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2 HOLY SPIRIT: His Person
IS THE HOLY SPIRIT PERSONAL? The Use of personal pronouns proves this, John 15:26; 16:13 Personal actions, works ascribed to him also prove this Searching, I Cor. 2:11 Judging, Acts 15:28 Hearing, John 16:13 Speaking, Acts 13:2 Willing, I Cor. 12:11 Teaching, John 14:26 Interceding, Rom. 8:27 Witnessing, John 15:26. 10/11/2019 Holy Spirit, Pt. 1

3 HOLY SPIRIT: His Person
IS THE HOLY SPIRIT PERSONAL? That there is a coordinate relation with the Father and the Son proves this. Baptismal formula, Matt. 28:19,20 Gifting and service, I Cor. 12:4-6 Benediction, II Cor. 13:13 See also Rev. 1:4. 10/11/2019 Holy Spirit, Pt. 1

Divine attributes are ascribed to the Holy Spirit. Eternity, Heb. 9:14 Omnipresence, Ps. 139:7 Omniscience, I Cor. 2:10 Omnipotence, I Cor. 12:4-6. 10/11/2019 Holy Spirit, Pt. 1

Divine Works are ascribed to the Holy Spirit Creation, Gen 1:2 Regeneration, John 6:63; Titus 3:5 Sanctification, I Peter 1:2 Preserving, Eph. 1:13; 4:30 Giving of gifts to the Church, I Cor. 12:3-11 Uniting the believer to Christ, I Cor. 12:13; Eph. 2:22 Adoption, Rom. 8:15 Resurrection, Rom. 8:10. 10/11/2019 Holy Spirit, Pt. 1

Divine names are ascribed to him Spirit of God, Gen. 1:2 Spirit of Yahweh, Judges 3:10 Holy Spirit, Isa. 63:10 Spirit of Christ, Rom. 8:9 Holy Spirit of God, Eph. 4:30. 10/11/2019 Holy Spirit, Pt. 1

7 HOLY SPIRIT: The Trinity
The Holy Spirit in Trinitarian relationship: “The third person, having no special name like ‘Father’ or ‘Son,’ is content with God’s generic name of ‘spirit.’ It is enough to be known as ‘bond of love.’ This does not mean the Spirit does not have a more specific profile, but only that we have not been told about it. Spirit is content to be thought of as the medium and fellowship of love. He delights in the loving relationships of the divine dance and exults in the self emptying love that binds Father and Son. He delights to introduce creatures to union with God, the dance of the Trinity and the sabbath play of new creation.” Clark Pinnock, Flame of Love, 39. 10/11/2019 Holy Spirit, Pt. 1

8 HOLY SPIRIT: His Work The Holy Spirit and Redemptive History
The outpouring of the Holy Spirit is decisive for the progress of redemptive history Life-giving is the work of the Spirit The distinctive work of the Holy Spirit is not to call attention to himself but to Jesus Christ The doctrine of the Spirit is woven into all other doctrines of Scripture. 10/11/2019 Holy Spirit, Pt. 1

9 HOLY SPIRIT: His Work The Holy Spirit continues the ministry of Jesus Christ and God the Father “Pentecost is Christ’s personal coming to the Church as the life-giving Spirit,” R.B.Gaffin The application of redemption is ultimately Trinitarian, WCF 8.5 The Lord Jesus, by His perfect obedience, and sacrifice of Himself, which he, through the eternal Spirit, once offered up unto God, hath fully satisfied the justice of His Father; and purchased not only reconciliation, but an everlasting inheritance in the kingdom of heaven, for all those whom the Father hath given unto Him. 10/11/2019 Holy Spirit, Pt. 1

10 HOLY SPIRIT: Pentecost
Acts 2 is the fulfillment of Joel 2 In the Old Testament, the Spirit was present, but in the background That which was preparatory has given place to that which is final and eternal There is a transition From provisional and symbolic to the real From bondservant to sonship From prophecy and ceremony to history. 10/11/2019 Holy Spirit, Pt. 1

