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Guadalupe Williams Pipeline Crossing, South of Victoria, TX

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1 Guadalupe River @ Williams Pipeline Crossing, South of Victoria, TX
Bank erosion is threatening pipeline integrity Co-designed by River Research & Design, Inc. & Submar, Inc. Contractor: Submar, Inc. Not a flashy stream, stays on the flood for months at a time Bed material: sand-silt-clay, not incised, rural. Pool-riffle-pool regime, slope < 1% Average width ft, ft tall banks “Based on the interagency publication, Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices, this introductory training covers: Stream corridor ecosystems and their components Ecological processes, structure & functions Characterization and analysis of stream corridors Development of a restoration plan Design, implementation, monitoring, and Integrated, iterative, adaptive, flexible approaches”.

“Based on the interagency publication, Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices, this introductory training covers: Stream corridor ecosystems and their components Ecological processes, structure & functions Characterization and analysis of stream corridors Development of a restoration plan Design, implementation, monitoring, and Integrated, iterative, adaptive, flexible approaches”.

3 Looking US at the exposed pipeline.
“Based on the interagency publication, Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices, this introductory training covers: Stream corridor ecosystems and their components Ecological processes, structure & functions Characterization and analysis of stream corridors Development of a restoration plan Design, implementation, monitoring, and Integrated, iterative, adaptive, flexible approaches”. PRE-PROJECT Guadalupe Williams Pipeline-derrick-Oct 1, 2004

4 Looking DS at the exposed pipeline.
“Based on the interagency publication, Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices, this introductory training covers: Stream corridor ecosystems and their components Ecological processes, structure & functions Characterization and analysis of stream corridors Development of a restoration plan Design, implementation, monitoring, and Integrated, iterative, adaptive, flexible approaches”. PRE-PROJECT Guadalupe Williams Pipeline-derrick-Oct 1, 2004

5 Flow

6 WILLOW PLANTING “Based on the interagency publication, Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices, this introductory training covers: Stream corridor ecosystems and their components Ecological processes, structure & functions Characterization and analysis of stream corridors Development of a restoration plan Design, implementation, monitoring, and Integrated, iterative, adaptive, flexible approaches”.

7 CONSTRUCTION-Guadalupe River @ Pipeline-John Lewis-July 2005
Very hot down in Victoria, TX {103 degrees}. This was the coldest day, it hit 112 degrees some days. We cut several hundred willows & soaked them for 10 days, then planted and watered them in (July-Aug time frame). CONSTRUCTION-Guadalupe Pipeline-John Lewis-July 2005

8 The constructed soaking pool for the willows.
CONSTRUCTION-Guadalupe Pipeline-Derrick – June 3, 2005

9 Live Siltation above LPSTP

10 Looking US. Prepping bank for willows.
CONSTRUCTION-Guadalupe Pipeline-John Lewis-July 2005

11 Looking down slope @ row of willows.
CONSTRUCTION-Guadalupe Pipeline-John Lewis-June 17, 2005

12 Looking US. Watering in Live Siltation willows
CONSTRUCTION-Guadalupe Pipeline-John Lewis-July 2005

13 Looking DS @ willows and stone protection.
CONSTRUCTION-Guadalupe Pipeline-John Lewis-June 17, 2005

14 High water. Looking down hill @ riprap & willows.
13 MONTHS LATER-Guadalupe River Mark Bordelon

“Based on the interagency publication, Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices, this introductory training covers: Stream corridor ecosystems and their components Ecological processes, structure & functions Characterization and analysis of stream corridors Development of a restoration plan Design, implementation, monitoring, and Integrated, iterative, adaptive, flexible approaches”.

16 From US project limits, looking DS.
“Based on the interagency publication, Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices, this introductory training covers: Stream corridor ecosystems and their components Ecological processes, structure & functions Characterization and analysis of stream corridors Development of a restoration plan Design, implementation, monitoring, and Integrated, iterative, adaptive, flexible approaches”. PRE-PROJECT Guadalupe Williams Pipeline-derrick-Oct 1, 2004

17 From US project limits, looking DS.
26 MONTHS LATER-Guadalupe Williams Pipeline-derrick

18 Looking DS at the exposed pipeline.
“Based on the interagency publication, Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices, this introductory training covers: Stream corridor ecosystems and their components Ecological processes, structure & functions Characterization and analysis of stream corridors Development of a restoration plan Design, implementation, monitoring, and Integrated, iterative, adaptive, flexible approaches”. PRE-PROJECT Guadalupe Williams Pipeline-derrick-Oct 1, 2004

19 Looking DS @ the protected pipeline.
26 MONTHS LATER-Guadalupe Williams Pipeline-derrick

20 Looking DS at the exposed pipeline.
“Based on the interagency publication, Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices, this introductory training covers: Stream corridor ecosystems and their components Ecological processes, structure & functions Characterization and analysis of stream corridors Development of a restoration plan Design, implementation, monitoring, and Integrated, iterative, adaptive, flexible approaches”. PRE-PROJECT Guadalupe Williams Pipeline-derrick-Oct 1, 2004

21 From top bank, looking across @ the protected pipeline.
26 MONTHS LATER-Guadalupe Williams Pipeline-derrick

22 Looking DS, good deposition on stone, dense willows.
26 MONTHS LATER-Guadalupe Williams Pipeline-derrick

23 Clean Fun in AR

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