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SFL-TAP course options:

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1 SFL-TAP course options:
Inclement Weather SFL-TAP course options: Due to Inclement Weather this class is unable to be completed. In order to receive credit for this class, complete one of the three options below: OPTION 1. Completing the SFL-TAP course via JKO: a.) Step 1: Login to JKO Learning Content Management System (LCMS). Go to & click “OK” on the DoD Warning Banner. Under “Login Options” click “Login with CAC” & select your current CAC certificate in the “Select Certificate” popup box & click “Ok.” Non-CAC users follow instructions provided on the login page to submit an account request to the JKO Help Desk. b.) Step 2: Select the course. Find the courses in JKO by clicking “Course Catalog” at the top of the LCMS page. Search for Transition GPS course(s) by using the search field above column “Course Number.” In the “Prefix” box scroll to “TGPS.” in the “Course Number” block type “US004.” The title will read “TGPS DOL Employment Workshop.” c.) Enroll in the Course. You MUST bring a printed certificate to the SFL-TAP counselor in order to receive full credit for completing the DOL course. OPTION 2: Complete via SFL-TAP Virtual Center ( ) a.) Step 1: Go to b.) Step 2: Register for an account. In the middle of the screen you will see “Click here to register” for an account. c.) Step 3: Download required software. Click on “here to download” required software. d.) Step 4: Schedule the courses. Click “here for Virtual Seminar Calendar.” OPTION 3: Complete the three day DOL Employment Workshop again from the beginning (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday class days). a.) Visit the SFL-TAP front desk (Soldier Support Center, Wing C) in order to schedule the dates for the DOL workshop course. b.) Call the SFL-TAP front desk to reschedule your DOL workshop course at (910) or / /

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