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Ebenezer Baptist Church

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Presentation on theme: "Ebenezer Baptist Church"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ebenezer Baptist Church
Charting The Course Ebenezer Baptist Church

2 Our Work God’s Work Revitalization Refreshing and Renewal Revival
Awakening Reformation



5 The Course is determined by Vision.
Make disciples of the 97,000 people who are within a 15 mile radius of our church, utilizing partnerships when necessary, desiring that all will be committed to a Bibliocentric, Christocentric local church.

6 Ebenezer paradigm for our Vision…. REACH.GROW.SERVE.WORSHIP

7 The Course is determined by Momentum
The inertia that a moving object builds up. Momentum is fueled by preparation, perspiration, and perseverance.

8 Momentum can be stalled by discouragement, failure, lack of focus, ungratefulness, inattention and the ever present skunkers.

9 The Course is determined by Christ’s Finished Work and the Holy Spirit’s Continuing Work (Eph. 4:7-11a) Finished Work (Jn. 19:28-30) Ongoing Work (Jn. 16:7-11; I Cor. 12; I Jn. 2:27) Completing Work (Phil. 1:6)

10 Leadership roles and gifting as well as gifting for all for the work of the ministry. (Eph. 4:11-16)
What purpose? Equip and Perfect, Unify and Mature. What are the Results? (Eph. 4:17-32)

11 The Course is determined by the Faithfulness of God’s people (His Church) carrying out the vision as a result. (Matt. 25:14-30)

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