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"the Parent professional" Standards and practices

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Presentation on theme: ""the Parent professional" Standards and practices"— Presentation transcript:

1 "the Parent professional" Standards and practices
PTA Volunteer Leadership "the Parent professional" Standards and practices As the members and officers of a non-profit association, you are professionals and therefore, standards and practices should be implemented when doing business.


3 Standards Commitment and Dedication Working Knowledge
Expectations and Responsibilities Effort for the Association Accountability Conflict Resolution

4 Practices Define, protect and advance the mission
Engage in strategic planning Organize to operate effectively Enhance the public image Ensure effective fiscal management

5 And… Determine and monitor programs and services
Make careful appointments, identify skills, leadership qualities Ensure legal and ethical integrity Orient new board members Assess performance

6 Key Communication Within the structure of the association
Between and among board members In the community Local units Funding sources Partners Legislators Administrators

7 Communication Levels of Effective
There is need for professionalism when communicating through social media.


9 Mission, Plan, Operations
Clarity Preparedness Efficiency Effectiveness

10 Public Image, Integrity
Presence Credibility Reputation Collaboration

11 Verbal Communication

12 Verbal - Phone Emotion can be conveyed Better “connection”
Listening issues Convenience issues No witness to what has been said No documentation of interaction

13 Phone Etiquette Teleconference/meeting Interruption Tone Time


15 Face to Face Clear emotion Solid connection Body language in play
Easy to gain witness No paper trail Convenience issues, scheduling time

16 Personal Space Physical Distance Personal Comfort/Discomfort
Non-verbal Cultural Considerations

17 Digital Communication

18 Digital Emotion is not appropriate Connection is distant
No listening involved Convenient Documentation is obvious No witness issues

19 Email Clarity “Confidential” stays between the sender and receiver.
Urgency and Time sensitive, should go in the subject line. AT the national office, an goes to junk if there is no subject.

20 Email Messages Recipients of emails can often misinterpret the meaning
Use of initials (OMG, BTW) may not be understood and can be offensive Use of all capital letters or bold font Use of red, capital letters

21 Social Networking Responsibility to uphold a professional standard
Discretion re: personal information, emotions and beliefs Caution about identify Personal vs. PTA Issue stance There are many Smiths, Jones, etc and you can be misidentified as someone else.

22 Presentation and Perception
Conduct reflects on PTA Represent image, integrity and ideals of PTA Documentation in cyberspace In everything you do, wherever you go, you are like a politician or a celebrity in that people look to you for something more, someone to look up to and you should be proud of your leadership in PTA


24 Communication & Teamwork
Communication essential to building team Duties Clarified Acknowledged Collaboration Cooperation Conflict

25 Teamwork & Communication
"Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results." ~Andrew Carnegie

26 Communication, Teamwork and Trust
No team without effective communication No real communication without trust

27 Trust Optimism Risk Ability Commitment Vulnerability Betrayal

28 Power Ability to act effectively Source of influence Vigor Effort

29 Power over… Self Others Situation Conversation Actions

30 Personal Agenda

31 Construct or Destruct Personal agendas Subversive actions
Biases and Prejudices Hostility Disrespect

32 Powerful Teams Communicate Collaborate Coordinate Cooperate Facilitate
Respect Trust

33 Parent Professional in PTA
Value of PTA Heritage as well as the future Dignity and Respect to the work Legacy of leadership Voice and Example for children

34 Thank you Deb Fritz PTA National Service Representative C –

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