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Egyptian Achievements

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1 Egyptian Achievements

2 Egyptian Writing Papyrus, a long-lasting paper-like material made from reeds. Papyrus was made by pressing layers of reeds together and pounding them into sheets.

3 Egyptian Writing- Hieroglyphics
Picture symbols represented sounds in the Egyptian language

4 The stone discusses laws and how to construct a temple. The Rosetta Stone On the stone, a passage was written in three different texts: Hieroglyphics, Greek, and a later form of Egyptian. Scholars then compared the Greek text to the hieroglyphics to decode what the text read. The stone weighs 1,676 pounds.

5 Have you ever heard of Rosetta Stone?
Today Rosetta Stone is a program to help people learn languages

6 Egyptian Architecture
Many temples have rows of stone sphinxes-imaginary creatures with the body of a lion and head of humans. Built to guard tombs. Luxor Temple with Human-headed sphinx

7 Egyptian Architecture
On either side of the temple’s gate might stand an obelisk-a tall four-sided pillar that is pointed on top.

8 Egyptian Art The Egyptians were masterful artists
The subjects of their paintings included historical events, crowning of kings, founding of temples, and major religious rituals

9 Egyptian Tools Tools were made from wood, bronze, and iron.
Tools used for woodwork and stonework included axes, saws, mallets and chisels. Farming required shovels, rakes, sickles, and axes.

10 Medicine Ancient Egyptians made numerous advancements in medicine. They made various types of toothpastes to help care for their teeth, learned how to set broken bones using splints and sew up wounds, and used compresses and bandages on open wounds.

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