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01 September, 2019 Presented by CNAP/CNAL N40
Defense Readiness Reporting System – Strategic (DRRS-S) Navy SORTS Input Tool (NSIT) 01 September, 2019 Presented by CNAP/CNAL N40
What is SORTS? SORTS = Status of Resources and Training System
All services are required to report SORTS data as per CJCSI B (Joint Staff Force Readiness Reporting Instruction) SORTS is based on a unit’s ability to perform wartime missions based on the availability of resources (P, E, S, T, O). SORTS consists of multiple data sets Header information Unit ID Elements (BIDE) Organization and Location data (ORGLOCN) Unit Readiness Sets (C levels) Readiness (OVALL) Ordnance (ORDNA) Chem-Bio Defense (CBDRT) Personnel Strength Set
Summary of Reporting Changes
DRRS-N uses the OARS page to report SORTS Only limited data sets are reported OARS is submitted with the single submit button Comments and other data is auto-populated by DRRS-N DRRS-S uses the NSIT to report SORTS More exposure to all SORTS data Must report more data sets NSIT has its own submit button separate from the DRRS-S submission Just cover what is shown on the slide.
Access the NSIT Page Access the NSIT page from the ESORTS menu tab
Just cover what is shown on the slide. Access the NSIT page from the ESORTS menu tab You will see an option to continue with your previous draft. Selecting Continue allows the current report to be loaded. Selecting Discard loads the last approved SORTS report for the unit
Summary of Reporting Changes
The NSIT will display all the data sets that the unit is responsible for updating. The following slides will describe each of the data sets that units are required to update and provide policy guidance on what units should report. Note: A software change on 30 June 2019 added the following functions - Changed the reason codes to a single letter code - Added the C6 resource level - Added and “N/A” option and comments to the CHEM-BIO section Just cover what is shown on the slide.
Activity / Deployment Codes Activity/Deploy Activity Category Activity Code Deployed Status Other 27 DEPLOY Deployed 1 NOT DEPLOYED, ASSIGNED TO 2ND , 3RD, OR 4TH FLEETS Activity Category Use the pull down menu to select the Activity Category that best describes your current employment. Normally squadrons will select codes from Category 16 (Air Training) or Category 20 (Operations). Activity Code Select the Activity Code from the categories mentioned above that best describes your current employment. When a unit deploys, they shall report the Category 27 Other Activity Code “Deploy” until the unit returns from deployment. Deployment Status Select the appropriate deployment status from the pull down menu. Source for Activity Codes: NTRP (Navy DRRS-N reporting Manual) Just cover what is shown on the slide. 6
C - Levels > > Squadrons/detachments report “N/A” 7
Remarks box (Required for less than C1) Overall Calculated Current Worst C Level below will determine the overall C Level. The unit can override the calculated C Level but must explain in remarks. C level override changes to the reason code to “X”. C3 > C3 Projected Rate Projected Date C2 > REASN: 06/24/2020 P Personnel C1 C2 C3 C4 C6 PERSONNEL - OTHER P C -Levels must be consistent with the DRRS-S Commander’s assessments. If reporting less than C1, the following reason codes will display by default Personnel - P Equipment - R Supply - S Training – T C6 – not used by aviation at this time Equipment C1 C2 C3 C4 C6 EQUIPMENT - OTHER R Supply C1 C2 C3 C4 C6 SUPPLY - OTHER S Just cover what is shown on the slide. Training C1 C2 C3 C4 C6 TRAINING - OTHER T Ordnance Squadrons/detachments report “N/A” C1 C2 C3 C4 N/A 7
C - Levels Condition Ratings are single digit ratings from 1 through 5. While the NMET and capability portions of the DRRS-S assessment are specific to each capability, the five Category rating levels represent overall unit resource conditions across all capabilities. However, reported Condition Ratings should present a readiness picture that is consistent with the DRRS-S Commander’s assessment. Report Condition Ratings for each resource area using the following criteria: C1 – Unit is resourced/trained to undertake the full wartime mission for which it was designed or organized as defined in ROC/POE. (No vulnerability or adverse impacts to flexibility.) C2 – Unit is resourced/trained to undertake most wartime missions for which it was designed or organized as defined in ROC/POE. Unit would require little, if any, compensation for deficiencies. (Isolated decreases in flexibility but no increase in vulnerability under most operational scenarios.) C3 – Unit is resourced/trained to undertake many, but not all, portions of the wartime missions for which it was designed or organized as defined in ROC/POE. Unit would require significant compensation for deficiencies. (Significantly decreased flexibility and increased vulnerability under many, but not all, envisioned scenarios.) C4 – Unit requires additional resources or training to undertake its wartime missions, but may be directed to undertake portions of its wartime mission with resources on hand. C5 – Unit is in a scheduled or planned period of operational unavailability (not resourced/trained) and is not prepared to undertake the wartime mission for which it was designed or organized. C6 – Only used when a resource area is not measured – this is currently not used by aviation units. Note: Squadrons and detachments shall only report C5 when in transition or when directed by their TYCOM