11 HOLY SPIRIT: Pentecost
The Church of Jesus Christ is a Pentecostal Church This Pentecostal Church is the Church of the New Covenant In O.T. God related to his people by covenant After Pentecost, covenant continues to describe this relationship The newness is that of fulfillment, not substance Redemption is applied within the context of the covenant community, i.e., the Church. 10/11/2019 Holy Spirit, Pt. 1

12 HOLY SPIRIT: Pentecost
The Pentecostal Church is the Church of the Great Commission Background is the Abrahamic Covenant Abraham to be a blessing to the whole world, Gen. 12:3 Geographic expansion over the whole world Incorporation of non-Jews into the covenant Great Commission is fulfillment of promise Matt. 28:19,20 Acts 2:38,39 Gal. 3:14 Contrast: what God gave in OT, and how much more he gives now. 10/11/2019 Holy Spirit, Pt. 1

13 HOLY SPIRIT: Work of the Spirit
Regeneration, John 3:5; Titus 3:5 Assurance, Rom. 8:16  Justification, I Cor. 6:11 Adoption, Gal. 4:4-6; Rom. 8:15 Sanctification, II Thess. 2:13; Rom. 15:16; I Peter 1:2 Conversion Repentance: Acts 11:15, 18 Faith: I Cor. 2:9, 12; 12:3 Good works, Gal. 5:22-23 Perseverance, Eph. 4:30; 1:13-14; II Cor. 1:22; 5:5. 10/11/2019 Holy Spirit, Pt. 1

14 HOLY SPIRIT: Gifts of the Spirit
Charisma, A gift, favor freely bestowed Lists (20 listed), I Cor. 12, Rom. 12 Includes “extraordinary gifts” Includes less spectacular gifts Helps, Teaching, Encouraging Purpose- Believers: to edify, to build up Non-believers: to evangelize Gifts are generally associated with periods of great revelatory activity: Patriarchs, Exodus, Judges, Prophets, Incarnation, Resurrection. 10/11/2019 Holy Spirit, Pt. 1

15 HOLY SPIRIT: Fruit of the Spirit
The Fruit (karpos) of the Spirit is related to the Gifts of the Spirit Many gifts, one fruit (albeit, a “cluster” is the best image) The Fruit of the Spirit is the antithesis of “works of the flesh” Gal. 5:16,19-21 Fruit implies growth There is a ripening, or maturing process that occurs through time-not climactic, as in a “second blessing” model. 10/11/2019 Holy Spirit, Pt. 1

16 HOLY SPIRIT: Fruit of the Spirit
The first three deal with basic dispositions toward man and God Love (for God and man), agape, Rom. 13:10, I Cor. 13 Joy, chara, I Pet. 1:8; Neh. 8:10 Peace, eirene, Phil. 4:7, Rom. 5:1. The second three deal with relations to others Patience, makrothumia, (long-suffering), Eph. 4:2; Col. 1:11 Kindness, chrestotes, I Cor. 13:4, Eph. 2:7 Goodness, agathosune, Rom. 15:14; Eph. 5:9 The third three relate to ourselves Faithfulness, pistis, Matt. 23:23; Rom. 3:3; Titus 2:10 Gentleness, prautes, II Cor. 10:1; Eph. 4:2, II Tim. 2:25 Self-control, egkrateia, Acts 24:25; II Peter 1:6. 10/11/2019 Holy Spirit, Pt. 1

17 HOLY SPIRIT: Baptism w/the Spirit
Gospels: Matt. 3:11, Mark 1:8, Luke 3:16, John 1:33= Pentecost Acts 1:5, “will be baptized” = Pentecost Acts 11:16, bestowal of H.S. at conversion I Cor. 12:13, baptized “with one Spirit” Four Elements in all these baptisms The baptizer is Jesus Christ The baptized= believers The “element” into which baptized is H.S. The Purpose of baptism= empowering to serve. 10/11/2019 Holy Spirit, Pt. 1


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