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Statistics & DWH Department Statistics & Data Warehouse Department

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Presentation on theme: "Statistics & DWH Department Statistics & Data Warehouse Department"— Presentation transcript:

1 Statistics & DWH Department Statistics & Data Warehouse Department
Introduction to Statistics & DWH Department State Bank of Pakistan Dr Azizullah Khattak Director Statistics & Data Warehouse Department

2 Roadmap Objectives of the Seminar Role of SD & DWH department
Areas & their significance Types of statistics compiled & disseminated

3 Objectives of the Seminar
To Create Awareness Awareness about the official statistics Opportunities for market-oriented research projects Access to relevant information/data required for analysis

4 Objectives of the Seminar
Strong Statistical System Coordination among data compilers, policy makers, academia and researchers To harmonize data production with the users’ demand Improvement in the quality of data through feedback

5 The Role of Statistics Department
To provide reliable and timely information on economic, financial and monetary aspects to SBP for designing and monitoring its policies Timely and reliable information required by the government for policy formulations Information to international agencies as per our national obligations To provide data to general users for reasearch

6 Vision Statement "The Statistics Department aspires to set and maintain the highest standards of excellence in the compilation and dissemination of efficient statistics."

7 Mission Statement "Our mission is to ensure timely dissemination of high quality statistics for the monetary and macro-economic policies leading to the prosperity of Pakistan"

8 Types of Statistics Compiled & Disseminated
External Sector Banking and Financial Sector Corporate Sector Seasonally adjusted data Data compiled under International Standards and complies with GDDS & SDDS

9 Significance of External sector statistics
To provide information on supply and demand for foreign exchange required for FOREX management. Being responsible for Foreign exchange reserve management, the BOP provides flows and stock position at the end of each month. Trends in the Financial account help to assess future pressure on foreign exchange reserves of the country. The stock of FDI and portfolio data helps to analyze the vulnerability of the local market to external shocks.

10 Significance of Monetary & Financial Statistics
For effective monetary policy, the SBP needs to monitor the liquidity situation in the market. The monetary survey provides estimates of Mo, M1 & M2. Detailed data on credit to different sectors to see the performance of various sectors. WAR for deposits and advances by the banks. Performance of the corporate sector

11 Significance of Banking Statistics
Essential for effective supervision and monitoring of financial institutions To assess the performance & health of financial sector

12 Data collection & processing methodology
Online acquisition Electronic data acquisition Processing

13 Online acquisition & processing
Banks Users Banks

14 Internal Web Portals Users ERP Statistics & DWH SBP Globus
MFSM Interface Users Globus

15 Data availability Website Archives Publication Special requests

16 Contact us

17 Thank you

18 Reporting by banks Bank enters data in the pre-designed format DFS through Data Entry System (DES) Status of each DFS can be checked (due, overdue, pending, error list) DES with built-in checks DFS submitted to DAG portal and undergoes validation checks A report is generated for each DFS, error list or accepted DFS with error list resubmitted Banks can submit a request for extension in due date

19 Data Portals The DAG maintained by the ISD
Acquisition and validation procedures implemented in consultation with S&DWH Defines Data reporters, owners and users and provide access Users access the final data for further analysis through OLAP

20 Data processing S &DWH extract the data in the form of predesigned reports using OLAP tools Accuracy of data checked at individual and consolidated level. DFS either referred back or accepted and saved in DAG database. DAG provides track of pending, overdue and submitted reports Extend the deadlines Desired statistics is compiled using OLAP

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