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Unit 7 World War II WWII in America

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1 Unit 7 World War II WWII in America

2 Bell Ringer In World War I, what steps did the country take at home for the war effort?

3 1st peacetime draft in American history
Selective Service Act 1st peacetime draft in American history After attack on Pearl Harbor over 60,000 men volunteered USA have to fight a 2 front war!!!! Need MEN!!!!LOTS!!!!!!!!

4 Army grew 1.4 million to 3 million Navy 300,000 to 600,000 Marines 54,000 to 150,000 All ethnic & racial backgrounds joined 300,000 Mexican Americans 25,000 Native Americans (Navajo) 1 million African Americans 350,000 Women

5 Mobilization The US began to mobilize its troops and economy
Changing industries to war industries 1st time no cars were made during war instead tanks planes Training camps sprang up everywhere Shortages of weapons led to training with wooden guns GI’s given 8 weeks of training and then off to war This was different than WWI…… had to clothe, feed, arm itself and transport to distant areas (Britain to Asia)

6 We have supplies!!!! The hardest part of the war was getting the supplies to Europe Why? German U-boats (subs) Attacking everything and sinking it

7 War Production Board Oversaw the conversion of peacetime to war time industry organized scrap drives for paper, rags, cooking fat, tin, rubber Japan controlled rubber production areas How do we pay for the war? War Bonds National speed limit reduced and gas rationed

8 Office of price Administration
Authority to control wages and set max prices Rationing was used in WWII Meatless Monday Wheatless Wednesday Ration books Victory Gardens Gas Rationing Hoarding was seen as bad People bought billions of dollars in bonds which will be redeemed after the war and aid the economy; no depression after the war

9 Office of war information
Worked w/ Media to encourage support of the war effort Newsreels Posters Pamphlets Airdrops Dropping notes on the enemy “Use it up, wear it out, make it do and do without”


11 United service organization (USO)
Mission to support the troops by providing morale, recreation and live entertainment to USA troops and families.

12 Women in the War Women worked in factories and took the place of men other places just like in WWI Some entered the war effort Those who entered the workforce were nicknamed Rosie the Riveter Women in the war: radio operators, record keepers, nurses Woman’s Army Corps (WAC) Allow women to official help in war WAVES, WAFS (Ferry Service) Didn’t receive military benefits

13 Women in the war Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs)
Trained pilots who tested aircraft, ferried aircraft and trained other pilots. Purpose was to free male pilots for combat roles during World War II.

14 African Americans Began to move north to the factories again just like in WWI called Northern Migration This time though, they ran into racial violence

15 Summer 1943 Increase of racial violence Worst Detroit, Michigan
Mass migration of African Americans to North caused major housing shortage, whites had to share bathrooms and work spaces….. 100,000 ppl broke into fight at a city park…lasted 36 hours 34 ppl killed 9 whites 25 African Americans 1,800 ppl arrested (mainly African Americans) Federal troops had to come in to end the riot

16 Time for change!!!!! African Americans still face discrimination in workforce 100,000 ppl in aircraft industry only 240 African Americans Double V Campaign Slogan “Victory against fascism abroad and victory against discrimination at home” Major leader: A. Philip Randolph FDR wanted to focus on War not Civil Rights Pass Executive order 8802 Fair hiring practices in any job FUNDED W/ GOV’T $$$$ Est. Fair Employment Practice Comm. to enforce req. Encourage African Americans to join groups like NAACP and CORE (congress of Racial Equality)

17 Tuskegee Airmen first black military aviators in the U.S. Army Air Corps  Trained at the Tuskegee Army Air Field in Alabama flew more than 15,000 individual missions in Europe and North Africa during World War II earned more than 150 Distinguished Flying Crosses helped encourage the eventual integration of the U.S. armed forces.

18 Many ppl leaving rural areas limited ### ppl to work on farms
USA partnered with Mexico created bracero program Brought labors from Mexico to USA farms Helped war effort as well

19 Japanese Internment Camps
Like the Germans of WWI, many feared the Japanese living in America after Pearl Harbor Over 100,000 were rounded up and put into internment camps: prison camps for possible threats to national security Camps had armed guards and barbed wire


21 The use of the camps were challenged in the case Korematsu v. US, 1944
The Supreme Court said interment camps were legal during war Passed Executive order 9066 Some claimed it violated the 5th Amendment: Due Process Ironically, Hawaii which had many Japanese, were not rounded up Some Germans and Italians were also put into camps In 1988, George Bush apologized and made reparations to the families

22 Navajo “Code Talkers” bilingual speakers recruited during World War II by the US Marine Corps to serve in Pacific Theater

23 Exit Ticket What was the U.S attitude towards Japanese Americans during the war?

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