Percent Effective (PCTEF)
Remarks Percent Effective 2 PCTEF Defined: PCTEF is a mandatory field that describes the unit’s ability to perform the currently assigned mission (e.g., completion of FRTP phase training, a named exercise or a limited employment (Disaster Relief, etc)). Use PCTEF to assess unit readiness to complete that mission, not the high-end MCO mission. Unit commanders shall update DRRS-S when a change to primary assigned mission occurs (e.g., ASW to Counter-piracy). PCTEF Numbers: Unit possesses the required resources, is trained, and is in position or has the necessary mobility to undertake the mission it has currently been assigned Unit possesses the resources, is trained, and is in position or has the necessary mobility to undertake most of the mission it has currently been assigned. Unit possesses the resources, is trained, and is in position or has the necessary mobility to undertake many portions, but not all; of the mission it has currently been assigned. Unit requires additional resources and/or training or needs mobility assistance to undertake the mission it has currently been assigned. PCTEF Remarks The remarks should briefly describe the currently assigned mission and articulate the reason why the unit selected the given PCTEF number. Note: PCTEF is reported as N/A for units reporting C5 Just cover what is shown on the slide. 9
Present Location 10 Present Location
Not Embarked deg min sec N/S deg min sec E/W PRGEO NAME TYPCOD LAT: LONG: Present Location Embarked UIC ANAME PRGEO LAT LONG NAME TYCOD N21412 CVN 73 GEORGE WASHINGTON SNBB N W NORFOLK VA DEP Present Location When not embarked - Report either the LAT/LONG or PRGEO code of your homeport. When entering the PRGEO Code, DRRS-S will automatically populate the LAT/LONG associated with the code. When Embarked – Report the UIC of the ship on which your unit is embarked. Use this for deployments and major exercises. When entering the ship’s UIC, DRRS-S will automatically populate the ship’s name, location and Type Code. Just cover what is shown on the slide. 10
NSIT Geo-location Codes (PRGEO)
LAT LONG PRGEO Code TYPCOD NAS Oceana, VA N W SFPH MAP NS Norfolk, VA N W SBDW NAS Jacksonville, FL N W LSGE NS Mayport, FL N W PPSB NAS Key West, FL N W MDWY JB McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, NJ N W PTFM ADM Joint Base Andrews, MD N W AJXL JRB New Orleans, LA N W RQNA JRB Fort Worth, TX N W DDPF Tinker AFB, OK N W WWYK NAS Fallon, NV N W GLRZ NAS Point Mugu, CA N W TKXA NAS Whidbey Island, WA N W WHAH NYI NAS Lemoore, CA N W NCBW NAS North Island, CA N W RZMK AMO NAF China Lake, CA N W CHAZ MCAS Kaneohe Bay, HI N W LYAX Capodichino Airport, Italy N E RGKE IAP Bahrain INTL Airport N E ATXK Anderson AFB, Guam N E AJLD Atsugi NAF, Japan N E AQWF STG Iwakuni MCAF, Japan N E LRFW Pohang, Republic of Korea N E TKEA Misawa AB, Japan N E QKKA
Chem-bio Defense and Training (CBDRT)
Remarks box, required for less than C1 CHEM BIO Defense Current Rate Current Reason Supply Rate Supply Reason N/A “N/A” not used by aviation C YZZ – Other- Other C2 SUPPLY OTHER S Projected Rate Projected Date Training Rate Training Reason C /24/ C2 TRAINING OTHER T CHEM-BIO: Units must provide an overall assessment of their CBD Equipment/Supply status based on their possessed requirement as outlined in the appropriate Allowance Equipage List (AEL) or Table of Allowance (TOA). Supply C Level Training C Level Report C1-C4 per the CBD Supply/Equipment table Report C1-C4 per the CBD training table below below. When reporting C2-C4, the Supply reason code When reporting C2-C4, the default reason code will default will default to “S” to “T” Does the unit possess an AEL or TOA for CBD equipment? Has the unit been issued CBD equipment? Supply C Level Yes No C4 C1-C4 Just cover what is shown on the slide. Does the unit possess a TYCOM CBD Training Matrix? Has the unit been trained on CBD equipment? Training C Level Yes No C4 C1-C4 12
Personnel Strength 13 Type Location Structured/Authorized (BA)
+ Add Type Location Structured (BA) Authorized (BA) Assigned Possessed (COB) X NC USN COMMISSIONED OFFICER PEGEO SBDW PEGEO NE USN ENLISTED SBDW X Type Report NC (Officers) and NE (Enlisted) as applicable. Add a new Personnel sets for each personnel type as required. Reserve squadrons report Full Time Support (FTS) officers under the NC Type, FTS enlisted under the NE type, Selected Reserve (SELRES) officers under the RC Type, and SELRES enlisted under the RE type. Location When embarked, select “Embarked” and enter the UIC of the unit where the type personnel group is embarked. When not embarked, select “PEGEO” and enter the 4-digit PEGEO code that shows the location where the type personnel are located. PEGEO codes are the same as PRGEO codes. Structured/Authorized (BA) Report Billets Authorized (BA) from your Activity Manning Document (AMD). Assigned Squadrons (Report COB), Detachments leave blank) Possessed (COB) Report the number of personnel in that type that are currently on board the unit Just cover what is shown on the slide. 13
Preview the SORTS Data Prior to submitting the SORTS data, you will have the ability to preview the entire SORTS report. Select the “Preview” button Print function will print the preview view of the SORTS report for CO review.
