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Define (Q1) and Recall (Q2)
Islam Beliefs and Teachings: Focus Sheet- Q1 Gospel- holy books revealed by God to Jesus Immanent- God within the world/universe Supremacy- Supreme power and authority of God. Tawhid-the oneness of God Angels-Spiritual beings who act as messengers of God- made from Light Revelation- Gods’ words/Allah shows his nature and words through the Quran. Scrolls of Abraham- a holy book revealed by god to Abraham Monotheistic- a religion that believes there is only one God. Transcendent- God is above and beyond all. Omnipotent- All Powerful Quran- Holy book in Islam(believed to be God’s final message to humanity) Allah Abrahamic name for God Beneficent-God is all-loving Mika’il- the Arabic name for Michael, the archangel of mercy who rewards good deeds Justice-(Adalat)Shia God brings about what is right and fair. Judges human action rewarding the good/punishing the bad. Torah- 5 books revealed by god to Moses Fairness God treats people fairly. Merciful-God shows mercy, forgiveness and compassion to humans Jibril-Arabic name for Gabriel, the archangel who brought God’s message to the prophets Psalms- A book revealed by God to David Define (Q1) and Recall (Q2) Muslim- one who has submitted to God Sunni the teachings and deeds of Muhammad Sunnah- the teachings of Mohammed Ibrahim –prophet of Islam-rebuilt the Ka’aba Islam-Peace /the name of the religion followed by Muslims Shi’a-Muslim who believe in the Imamate, the successorship of Ali. Adam- Prophet in Islam- first human on earth Hell- place of eternal suffering after death Iblis(Satan) - a spiritual being , created from fire, who was thrown out of paradise for refusing to bow to Adam Imamate leadership refers to the 12 leaders who succeeded as leaders after Muhammad The Six Articles of Faith- Angels/ Tawhid/Holy books/Prophets The Five roots of Usul as-Din – Prophethood/Tawhid/Resurrection/Imamate Heaven- place of eternal life after death with God Muhammed- the last and greatest prophet of Islam Prophethood-when God asks someone to communicate hs message to people Resurrection- Rising from the dead Human accountability- Humans are responsible for their actions and so have accountability on the day of judgement. Akhirah- everlasting life after death. Day of Judgement- Time when the world will end and every soul will be judged by Allah Risalah- the belief that prophets are an important channel of communication God and humans Prophet-a person who brings the message of God. Predestination- The idea that God knows and determines everything that happens
Define (Q1) and Recall (Q2)
Islam Beliefs and Teachings: Focus Sheet- Q2 Gospel- holy books revealed by God to Jesus Immanent- works within the world, knows everything Supremacy- created the world/made angels from light Tawhid- God is one, no other God Angels-Spiritual beings who act as messengers of God- made from Light Revelation- Gods’ words/Allah shows his nature and words through the Quran. Scrolls of Abraham- a holy book revealed by god to Abraham Omnipotent-. Created the world/judges and punishes the bad/rewards the good Monotheistic- a religion that believes there is only one God. Transcendent- God is above and beyond all. Quran- Holy book in Islam(believed to be God’s final message to humanity) Beneficent-God is all-loving Mika’il- the Arabic name for Michael, the archangel of mercy who rewards good deeds Allah Abrahamic name for God/99 names Justice-(Adalat)Shia God brings about what is right and fair. Judges human action rewarding the good/punishing the bad. Torah- 5 books revealed by god to Moses Fairness God treats people fairly. Merciful-God shows mercy, forgiveness and compassion to humans Jibril-Arabic name for Gabriel, the archangel who brought God’s message to the prophets Psalms- A book revealed by God to David Define (Q1) and Recall (Q2) Muslim- one who has submitted to God Sunni the teachings and deeds of Muhammad Sunnah- the teachings of Mohammed Ibrahim –prophet of Islam-rebuilt the Ka’aba Islam-Peace /the name of the religion followed by Muslims Shi’a-Muslim who believe in the Imamate, the successorship of Ali. Hell- place of eternal suffering after death/separation from God Adam- Prophet in Islam- first human on earth Iblis(Satan) - a spiritual being , created from fire, who was thrown out of paradise for refusing to bow to Adam Imamate leadership refers to the 12 leaders who succeeded as leaders after Muhammad The Five roots of Usul as-Din – The five main beliefs for Shi’a Muslims/ Tawhid/ Resurrection The Six Articles of Faith- the six main beliefs for Sunni Muslims Heaven- place of eternal life after death with God Muhammed- the last and greatest prophet of Islam Prophethood-when God asks someone to communicate hs message to people Resurrection- Rising from the dead Human accountability- Humans are responsible for their actions and so have accountability on the day of judgement. Akhirah- everlasting life after death. Day of Judgement- Time when the world will end and every soul will be judged by Allah Risalah- the belief that prophets are an important channel of communication God and humans Prophet-a person who brings the message of God. Predestination- The idea that God knows and determines everything that happens /life is planned
What do Muslims DO because of what they believe?
