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BCH 471 Biochemistry of Blood

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1 BCH 471 Biochemistry of Blood
Nora Aljebrin Website: Office: Building 5 , 3rd floor, 304

2 Course Outline Lecture no. Topics
1-2 Blood; Its function, physical properties and composition: blood cells, plasma, serum, anticoagulants, blood parameters: CBC, red cell indices; hematocrite; erythrocyte sedimentation rate and its significance. 3 Blood plasma; its normal composition and variation in disease states 4-7 Plasma proteins: types (albumin, α1, α2, β1, β2, γ-globulins and fibrinogen); functions, biosynthesis; abnormalities, variation in different diseases; liver diseases, kidney diseases; multiple myeloma.

3 Course Outline Lecture no. Topics 8-10 11 12 13-15 16-17
Platelets; Blood coagulation pathways and homeostasis; disorders of blood clotting. Vitamin K deficiency; hemophilia 11 White blood cells, types, and structure, function and abnormalities; leukemia and other neoplasia. 12 Erythrocytes: structure and composition; erythrocyte membrane and cytoskeleton; advantage and disadvantage of anucleated cells 13-15 Hemoglobin: structure and function allosteric protein. O2 binding and effect of different factors on oxygen binding: cooperative effect bohr's effect; biosynthesis of hemoglobin and its requirements; types of hemoglobin; variation in hemoglobin types during development (ontogeny) 16-17 Red cell metabolism; glycolysis, pentose phosphate pathway; importance of glutathione; G6PDH deficiency and other enzyme deficiency and other enzyme deficiencies affecting red cell metabolism

4 Course Outline Lecture no. Topics 18-20
Erythrocyte hemolysis; heme degradation and bilirubin formation: conjugation and excretion of bilirubin; Jaundice and its types 21-22 Anaemias: definition and types. Acquired and genetic anaemias; iron deficiency anaemia; aplastic anaemia; sickle cell anaemia; thalassaemias; G-6-PD deficiency; polycythaemia 23-24 Blood formation: erythropoiesis; requirements; erythropoietin regulation; disorders of blood formation 25 Blood groups and blood transfusion; ABO, Rh, and duffy blood groups

5 Course Assessment Mid 1 14 marks Mid 2 14 marks Homework 2 marks
Midterm Exam dates Mid 1: 7/2/1441 Mid 2: 13/3/1441 Mid marks Mid marks Homework marks Lab marks Total marks Final marks

6 References Harpers illustrated biochemistry 25th edition. Robert K. Murray; Darly K. Granner; Victor W Rodwel Principles of Biochemistry: Mammalian Biochemistry 7th edition. Emil L. Smith, Robert L.HILL, I Robert Lehman, Robert J. Lefkowitz, Philip Handler, Abraham White. Basic Histology: Text and Atlas 11th edition. Luiz Carlos Juqueria, Jose Carneiro Tietz Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry Carl A. Burti, Edward R. Ashwood, David E. Bruns

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