Tyrannosaurus Rex

4 Phonics is a system of teaching
reading by training the reader to recognise letters in written text and to associate them with their sounds in speech

5 Why Phonics Develops an understanding of the building blocks of words
Builds confidence to write Builds confidence to sound out unfamiliar regular words in reading Does not equate to being a reader / a writer: mechanics of reading and writing irregular words In end read by sight

6 phoneme grapheme digraph trigraph segment blend
Smallest unit of sound in a word phoneme A letter or sequence of letters that represent a phoneme grapheme A grapheme containing 2 letters that make 1 sound digraph A grapheme containing 3 letters that make 1 sound trigraph Hear and say the individual phonemes in words segment Hear a series of spoken sounds and merging them to make a word blend

7 In Year 1 ………. Consolidate Reception learning
Read / write consonant blends e.g. stop, plan, strike Introduce alternative spellings for each vowel phoneme: e.g. tree tea please me happy even money and recognize and read them in words Graphemes representing more than one phoneme e.g. bow bow; you could loud

8 Pronunciation

9 s a t p i n m d g o c k ck e u r h b f l ss ll ff zz j v w x y z qu ch sh th ng ai ee ea oa oo ar or ur ow oi ear air ure er igh

10 Segment and blend sh ee p = sheep b u sh = bush
ch i p = chip f ar m = farm

11 ay oy ve a-e e-e i-e o-e u-e ie oe ow ou ew au ore aw y ea ear are ph wh d ay = day h ear = hear Magic “e” make these like home rule

12 speed crayon slight toast broom foil

13 How do we teach phonics: - read all the graphemes!
Individual graphemes Introduce individual grapheme, recognise it in set words, Keep coming back to it apply it in reading and writing Short bursts stories & props Grouped graphemes Sound buttons repetition, repetition, repetition……

14 Government Phonics Screening in June

15 How you can help Call alphabet letters by their sounds rather than their names Encourage writing in lowercase letters rather than capitals Special phonic groups – by invitation Practise sounds sent home Daily reading books

16 Mr Thorne Does Phonics ( Phase 3 and 5)


18 Questions?

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