Belief= God Because Muslims believe God is Just(Adalat in Shia Islam) /Omniscient/Immanent/Merciful they will: Not sin and do good so that they are not punished by god for doing wrong but are rewarded. Forgive others and show mercy to those who do wrong as a knowing/just/merciful God would. Because Muslims believe God is Omnipotent/Transcendent/Supremacy they will: not sin and do good so that they will not be punished by God and go to heaven when they die and not hell. Worship God through 5 daily prayers and be thankful for what they believe he has provided through his power which is show in the creation of the world Because Muslims believe God is Beneficent they will: Look after the planet showing love for God’s creation .i.e recycle and not abuse it . Forgive others and show mercy to those who do wrong as a loving God would. Because Muslims believe in Tawhid they will: Only worship one God and not others stating that there is only one God daily in the Shahadah- ‘La ilaha illa Allah wa’ Never liken themselves or others to God as this is seen as shirk-a great sin. No images can be made of God as he is supreme- there is nothing like Allah. Islam Beliefs and Teachings: Focus Sheet Q3 Belief= Angels Because of their belief in the afterlife, Heaven, hell or the day of Judgement Christians will: Do good things to others and in the world so that the Angel Mika’il will bless them during their lives and not do bad as these sins will be recorded by Angels. Muslims will not do bad actions and aim to be good as it is the angels who record the good and bad deed of others which will be judged on judgement day. Belief= Holy Books Follow the example and teachings of in the Holy books as this is believed to be God’s Instruction on how he wants them to be in life. Recite passages from the holy book as this brings Muslims blessing in life. Those who Can recite the whole Quran are given the title ‘Hafiz’ Also, followers encouraged to learn Arabic so they can read the books in its original form Mohammed/Sunnah Sharia Law INFLUENCES Actions/Doing What do Muslims DO because of what they believe? Imamate Follow the divine guidance given to them through the Imamate or 12 Imams. Follow the successorship of Ali , Muhammad's cousin who they believe was the appointed successor after Muhammad Follow the teachings and examples of Muhammed/Sunnah/Sharia as he lived according to God’s will and so by following his example they will too. As a strong family man Muslims will follow his example putting family central to everything they do and value them with the utmost importance Belief= Akihrah(Afterlife)/ Day of Judgement Because of their belief in the afterlife, Heaven, Hell, the day of Judgement or Human responsibility and freedom Muslims will: Be responsible for their actions and not sin and do good so that they will not be punished by God and go to paradise (Jannah) when they die and not hell. Make sure that when they die they are cremated and not buried so that their human body can rise again on the day of Judgement For predestination-first point above plus they will accept suffering as a part of God’s plan and a test of faith. Prophets/Prophethood/Risalah Iblis/ Satan Not be tempted to commit sins and bad deeds and to be favoured by God instead. Follow the example of the prophets and teachings in the holy books as not to follow the example of Iblis Follow the teachings and examples of the prophets as they lived according to God’s will and so by following his example they will too too Not sin and do good deeds as the Prophets were open about how sinning is wrong and will be punished. Belief= 6 Articles and the 5 Root Because of this beliefs Christians will: Accept their six articles/five roots fully in order to be a full practising Muslim/ Shia Muslim. Follow the teachings, guidance and support laid out in the five roots/six articles so that they can be connected to and closer to God. Prophethood Adam Ibrahim Ask for forgiveness and repent when they do wrong as Adam repented for his sins straight away Not be tempted to do bad deeds As they are aware that this is How Adam went against God will. Be prepared to sacrifice things in their own life for God as Ibrahim did in his life and in particular slaughter an animal during Id Ul Adha each year. Complete Hajj and throw stones at the ka’aba as Ibrahim did the devil.