Preview the SORTS Data Header data Basic unit identity data
Organization and location data Readiness data Personnel data Chem-Bio data Ordnance (not displayed for squadrons)
Points of Contact CDR Dave “Lanezies” Lane DRRS-N Program Manager
Mr. Tim “Spock” Leonard SHARP PM Contractor Training & Policy Support CNAL Support Mr. Chris Soler Mr. John Bryson CNAP Support Mr. Derek Teachout Mr. Dan Raphael DRRS-S Account servicing & Technical Support Navy Readiness Support Center (NRSC) U.S. Fleet Forces
SORTS Data Sets Commonly used data fields Header Data Field
Description Source SECUR Security Classification of the data set System defined (S – Secret) RICDA As of date System defined Time/Date Time and date of last update Header Data Field Description Source Date Prepared Date of assessment System defined Last Changed Date Date of Last Update Report Type OVALL/CBDRT/ORDNA System define UIC Unit ID Code GFM Unit Name UTC Unit Type Code Country/State Code Present Location (state or country) PRGEO code Present Location Present Location (State) PRGEO Code
SORTS Data Sets BIDE (Basic Idenity Elements) Data Field Description
Source UIC Unit Identification Code GFM BUPDATE Date of the last record update for the UIC System defined ANAME Abbreviated Name LNAME Long unit name SCLAS Security Classification S - Secret C - Confidential U - Unclassified UTC Unit Type Code ULC Unit Level Code GFM - USS (US Ship), SQ (Squadron), DET (Detachment) UDC Unit Descriptor Code MAJCOM Major command Code (ADCON) USFF N00060 – USFF N00070 – CPF N CNAFR MAJOR Major Unit Indicator Y- Yes N - No REVAL Registration Validity Code X – Active Component R- Reserve Component COAFF Country of affiliation US – United States
SORTS Data Sets ORGLOCN (Organization and Location) Data Field
Description Source CSERV Combatant Commander or Service Code GFM N - Navy ACTIV Activity Code User defined using activity codes in DRRS-S PUIC Parent UIC Not used by Navy CBCOM Combined Command Code OPCON Operational Control USFF N00060 – USFF N00070 – CPF N CNAFR ADCON Administrative Control HOGEO Home Location Code System defined PRGEO Present Geographical Location User defined LAT/LOG GEOLOC Code Embarked UIC UIC when embarked DFCON Defense Condition Not used by Navy units FLAG Organic Unit Established N (No) for Navy units PCTEF Percent Effective Deploy Deployment Status
SORTS Data Sets Unit Ready Status and C Levels (Used for OVALL, CBDRT and ORDNA Sets) Data Field Description Source TREAD Type of Report System Defined OVALL for readiness, CBDRT for CHEM-BIO, ORDNA for ordnance READY Current Overall Category Level User Defined - Overall C-level REASN Primary Reason Code identifying the resource that drives the overall C level to C2-C5 User defined P-Personnel S-Supply R-Equipment T-Training X-Commander override SECREN Secondary Reason Code Not used TERRN Tertiary Reason Code CARAT Forecasted Category Level CADAT Forecasted date of change LIM Category level limitation Not used by aviation RLIM Reason for category limitation Category Resource Category System defined Rating C-Level Reason Code Three digit reason code when reporting C2-C5 See USFF guidance for standard codes P – Personnel R – Equipment S – Supply T - Training Explanation Reason code description See USFF guidance for code descriptions Remarks CO Comments segmented by resource type ERRAT – Equipment ESRAT – Supply PRRA – Personnel READY – Overall TRRAT - Training
SORTS Data Sets Personnel Data Field Description Source PRRAT
C Level for Personnel User defined PRRES Primary Reason Code for not C-1 See USFF guidance for reason codes TPERS Type of Personnel NC-Navy Commissioned NE- Navy Enlisted NW-Navy Warrant RC-Reserve Commissioned RE-Reserve Enlisted PEGEO Personnel Geographic Location Code User defined from the list in DRRS-S PICDA Date of Change of Personnel Data System defined STRUC Structured Strength Report Billets Authorized (BA) AUTH Authorized Strength ASGD Assigned Strength Not used POSTR Possessed Strength Report Current Onboard (COB) DEPS Deployable Strength TDEPS Tasked Deployable Strength
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