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DIBBs Brown Dog Tutorial Setup

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1 DIBBs Brown Dog Tutorial Setup

2 Brown Dog Tutorials Part 1: Part 2:
We will use Brown Dog service hosted at NCSA How to use Brown Dog API with a python library Conversion, extraction, and combined examples Python coding Part 2: How to add a convertor to your own Brown Dog instance How to add an extractor to your own Brown Dog instance We will use Brown Dog VM (VirtualBox) provided

3 Brown Dog Sign Up To access Brown Dog you need to sign up
Go to and click Sign Up This account is for Brown Dog instance hosted at NCSA During the tutorial you will also use a personal Brown Dog instance hosted from within your VM.

4 Brown Dog Sign Up Fill out form Click Submit

5 Brown Dog Sign Up

6 Software Requirements for Part 1
Python 2.7.x Brown dog python library pip install browndog Text editor (e.g. notepad++ for windows)

7 How to Prepare Brown Dog VM with VirtualBox
Download OVA file (e.g. bd-tmux.ova) from In VirtualBox, Select “import appliance” under File menu Select the downloaded file and click “next” Then, click “import”

8 How to Connect to Brown Dog VM
Start bd-tmux VM in VirtualBox Username: bd-tmux Password: bd-tmux After VM is up, you can Login to the Guest VM directly OR SSH to the Brown Dog VM We recommend SSH method because you can have multiple sessions (e.g. one for monitoring the service, one for editing)

9 How to Connect to Brown Dog VM
Software required: Linux and MacOS: ssh, sftp/scp Windows: any ssh client (PUTTY, winscp, etc) for example: SmarTTY (ssh/scp client : You can use SSH to connect the VM Host: localhost Port: 9922 Username/password: bd-tmux/bd-tmux You can use SFTP/SCP to transfer files Brown Dog VM and your machine. SSH Example: > ssh –l bd-tmux –p 9922 localhost

10 How to Create a Shared folder
In VirtualBox, you can create a shared folder between host OS and guest OS. If you setup a shared folder: You don’t need to use scp/sftp to transfer file to VM You can edit files by using your editor on host machine for example, notepad++ to edit a python file in the shared folder on host OS, then execute the python file on guest OS

11 How to Create a Shared folder
Turn off Brown Dog VM In settings of Brown Dog VM, select “Shared Folders” Select “Machine Folders” and Click “add …” icon Select any folder you want to share under Folder Path Select “Auto-mount” and “Make Permanent” Click “OK” Start Brown Dog VM

12 How to Create a Shared Folder
Login to Brown Dog VM You can see your shared folder under: /media/sf_shared Make a symlink to a folder at your home for easy access with following command: ln –s /media/sf_shared ~/shared

13 Text Editors on VM Nano - Easy to use text editor (similar to notepad)
type nano <filename> in the command prompt Commands to save are in the editor terminal itself Vim vim <filename> For more details:

14 Linux commands ls: list all files in the current directory/folder
cd: change directory cd .. : Go up one directory pwd : present working directory ~/ : home directory (e.g. /home/bd-tmux in the VM) mkdir dir_name: create/make a new directory cp <file1> <directory>: copy a file to a directory cp -R <directory1> <directory2>: copy a directory to another directory cat <filename>: display the content of the file scp: (secure copy) scp -P 9922 <file1>

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