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Workout JULY 2019 Release 01.

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Presentation on theme: "Workout JULY 2019 Release 01."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workout JULY 2019 Release 01

2 Overview Introductions and housekeeping Context setting
Transition from team member to people leader People leader mindset Break Leadership styles Values Mana Finish

3 Getting to know you Red: What’s your favourite book?
Orange: What’s your favourite holiday spot? Green: What’s your TV guilty pleasure? Yellow: What’s your favourite food? White: Tell us something interesting about yourself.

4 Context

5 Context

6 Transition to people leader
What does it mean to be a team member in a team? What does it mean to be a people leader in a team? Think about both challenging and enjoyable mindset shifts/differences.

7 Scenario Tina, a senior policy advisor, was asked by her manager to lead a project team of three juniors. Tina was excited about the leadership opportunity but quickly became frustrated as things that she found easy to do were not getting done in a timely way and to the standard she expected from her team. As she reviewed the work her team members had completed, she found herself considering re-doing the work herself. What advice would you give Tina as a new people leader? What mindset shifts should Tina focus on?

8 Fixed vs growth mindset

9 Identity vs reputation

10 Leadership styles Coercive (or commanding) Takes charge; has lots of direction; has little room for creativity; wants things done a certain way; makes decisions without consultation; is compliance focussed. Pace-setting Expects results; has high standards; is results driven. Authoritative (or visionary) Makes time for continuous improvement; looks for better ways; takes people on the journey of bringing visions to life; rallies people to achieve their goals; is big-picture focussed. Affiliative Is about people first; focusses on strong emotional trust, relationship building, and team support; encourages teams to get on well. Democratic Builds consensus and team participation/input; listens first, acts second; makes sure everyone’s voice is heard; won’t impose own decisions; generates a positive environment. Coaching Recognises strengths and weaknesses; supports personal and professional development; delegates; gives feedback; encourages a positive environment.

11 Leadership styles What are the pros and cons of each style?
Give an example of when each style would work and when it would not. How would you be perceived if you used this style too much or to little?

12 Values Why did you choose these values?
What does it mean for the way you will lead? In what context as a leader could your values be compromised or challenged? What does it look like when your values come under pressure?

13 Mana

14 Mana What is the difference between positional power and mana?
How will you enable the development of your team’s mana? What could you do to understand more about how you and your team can enhance mana?

15 Advice from the public service
Link to LDC website

16 Advice for future new people leaders (option 1)
Work in pairs or small groups. Think about the top two or three pieces of advice around Mindset that you would give to a new people leader. Share your advice for new people leaders by writing it down on a piece of A4 paper. These can then be put up around the room for future participants to read.

17 Advice for future new people leaders (option 2)
Work in pairs or small groups. Think about the top two or three pieces of advice around Mindset that you would give to a new people leader. Share your advice for new people leaders by writing it down on the roll of paper, like a graffiti wall. This can then be put up in the room for future participants to read.

18 Advice for future new people leaders (option 3)
Work in pairs or small groups. Think about the top two or three pieces of advice around Mindset that you would give to a new people leader. Share your advice for new people leaders by recording snippets on your phone. Send the recording to your facilitator. These can then be played in future Workouts for other participants to listen to.

19 Any questions? Haere rā

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