What do Muslims believe and Why?
Belief= God Question could ask about God in general or be specific to his nature. Muslims believe: God= Tawhid God is unique-the one and only creator with control over everything. No one else has the qualities of God- he is an undivided entity that is not made up of different persons. ‘There is no God but Allah’ God= Just That God will bring about what is right and fair according to religious law-because he is the example or moral behaviour and therefore he is the perfect judge of human character. That God will never support injustice and ill treatment- because he punishes those who do wrong i.e. afterlife in hell and rewards those who do good i.e. afterlife heaven ‘Allahu Akbar’ God= Omniscient That God will never support injustice and ill treatment he sees everything- because he punishes those who do wrong i.e. afterlife in hell and rewards those who do good i.e. afterlife heaven ‘‘there is no God but him’ God=Omnipotent/Supremacy That God has unlimited power- because there is nothing he cannot achieve, he created the world and everything in it. ‘Allahu Akbar’ That God will never support injustice and ill treatment and has the power to punish those who wrong others- because he punishes those who do wrong i.e. afterlife in hell and rewards those who do good i.e. afterlife heaven ‘There is no God but him’ God = Beneficent That God loves all humans-God is generous. His loving nature is seen in the gift of life he has given to all humans. That God shows mercy and compassion to those in need. God understand their suffering and will forgive them if they are truly sorry for what they do. ‘ Bismillah’ ‘Nothing is impossible with God’ Islam Beliefs and Teachings: Focus Sheet Q3 Belief= Angels Questions could ask about angels in general/specific roles of angels Muslims believe that angels are: They are created by God from light and so are seen as spiritual beings with important roles from Allah. Roles include being sent by God with messages for Humans. In particular through the prophets. Angels do not have freewill and therefore do not have the ability to do wrong by God. “who made angels messengers” Belief= Holy Books Question could ask about books in general or specifically Muslims believe that Holy Books: Are the words of God- revealed through Angels and messengers. The beliefs and teaching show Muslims how to life according to God’s will. Examples set out through the prophets in theses books. “This is the Scripture in which there is no doubt, containing guidance for those who are mindful of God”. Belief= Prophethood General Belief Muslims believe that: Messengers of God with teachings on how God wants Humans to live. Set an example of morality for followers laid out by the messages they have received from God. Believed to be a gift given by God to help humankind Understand his message. Adam- God revealed how to eat, how to bury the dead and how to repent for any wrong doing. “Every community is sent a messenger” Mohammed Last messenger of God- The purest example of how God wants Humans to live according to his will. ‘seal of the prophets’ Over years he received many revelations from God that formed the Quran. For this reason He is the greatest of the prophets of Islam. ‘Muhammed is his messenger’ Adam Believed to be the first human created by God. ‘created from dust’ God revealed to him how to eat, how to bury the dead and how to repent for any wrong doing. Ibrahim Promised to be the father of all nations as he fulfilled all the tests and commands given by God- E.g. willing to sacrifice his son Ismael. Denounced idol worship and gave the message that there is only one God. ‘ God took Abraham as a friend’ Imamate Shia Muslims believe that there are been twelve Imams in total- These are the true successors of Muhammed which started with Muhammed’s cousin Ali. Shia Muslim's believe there is an Imam present in the world today but who is hidden. It is believed this Imam will return with Jesus to bring Justice and equality. BELIEFS What do Muslims believe and Why? Belief= Akhirah Question could ask about life after death/Day of Judgement/Akhirah/Heaven and Hell Muslims believe: That when they die they will either go to Jannah or Jahannam based on their actions in life. This will either be a place of paradise eternal will Allah (Heaven) or eternal separation from Allah (Hell.) That on the day of judgement they will be physically resurrected. That