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3.2 km FODO lattice for 10 Hz operation (DMC4)

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1 3.2 km FODO lattice for 10 Hz operation (DMC4)
ILC Damping Rings Lattice Evaluation Meeting 3.2 km FODO lattice for 10 Hz operation (DMC4) Dou Wang, Jie Gao (IHEP) Tuesday, June 28, 2011

2 Main updates The momentum compaction is reduced.
Damping time is decreased according to 10 Hz repetition rate (storage time=100ms). 23 ms → 13.9 ms 60° 75° 90° MDC3(5Hz) 6.19×10-4 4.04×10-4 2.77×10-4 MDC4(10Hz) 4.17×10-4 3.31×10-4 2.11×10-4

3 Damping ring layout Arcs consist of a total of 166 FODO cells
11% radiation in arcs Straights are similar to 6 km DCO4 89% radiation in wigglers

4 90°arc cell Reduce p Shorten the arc cell to reduce the dispersion
DMC4 (10 Hz) DMC3 (5 Hz) Shorten the arc cell to reduce the dispersion Shorten the dipole length Reduce p

5 Major parameters of DMC4
Beam energy 5.0 GeV Circumference m RF frequency 650 MHz Transverse damping time 13.9 ms Natural bunch length 6 mm Natural energy spread 0.13% Phase advance per FODO cell 65° 75° 90° Momentum compaction factor 4.17×10-4 3.31×10-4 2.11×10-4 Normalized natural emittance 6.34 um 5.27 um 3.76 um RF voltage 24.48 MV 20.04 MV 14.07 MV RF acceptance 2.42% 2.26% 1.87% Synchrotron tune 0.047 0.037 0.024 Working point x/y 44.52/41.88 48.02/45.55 56.06/54.15 Natural chromaticity x/y -49.2/-48.1 -54.7/-53.5 -69.6/-67.7

6 Magnet parameters DMC4 (10Hz) DMC3(5Hz) DSB3 DCO4 Arc dipole length
Arc dipole field 0.26T 0.154T 0.26/0.36T 0.27 T Number of arc dipoles 344 128 200 Chicane dipole length 1.50 m 1.0 m Number of chicane dipoles 32 48 Quadrupole length 0.40 m 0.6/0.3 m 0.3 m Total number of quadrupoles 474 590 692 Maximum quadrupole gradient 10.9T/m 11.3T/m 7.5 T/m 12.0 T/m Wiggler peak field 1.7 T 1.6 T Wiggler period length 0.4 m Wiggler total length 142 m 98 m 78.4 m 215.6 m

7 summary Machine flexibility is kept with FODO lattice. The momentum compaction can be adjusted from 2.1×10-4 to 4.1×10-4. The damping time is reduced from 23ms to 13.9ms so that 10 Hz operation can be realized. The range of RF voltage for 10 Hz case (14.07MV~24.48MV) is similar, even smaller than 5 Hz case. The linear lattice for 10 Hz case satisfies all the principal requirements for the 3.2 km ring. The next work will be inserting sextupoles and check its dynamic aperture.

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