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Year 2 Summer 2 Lights, Camera, Action!

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1 Year 2 Summer 2 Lights, Camera, Action!
Science Humans-Notice how humans have off spring which grow into adults. Looking at each stage of the human life cycle. In groups create large models of each stage of the life cycle. Write an information guide for each stage. Include, physical, sensory, and ability changes. Discuss and record how these happen (nature or nurture?) Consider if you are older are you taller or stronger? Investigation- Who can run the fastest the tallest or the oldest child in the class? English Listen to a variety of texts, discussing and expressing views. Understand the difference between non-fiction and fiction texts and know the features of each. Ask and answer inference questions about books there have read themselves and books they have had read to them. Apply the correct spelling of the common exception words . Continue to improve handwriting. To achieve a pen licence. Using the class text. Develop stamina for writing correctly formed sentences which include.. Expanded noun phrases, adverbs, fronted adverbials, different sentence types and use the correct tense. Text to use-Play script, The great Globetrotting game. Big writes A character description Change a script scene into a narrative An advert for the performance A review of the play. Non-fiction- Geography- travel guide Science- Investigation write up. Maths Continue Following Powermaths. Revisit core skills. Multiplication and division. Calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division and write them using the multiplication (x), division (➗) and equals (=) signs. Solve problems involving multiplication and division. Statistics. Interpret and construct simple pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams and simple tables. Ask and answer simple questions Ask and answer questions about totalling and comparing categorical data. Measuring length and height. Choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure length/height in any direction. Compare and order measurements. Add and subtract measurements. Order and arrange shapes in sequences and patterns. Fractions Recognise and understand fractions of shapes and quantities. Year 2 Summer 2 Lights, Camera, Action! Geography Show understanding of the key geographical skills learned. Locational knowledge, place knowledge and human and physical features Link and apply geographical knowledge to produce an travel guide about the places visited in The Great Globe Trotting Game. Travel guide to include- Location in the world in relation to the equator ( using compass directions) The continents and ocean needed to cross to get there from the U.K The contrasting physical features between them. Distinctive human features of each. Use aerial maps to collate information Art and DT Develop a wide range of art and design techniques . Using sketching technique to draw the globe theatre. RE-Staffordshire Agreed syllabus. Values and commitments-1.6a. 1.6b, 1.6c Computing- E-safety, Using and applying taught skills. Control a mouse to create different effects. Compare skills needed to reproduce different styles of art. Create a presentation including art, images and text. Retrieve edit and organise work. Create precise instructions to get a character to move to different globe trotting countries. History Learn about historical changes within living memory. Discussing and learning about how their home life has changed . This should include- family members, What technological changes- how has this helped the family? What did people do before mobile phones and ? Who invented the home computer? PSHE Following the Jigsaw programme. Changing me. P.E-Games and Swimming Use space when passing and receiving a ball. Use space when throwing and catching in a game. To know how to make or deny space when attacking or defending in a game. To use and apply these skills in a game. To follow the rules of a game of matball or bench ball.

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