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The Society of Women Engineers

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1 The Society of Women Engineers
Outreach Meeting: Blankets

2 Who and What SWE Is Sectional Membership National Membership
“Stimulate women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life, demonstrate the value of diversity.” Sectional Membership National Membership Collegiate fee ($20) C2C ($50)

3 Open Positions Social Media Chair Programs Committee
Attend executive meetings upon request of the executive board. Organize the Facebook, Instagram, and UT SWE Twitter accounts Post on each social media account at least once per week/2 weeks Post about meeting information, and members in SWE Upload any pictures to the Google Drive Programs Committee Attend executive meetings upon request of the executive board. Help plan SWE general meetings. Help make sure that all materials/ food for each meeting is bought/ organized. Assist in planning at least two professional meetings each semester. Input ideas for meeting themes.

4 Kokosing Construction Company: Information Session
Thursday September 20, 2018 6pm – 7:45pm NE Room 1022 Looking for SWE members who are Civil CET majors

5 Haloweenegineering Thursday October 25th (evening)
Activity/ Game for Kids Pass Out Candy Looking for volunteers to run the event and/or come up with the activity!

6 Career Panel Tuesday October 30th at 6pm
Open to ANY engineering students Engineer’s with different backgrounds and different companies Here to answer your questions Good way to professional network

7 Follow Us on Social Media
Facebook : UT Society of Women Engineers Instagram : utoledo_swe Twitter

8 Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 2nd, 6:00pm



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