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Welcome to English 221 Online

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1 Welcome to English 221 Online
Composition with Georgie Ziff

2 About Writing… my favorite writing quote: “Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. This requires not that the writer make all his sentences short, or that he avoid all detail and treat his subjects only in outline, but that every word tell. William Strunk Jr. Elements of Style

3 Required Course Materials
Dialogues: An Argument Rhetoric and Reader,  8th edition - edited by Gary Goshgarian and Kathleen Krueger. 

4 Grading in the Course Essay One: 10% Essay Two: 15% Essay Three: 20%
Timed In-Class Essays: 10% Assignments: 20%. Midterm Exam: 10% Group Presentation Final: 15%

5 Group Rhetorical Analysis
As a final exam, your group will select an article about language from the textbook that we have NOT discussed in the class You will create a presentation analyzing the essay from a rhetorical standpoint in response to the Rhetorical Analysis Guidelines.  In addition, each group will submit a collaborative Group Portfolio Presentations will uploaded to Canvas by Wednesday of Finals Week.

6 Work with your Group Members

7 Instructor Contact Emails may be sent to
To receive a response ALL S must have THIS information the subject line: LMC English 221 Your Name s with the correct information will be responded to within 48 hours during the work week: Mon - Fri. before 5 pm. Messages received after 5pm will be responded to the next day; those received after 5pm Friday will be responded to on Monday. In addition, remember you are writing to an English teacher! Use real words and punctuation. Show you care about, you know, writing!

8 To Do… Buy the book Carefully read the information on the Canvas class page. Class Information page on my website Look at the Schedule, noting the homework assignments and due dates.

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