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Miss Tebbs Mrs Styles Mrs Lynes Miss Gardner Mrs Jenkins

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Presentation on theme: "Miss Tebbs Mrs Styles Mrs Lynes Miss Gardner Mrs Jenkins"— Presentation transcript:

1 Miss Tebbs Mrs Styles Mrs Lynes Miss Gardner Mrs Jenkins
Welcome to… Miss Tebbs Mrs Styles Mrs Lynes Miss Gardner Mrs Jenkins Please can each parent sign in before leaving

2 Objectives To inform you of the year 3 curriculum. To inform you of the expectations for children in Y3 and KS2.

3 Routines 8.55am – school begins 3.15pm – school ends
Late procedures – After School Club Contact with teachers No afternoon playtimes in KS2 Playground rules before/after school Routines

4 Speak to us in the morning
Sickness School policy – children must stay at home for 48 hours after the last episode of a ‘bug’ General illness Speak to us in the morning

5 Uniform Full uniform to be worn at all times Winter uniform starts after October half term (please practise ties at home) Every item should be clearly named – even water bottles Hair must be tied back, no metal headbands Earrings should not be worn in school – children can’t take part in PE Full PE kits should be in school at all times (t-shirt, shorts, jumper, tracksuit bottoms and trainers) P.E for 3TS is Monday (indoor) and Wednesday (outdoor) Swimming will start in the Spring term (swimming caps, towel and costumes)

6 Equipment We will provide the children with stationery
Pencil cases can be brought in for afternoon lessons and break times Useful items: glue sticks, colouring pencils

7 Reading Regular reading in school with high level adult input
Comprehension is just as important as fluency Weekly follow-up homework (high standard expected) All folders due in on Mondays (except spellings)

8 English Daily English lessons (morning)
Weekly GHASP recapped in daily lessons Year 3 and 4 word list – common exception words Big write – writing stamina Presentation of work – expect high standard Weekly spelling test on Fridays (ensure books are in)

9 Maths Daily maths lessons (morning) Mental maths to begin each lesson
Using and applying skills – ‘real life maths’ Reasoning skills – tell me why/ how you know Times tables/ FAST MATHS (Friday) Mathletics / Times Table Rockstars (Wednesday)

10 FAST Maths Weekly whole class and group activities (Fridays)
Daily practice at home (5-10 minutes per day) Folders due in on Monday

11 Times Tables Weekly test (Fridays)
Daily practice at home (5-10 minutes per day) Times Tables Rockstars (TTR) Folders due in on Monday

12 Curriculum map This may change, so please visit the website for updated versions ulum

13 Trips and visits Term Trip Autumn Panto workshop Spring Kew Gardens
First Aid Training Swimming lessons Summer Hampton Court Synagogue

14 Weekly Homework Mathletics (if not completed in class) Spelling
Reading comprehension FAST maths / times tables folders sent home each week (for your review)

15 Inclusion Intervention within class
Intervention groups reviewed for each topic ELSA – emotional literacy and support Contact Mrs Jenkins (Inclusion leader)

16 Assessment Regular assessment – formal and informal in class
Series of steps and statements to match year 3 expectations Working towards expectations, working at expectations or working at greater depth Parents evening in the autumn and spring term

17 Roles and responsibilities
Classroom Management High expectations Whole class cubes Class dojo Superhero Super six House points Roles and responsibilities

18 For all children to be confident and happy learners who thrive in a fun, positive environment and develop good relationships and emotional skills. Our Aim

19 Key things to remember:
Mondays – Bring in PE kits, FAST Maths, Times Tables and Reading folders Fridays – Bring in Spelling books If you have any problems throughout the year, please do not hesitate to come and see us Reminder: use of social media. (Awareness of other children in photos) Key things to remember:

20 Useful websites Top marks (Hit the button) ICT games
Times Table Rockstars Spellzone Purple Mash BBC Bitesize (Dance Mat) Useful websites

21 Any more questions?

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