they will be judged by Allah based on the deeds recorded by the angels during their life. Based on this judgement they will go to either heaven or hell. “a reward for what they used to do” Predestination Human freedom- Allah knows everything that is going to happen(God has a plan) but that Muslims have the freewill to make their own choices. Allah knows the outcome and guides and supports but Muslims can decided whether they choose to follow this. Human accountability- humans are responsible for their actions and therefore will be held to account on the Day of Judgement Belief= 5 Roots and the 6 Articles Question could ask about the 5 Roots or the 6 Articles. Muslims believe: Important to follow these core beliefs as written in the Quran. Help a Muslim to follow the will of Allah. Emphasise the main beliefs within the faith and that Muslims must uphold these. For instance the belief in angels(6 articles) or Imamate (5 Roots)
Islam Practices
Define (Q1) and Recall (Q2)
Salah-/Prayer- Muslims Prayer Islam Practices: Focus Sheet- Q1 The Five Pillars Of Islam- the five most important duties of all Muslims Sawn/Fasting- a pillar of Islam- fasting Zakah- the compulsory giving of 2.5% to charity Shahadah- Statement of Faith Ramadan the ninth month of the Muslim Calendar where Muslims fast from dusk to sunset. Wudu- Ritual washing before prayer. Rak’ah – a sequence of movement in the ritual prayer Hajj/Pilgrimage- a religious journey Sadaqh-good actions or voluntary payments Recitation-repeating a passage of text from memory Jummah-Friday prayer The Night of Power- the night when Mohammed first had the Qu’ran revealed to him. Prostration- kneeling during prayer with the forehead etc. touching the floor. Ka’aba –the black cubed shape building in the centre of Makkah Khums- A 20% tax paid by Shia Muslims on their excess income Define (Q1) and Recall (Q2) Hajji- someone who has completed Hajj Festival- Occasion to celebrate/remember a significant event/person. The Ten Obligatory Acts-=the ten important duties of Shia Muslims Jihad- an inward or outward struggle Id Ul Fitr- Muslim festival to celebrate the end of Ramadan Mosque Muslim place of worship Greater Jihad-the inward struggle Tabarra- disassociating from enemies of God Amr-Bill-Maruf encouraging people to do good. Id Ul adha-Muslim festival that celebrate Ibrihims willingness to sacrifice his son God. Mihrab- a mark in the wall that shows the direction of God in a mosque Lesser Jhad- The Outward struggle Tawallah– loving towards the friends of God Holy War- Fighting for a religious cause/God Nahi Anil munkar-discouraging people from doing wrong Ashura-festival that takes place on the 10th Day of the month of Muharram- Ashura means ‘tenth’ Qiblah Wall- the wall in a mosque that contains the mihrab
Define (Q1) and Recall (Q2)
Salah-/Prayer- prayer 5 times a day/ wprepare through wudu/ Pray in mosque/at home. Rak’ah/Hummah/Prostrate/Recite The Five Pillars Of Islam- Shahdah/Prayer(Salah) Hajj (pilgrimage) Sawn/Fasting- fasting/Ramadan/the night of power. Lasts 30 days Islam Practices: Focus Sheet- Q2 Zakah- give to the poor , mosque 2.5%, donate to charity Shahadah-whispered in a babies ear/included in daily prayers There is no God but Allah/ Muhammad is his messenger Ramadan Muslims fast, pray, fast broken with an evening meal, focus on God, feel what its like to go without. Wudu- Wipe hands, behind ears, wash feet and ankles, men and women separate. Rak’ah – recite the Quran, Prostrate, say ‘God is the Greatest’ Hajj/Pilgrimage- circle the kaa’ba/ throw pebbles at mina/ praying at Arafat Sadaqh-freely give money, freely give time Recitation- first chapter of Quran in prayer, praise God Jummah-Friday prayer/men, compulsory, attend mosque to do so The Night of Power- first revelation. Jibril spoke to him, Could not write and told to write Ka’aba –circle in an anti clowise direction/circle 7 times Given by God to erase Adam’s sin/rebuilt by Ibrahim Prostration- bow, stand, arms crossed, knee, recite Khums- Shia leaders, those in need, those who cant get home, charity, poor Define (Q1) and Recall (Q2) Hajji- go at least once/can go as many times as they want Festival- Id-ul-fitr/id ul-adha/ashura The Ten Obligatory Acts-=tabarra/tawallah, Amr-Bil-Maruf/Nahi Anil munkar, Jihad, Jihad- Greater/Lesser: Inward/Outward Mosque Jummah/Study/ Socialise with community/pray Greater Jihad-prayer 5 times, follow the command of