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Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

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Presentation on theme: "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Aug , 2019 Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day This presentation demonstrates the new capabilities of PowerPoint and it is best viewed in Slide Show. These slides are designed to give you great ideas for the presentations you’ll create in PowerPoint 2010! For more sample templates, click the File tab, and then on the New tab, click Sample Templates. Vocabulary of the Week

2 Scrunch 1 Define: (v) to press or squeeze together tightly; to squeeze a part of your body into a different shape. (OR) Make a loud crunching noise Example: On our hike, we heard crisp fall leaves scrunch under us as we walked in the forest. Ask: Give another example of something that you can scrunch.

3 scold 2 Define: (v) to speak in an angry or critical way to (someone who has done something wrong) Example: The mother scolded the boy for carelessly breaking the vase. Ask: Think of a time you were scolded by your parents

4 3 tack Define: (n) a small, sharp nail usually with a wide, flat head
Example: The posters were held on the wall by tacks. Ask: What is a synonym for tack?

5 Define: (n) a hole or space inside something OR
cavity 4 Define: (n) a hole or space inside something OR a hole formed in a tooth by decay Example: The chipmunk stored its nuts inside a cavity of a large oak tree. Ask: Give a super sentence using the other meaning of the word “cavity”

6 drain 5 Define: (v) to remove liquid from something by letting it flow away or out. OR (n) a pipe that carries away excess water Example: The drains in the streets prevented them from flooding. Ask: Where in your house might you find drains?

7 terrible 6 Define:  (adj.) Very unpleasant or of bad quality; very shocking or upsetting Example: The weather was so terrible, it made it hard to leave our house. Ask: Give an example of something you have experienced that was terrible and explain why it was so.

8 7 horrible Define: (adj.) causing horror; very shocking and upsetting
Example: The horrible accident was on the news last night. Ask: What synonyms can you think of for the word horrible?

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