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High School Articulation and CATEMA

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1 High School Articulation and CATEMA
SHERYL PLUMLEY – CTE PROJECTS SPECIALIST Riverside community college district


3 Early college credit options
HIGH SCHOOL ARTICULATION:  High school courses taken by high school students during the traditional school day, courses are aligned with a community college course in the same discipline, courses are taught by the high school faculty, on the high school campus, serves high school students only. DUAL ENROLLMENT:  College courses taken by high school students, courses typically offered on the high school campus during the traditional school day, courses are typically taught by high school faculty who meet community college minimum qualifications, these courses serve primarily high school students. CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT:  College courses taken by high school students outside of the traditional school day, courses are typically offered on community college campus, courses are taught by community college faculty, and they are open to the public.

4 Articulation VS dual enrollment
HS Articulation Taught by HS teacher Simpler process for approval Student safety net CC does not capture apportionment Administrative burden of awarding credit Dual-Enrollment Strategies CC captures FTES Student automatically awarded college credit (good or bad) Instructor must meet MQs HS and CC Board approval process HR and union considerations

5 Why articulation? No risk to student if unsuccessful
Helps students get a jump start on their education Increase College & Career Readiness Free college credit for students

6 Why articulation?

7 What classes do we articulate?
Career Technical education classes Introductory level Classes linked to certificates or degrees at the community college As of march 16th, 161 total agreements, 81 for rcc; 29 proposals in the review/approval process

8 Articulation Statistics
Total # of Students awarded credit 2014 – 2015 2015 – 2016 Increase over Prior Year RCC 152 601 295% RCCD overall 786 1533 95%

9 What is CATEMA? Career and Technology Education Management Application
web-based application that permits college and secondary teachers and staff to manage articulation credit information relating to courses, classes, school districts, high schools, teachers, and students. Counselors can set up Counselor Account to view all activity for their school site

10 Why catema? Improves high school articulation programs
Establishes a single common portal for all participants Improves data quality, accuracy, and availability Provides information in real time Reduces paper forms Improves efficiency

11 What students need to know
Complete a college application to obtain college id # Set up student account in catema Enroll in teacher’s class in catema Study hard Complete the course with an “a” or “b” grade Upon successful completion of the course, order a college transcript to be sent to college of choice (if needed) – must allow college time to post classes to student records first

12 Contact Information Sheryl plumley CTE Projects specialist riverside community college district

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