God. Tabarra- not talking, condoning their beliefs, expressing their disagreement Amr-Bill-Maruf encouraging people to do good. Mihrab- a mark in the wall that shows the direction of God in a mosque/prayer towards it Id Ul Fitr-celebrate the end of Ramadan, say special prayers, new clothes, specials foods, cards anf presents Lesser Jihad- Last resort/ must be agreed by a religious leader/ just cause Tawallah– be loving toward Muahmmed, Imams Holy War- Must be just, last resort, agreed by a religious leader Nahi Anil munkar-discouraging people from doing wrong Id Ul adha- visit the mosque, sacrifice and animal, give money Qiblah Wall- the wall in a mosque that contains the mihrab
How are Muslim beliefs different?
Islam Practices- Focus Sheet- Q3 Belief= Five Pillars Contrasting view Sunni-Follow the Five Pillars only, these are believed to be the only five key duties that are essential to Muslim life. In contrast, Shia Muslims follow the Ten Obligatory Acts which include the five pillars, expect Shahadah but also have other acts that Shia Muslims must follow e.g. Khums, Jihad, Tabarra and Tawallah. Belief- Salah Sunni- believe that the pray should be done at five separate times during the day. These times are based around sunrise and sunset. In Contrast, Shia Muslims combine the midday and afternoon prayer so they do their 5 prayer 3 times in a day. This is because they believe that this is how the Prophet Muhammed practised prayer. OR Sunni- When standing in Qiyam they recite their prayer with their hands crossed. In contrast, Shia Muslims do not stand with their hands crossed but have them by their side. Or Sunni- touch the floor with their forehead during prayer. This is a sign of their submission to God. In contrast, Shia Muslims touch their forehead to a stone as they believe this to be a more natural substance and therefore closer to Allah. Wudu Sunni- believe this to be an important part of preparing for prayer. It is believed to cleanse and purify before communicating with God. In contrast, Shia Muslims see this process as part of the prayer itself. It is a ritual to be thought as just as important as any other part of the prayer process. Sawm Some Muslims believe this period of fasting is about focussing on God. Taking away all worldly actions through the day i.e. food, water allows them to concentrate specifically on God. In contrast some other Muslims believe that feeling the hunger and thirst the poor feel is important. They will be inspired to give to those in need and help through charity work. Belief= Shahadah Sunni- Shahadah is one of the five pillars of Islam and Sunni Muslims state ‘There is no God but Allah and Muhammed is the Prophet of Allah’. In contrast, Shia Muslims do not include it in their 10 Obligatory Acts but where it is used in the faith they Add an extra phrase ‘ and Ali is the friend of God’ Zakah ( Giving alms) Sunni- Give 2.5% of their earnings to good causes such as charities, the poor and needy and mosque. In contrast Shia Muslims pay 20% of their surplus income and it should be split six ways : Allah, Muhammad, relatives of Muhammed, orphans, the needy, and anyone who is away from home with no money to return. Festivals Hajj Contrasting view on pilgrimage Some Muslims believe it is an opportunity for spiritual growth and deepens their faith. It should be done as many times as possible. It allows Muslims to lead that lives according to God’s will In contrast some Muslims would suggest it is not necessary to go that many times if you cannot afford it.. They would say that once in a life time is enough. Contrasting practice/belief about the Kaa’ba Some Muslims belief the stone used to build the Ka’aba was given to Adam by God to erase his sin and allow him a path to Heaven In contrast, other Muslims believe that the stone is a meteorite that has landed on earth from space. Id-Ul Adha Some Muslims, especially those doing Hajj will sacrifice a living animal to represent the sacrifice that Prophet Ibrahim was will to make with his son for God. In contrast, Muslims especially in countries where it is forbidden to slaughter an animal, will buy an animal from a slaughterhouse instead. As they do this they may give money to the poor instead. Ashura Sunni- refer to this day as the day of atonement. It is a day that remembers Moses and the Israelites who were freed from slavery. During this time Muslims will hold a day of fasting. In