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Fig. 2 The working principle and electrical output modulating of BD-TENG by changing the materials of friction layers. The working principle and electrical.

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Presentation on theme: "Fig. 2 The working principle and electrical output modulating of BD-TENG by changing the materials of friction layers. The working principle and electrical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fig. 2 The working principle and electrical output modulating of BD-TENG by changing the materials of friction layers. The working principle and electrical output modulating of BD-TENG by changing the materials of friction layers. (A) Schematic diagram of the working principle of BD-TENG. (B) Relative ability to gain or lose electrons of the selected BDPs. All candidate materials were coupled with Kapton film, and the transferred charges were recorded as the sign of the relative ability to gain or lose electrons. (C) Output performance of BD-TENG with different friction layers. Top: Voc. Bottom: Isc. Qiang Zheng et al. Sci Adv 2016;2:e Copyright © 2016, The Authors

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