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2 What is FitPick® The State of Our Health Nutrition Trends
Program Overview Nutrition Standards How FitPick Works Value of the Program FitPick Testimonials Case Study

3 Wellness is impacting profitability
The State of Our Health 78.6 million obese Americans Obese workers are twice as likely to miss work Obesity costs the U.S. economy an estimated $147 billion in medical care Productivity costs of obesity-related absenteeism range between $3.4-$6.4 billion Wellness is impacting profitability Source:

4 Functional foods are key and snacks = meals
Nutrition Trends Functional foods are key and snacks = meals Images courtesy of nutraceuticals

5 5% 50% Snack Trends The business opportunity exists
Growth for snacks at or as main meal Millennials, Gen X and Gen Z driving better for you Refrigerated yogurt, bars, and fresh fruit 50% Choose snacks for function The NPD Group predict that snack foods eaten at (or as) a main meal will grow by approximately 5% over the next five years Growth drivers of better for you snacks The strongest growth of snack foods eaten at meals will be in these better for you categories Half of the time Americans who snack say it’s to satisfy a ‘functional’ need, such as health The strongest growth of snack foods eaten at meals will be in the better-for-you categories, like refrigerated yogurt, bars, and fresh fruit, which consumers perceive as more healthful and convenient, according to NPD’s recently released The Future of Eating: Who’s Eating What in 2018? Millennials, ages 24-37, Generation X, ages 38-48, and Generation Z, ages 0-23, are driving the growth in better-for-you snack food consumption between and at meals. The business opportunity exists Source: NPD Group

6 Eye-catching labels help make informed choices easy
Meet FitPick® FitPick is a healthy vending program Launched in 2005 Based on simple, easy to understand guidelines featuring absolute values for calories, fat, sugar and sodium, it makes the program ideal for employers and consumers Eye-catching labels help make informed choices easy

7 2005 A Bit About FitPick® Envisioned Endorsed Expert Guided
NAMA’s signature nutrition initiative One of the earliest efforts of its kind More than 16,000 organizations – and counting – throughout the world have used the program, including all four branches of the military, government agencies, corporations and school districts Endorsed by leading nutrition organizations, including the Alliance for a Healthier Generation Program guidance by key third-party nutrition experts as part of NAMA’s Nutrition Advisory Council

8 FitPick can be part of the health solution
FitPick’s Goal To provide simple, yet important nutrition information to consumers at the point of purchase to give them the facts they need to make informed, “better for you” snack purchases FitPick can be part of the health solution

9 Our Standards FitPick® SELECT / USDA SCHOOLS CALORIES 200 or less FAT
New FitPick® Nutrition Standards Per Package New FitPick® Nutrition Standards Per Package (Workplace) FitPick® SELECT / USDA SCHOOLS CALORIES 200 or less FAT 8g or less (≤35% of calories) SATURATED FAT 2g or less (<10% of calories) TRANS FAT 0g SUGAR 18g or less (≤35% of weight) SODIUM 200mg or less FitPick® (250 calorie) FitPick® (100 calorie) CALORIES 250 or less 100 or less FAT 10g or less 4g or less SATURATED FAT 3g or less 1g or less TRANS FAT 0g SUGAR 20g or less SODIUM 230mg or less To qualify as a Smart Snack, a snack or entrée must first meet the general nutrition standards: Be a grain product that contains 50 percent or more whole grains by weight (have a whole grain as the first ingredient); or Have as the first ingredient a fruit, a vegetable, a dairy product, or a protein food; or Be a combination food that contains at least ¼ cup of fruit and / or vegetable; and The food must meet the nutrient standards for calories, sodium, sugar, and fats For further information:

10 NEW 16,000+ MEETS 700 FitPick® Benefits EASY consumer Nearly base
FitPick is EASY FitPick® Benefits NEW consumer base 16,000+ organizations Nearly 700 approved products MEETS nutrition standards FitPick attracts more women & healthy minded individuals throughout the world – and counting – have used FitPick, including all four branches of the military, government agencies, corporations and school districts FitPick identifies better for you snacks – with nearly 700 delicious FitPick approved products FitPick meets latest recognized nutrition standards FitPick MOTIVATES MILLIONS of consumers to make smart snack choices every day!

11 It’s Simple to Implement
Whether you choose a fully branded machine or better for you products to feature in existing machines, FitPick is easily identifiable FitPick compliant products here

12 Why Implement A Healthier Program?
FEWER sick days BETTER productivity BETTER business

13 Case Study FitPick provides a ready-made solution to a business need. Because of FitPick, I was able to quickly and easily meet changing nutrition standards and respond to an increasing consumer demand for healthy snack and food options. MARK STEIN President and Co-Owner, Mark Vend Company

14 Case Study FitPick makes it easy for customers to determine which products are healthy in the vending machine. FitPick eliminates confusion and quickly guides customers through the selection and purchasing process. BILL JENSEN Owner, Jensen Marketing, LLC and Mesilla Valley Snacks

Review and order compliant product from Label machines / Micro markets Adhere labels, clings and stock machines accordingly Utilize digital images available for touch screens 1 3 MATERIALS MERCHANDISE Review and order FitPick materials (labels, clings, etc.) from Labels, clings, etc. Vending machines and wraps also available from industry vendors Communicate the launch of FitPick to your customers and showcase program on your company website 2 4

16 FitPick® Approved Once you have FitPick approved product, you are welcome to use the FitPick approved logo on your website

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