contrast, Shia Muslims use this day to remember the death of Husayn, son of Imam Ali. It is therefore a day of great sorrow and Shia Muslims will take part in public mourning, and may beat their back with chains in an attempt to connect to the sufferings of Husayn. Tabarra and Tawalla Shia Muslims believe that they must express love towards God and those associated with him and disassociate from those who oppose Allah. In contrast, Sunni Muslims believe this beliefs should be rejected as it cause divides between people and therefore conflict. Contrasting Views How are Muslim beliefs different? Jihad Some Muslims believe that the Greater Jihad is important as this looks at the spiritual journey that a Muslims has to take. It is about how an individual can best serve Allah, through daily prayer etc. In contrast, Muslims would suggest that the Lesser Jihad is important. This is because Muslims believe they must protect themselves and others against persecution. The protection of their faith. This outward struggle with external factors can be harder than trying to be a good Muslim. The Mosque Contrasting view on the mosque Some Muslims believe the mosque to be an important place to pray as it is Believed to be the house of Allah. The special prayers of Jummah take place here And so Muslims would say the mosque is an important aspect of worship. In contrast. Some Muslims believe the 5 daily prayers to be important. They believe They are one of the main pillars of Islam which therefore put importance on the Need for private prayer and communication with God. Contrasting view on the use of the mosque Some Muslims use it for further study of Islam/ Others use it to be part of their community, the social aspect.
What do Muslims believe and Why?
Islam Practices- Focus Sheet- Q4 Belief= Five Pillars/Ten Obligatory Acts Muslims believe the Five Pillars/Ten Obligatory are the foundations of Islam, just as pillars are just to support a building. This is because they are seen to be key to living a good life at the will of Allah. Muslims believe they help to give them an identity as one community. The pillars allows them to share their faith and be obedient to God as equals. ‘There is no God but Allah, and Muhammed is the Prophet’ Belief- Salah General Muslims believe it is important as they are communicating with God which gives them a greater awareness of God. They believe this because in the Quran they are commanded to pray as per God’s will. Muslims believe that the act of bowing and prostrating reminds them that God is greater. They believe this because during the process of bowing they feel they are submitting to God and that there is a sense that God is more important. This further serves to strengthen their faith. ‘Call on me and I will answer you’ Rak’ah Muslims believe it is important because they express their beliefs about God during these sequences. Muslims will recite ‘God is the Greatest’ which further confirms the supremacy of God as their creator. ‘Call on me and I will answer you’ Muslims also believe they are important as a part of Rak’ah is prostration. This is important as it shows their submission to Allah who they believe had the ultimate authority. Wudu Muslims believe this to be an important part of preparing for prayer. It is believed to cleanse and purify before communicating with God. Muslims believe that that the cleaning isn’t simply a physical cleanse but a spiritual one also. They believe that as God is so supreme and great that to prayer, worship and communicate while unclean would be disrespectful. The best way to pray is to be spiritual clean from sin. ‘when you are about to pray, wash your faces’ Sawm Muslims believe this period of fasting is about focussing on God. Taking away all worldly actions through the day i.e. food, water allows them to concentrate specifically on God. It is believed this builds a deeper spiritual connection with God at this time. ’any of you who is present that month should fast’ Muslims Sawm is important as it allows them to feel what it is like to go without. They believe that feeling the hunger and thirst the poor feel is important. They will be inspired to give to those in need and help through charity work. Belief= Shahadah Muslims believe it is important as it is a declaration of their faith. It sums up the core beliefs in Islam ‘There is no God but Allah, and Muhammed is the Prophet’ and shows their commitment to