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Ram Dantu University of North Texas,

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Presentation on theme: "Ram Dantu University of North Texas,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ram Dantu University of North Texas,
Practical Networking Ram Dantu University of North Texas,

2 Agenda Nuts and Bolts of Internet Access, Edge, and Core Networks
LAN Design End-user Protocols, Services and QoS Edge and Core Networks Performance Bandwidth and Delay Security

3 Performance

4 Different Types of Links
Sometimes you install your own!

5 Bigger Pipes! Sometimes leased from the phone company
STS: Synchronous Transport Signal

6 Delay in packet-switched networks
packets experience delay on end-to-end path four sources of delay at each hop nodal processing: check bit errors determine output link queueing time waiting at output link for transmission depends on congestion level of router A B propagation transmission nodal processing queueing

7 Delay in packet-switched networks
Transmission delay: R=link bandwidth (bps) L=packet length (bits) time to send bits into link = L/R Propagation delay: d = length of physical link s = propagation speed in medium (~2x108 m/sec) propagation delay = d/s Note: s and R are very different quantitites! A B propagation transmission nodal processing queueing

8 Performance Bandwidth (throughput)
Amount of data that can be transmitted per time unit Example: 10Mbps link versus end-to-end Notation KB = bytes Mbps = bits per second

9 Time it takes to send message from point A to point B
Latency (delay) Time it takes to send message from point A to point B Example: 24 milliseconds (ms) Sometimes interested in in round-trip time (RTT) Components of latency Latency = Propagation + Transmit + Queue + Proc. Propagation = Distance / SpeedOfLight Transmit = Size / Bandwidth

10 Relative importance of bandwidth and latency
small message (e.g., 1 byte): 1ms vs. 100ms dominates 1Mbps vs. 100Mbps large message (e.g., 25 MB): 1Mbps vs. 100Mbps dominates 1ms vs. 100ms Consider two channels of 1Mbps and 100 Mbps respectively. For a 1 byte message, the available bandwidth is relatively insignificant given a RTT of 1 ms. The transmit delay for each channel is 8 s and 0.08 s, respectively.

11 Delay x Bandwidth Product
e.g., 100ms RTT and 45Mbps Bandwidth = 560KB of data We have to view the network as a buffer. This may have interesting consequences: How much data did the sender transmit before a response can be received? Delay Bandwidth

12 Example: Hospital Network

13 PACS Network and Remote Connectivity
W V U P Intensive Care Unit Operating Room T R S Q O N M F G Out-patient RIS Floors HIS PACS Network INTERNET A Hospital Distribution PACS B C D E H I J K L X

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