their faith. Muslims also believe that the declaration is important as it used to enter a person into the Muslim faith. It is the first words a baby hears when they are born and is included in daily prayers. Zakah ( Giving alms) Muslims believe that giving Zakah is the sign of a true Muslim. This I because the Quran commands that a Muslim give to those less fortunate. ‘God is well aware of whatever god you do’ Muslims believe the giving of Zakah allows Muslims to put God first. They learn through this giving not to be greedy and not to put materialistic things first. Hajj Muslims believe Hajj is important as it deepens their faith and it brings about a deep spiritual change that allows them to be a better person. This is because teachings in the Quran show them that it has a closer link to God. ‘Pilgrimage to the house is a duty’ Muslims also believe Hajj is important as it emphasises unity and equality. The clothing worn shows that there is no distinction between rich and poor etc. Everyone is equal on Hajj and only submits to one being. God. Festivals Id-Ul Adha Muslims believe this festival is important as it remembers the sacrifice that prophet Ibrahim was willing to make for God. Ibrahim was willing to sacrifice his son which shows to them that nothing is more important than following the command of God. Muslims also believe that it is important to give something to represent this sacrifice. This may be the sacrificing of an actual animal to give to the poor to eat or the donation of money. Id-Ul Fitr Muslims believe this is important as it marks the end of the fasting which is done to remember The Night of Power. This is important as it was the first revelation given to Mohammed by God. ‘The Night of Glory is better than a thousand months’ Muslims also believe it is important as it is a time to thank God for their blessing after their fast. They believe it important to thank God for his spiritual guidance and wisdom from the Quran. Ashura It is important as it is a day that remembers Moses and the Israelites who were freed from slavery. During this time Muslims will hold a day of fasting. It is referred to as the Day of Atonement. Shia Muslims use this day to remember the death of Husayn, son of Imam Ali. It is believed to be a day of great sorrow because of this and Muslims will show expressions of deep grief and sorrow on this day. Jihad Some Muslims believe that the Greater Jihad is important as this looks at the spiritual journey that a Muslims has to take. It is about how an individual can best serve Allah, through daily prayer etc. It is also important as it gives them set criteria when needing to use force to protect their faith. This allows them to use force fairly. Criteria such as it has to be declared by a fair leader, it cannot be used to convert Muslims, it must be for a just reason and it must be as a last resort help Muslims to Overcome outward struggles in the best way possible. ‘This is My path, leading straight, so follow it’ BELIEFS What do Muslims believe and Why? Amr bil-Maroof/ Anil-Munkar Muslims believe this is important because it promotes what is good and therefore helps them to avoid evil. This further aids them in their journey to be a better person and live their life according to the will of God. Muslims also believe that it allows them to make choices in life that are spiritually clean. For instance the use of haram and halal when deciding what do in relation to food, drugs and alcohol. Tawalla and Tabarra Shia Muslims believe it is compulsory to love those who believe in Allah. This love they show for others is symbolic of the love God shows for his creation. Shia Muslims also believe that it is important to disassociate from those who oppoe Allah. They believe that associating with those who oppose Allah would weaken their spiritual path. The Mosque Contrasting view on the mosque Some Muslims believe the mosque to be an important place to pray as it is Believed to be the house of Allah. The special prayers of Jummah take place here. ‘When the call to prayer is made on the day of congregation, hurry towards the reminder of God.’ And so Muslims would say the mosque is an important aspect of worship. Muslims also believe it an important place as Muslims are able to study their faith and the Quran further here. This allows them to become closer to God and Become a better person.
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