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A Meta-Analysis of Two Gauteng SP Data Sets

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1 A Meta-Analysis of Two Gauteng SP Data Sets
Presentation to Southern African Transport Conference Gary Hayes Prof. Christo Venter 11th July 2017

2 Presentation Overview
Choice Model Design Process SP Experiments & Discrete Choice Models (DCM) Background to Tshwane and Ekurhuleni SP Data Sets Discrete Choice Model Results What does this tell us? Why is this important? Transport models are important tools in the planning process, we make important infrastructure and operational decisions based on their outputs The decisions have long-term economic, financial, environmental, social and development implications

3 1. The Choice Model Design Process
What user choices are to be simulated? Implications for model structure; Utility function definition & attributes (focus groups); Market segments & sample sizes. 1 Design of choice model Design & Execution of SP / RP Experiment 2 Capture device & type of survey (e.g. CAPI intercept) Attribute levels, orthogonal designs, fractional factorial designs (i.e. no. of choice sets & blocks); Pilot surveys, revisions & main surveys. 3 Very often find that choices to be modelled are not included in choice model structure and SP experiment design; Stated preference experiments require careful design, both statistical and layout design; The number of attributes and attribute levels can create a high number of combinations; Statistical methods (orthogonal designs) are used to create a reduced number of combinations but retain statistical significance Estimation of Discrete Choice Model (DCM) Appropriate software (incl. freeware e.g. Biogeme, R); Overall model and individual attribute statistical significance; Interpretation & application of outputs. 7 December December 2019

4 2. Stated Preference Experiments
Used to determine user preferences for products / services using choice models; Require respondents to make a CHOICE between alternatives; Respondents make their choice based on trip time, cost and transfer trade-offs. Example of a choice set (labelled) Current Mode Taxi Walk 10 minutes Wait 10 minutes Travel time 35 minutes Fare R per trip Without any transfers OR Alternative Mode BRT Wait 5 minutes Travel time 30 minutes Fare R 9.00 per trip With 1 transfer The number of attributes and attribute values makes up the number of possible combinations L=^(MA) where L = no. of levels; M= no. of alternatives; A = no. of attributes For example, 2 alternatives with 5 attributes each & 2 levels results in 2^(5x2) =2^10 = 1024 combinations for full factorial design Fractional factorial designs allow for main effects to be included RP SP 7 December December 2019

5 2. SP Surveys - Key Requirements
Integration of mode choice model and SP survey design (SP Outputs = Mode Choice model inputs). Questionnaire completion time and type of survey. Use of CAPI must be standard. Pilot survey essential. Inclusion of RP and pivoting SP off RP. Mode Choice Model Design and SP Survey Design SP Survey fieldwork training, management and constant monitoring. Fractional factorial & orthogonal choice set designs. 7 December December 2019

6 2. Discrete Choice Models (DCM’s)
Choice process of individual n: DCM’s use utility theory to explain user preferences Random utility maximisation is fundamental to DCM’s Several types, e.g. multinomial logit (MNL), nested logit and mixed logit (ML) models. 7 December December 2019

7 2. Definition of Trip Utility
Standard Form of Utility: Linear in Parameters form of weighted attributes Utility of Alternative Weighted Sum of Observable Attributes Unobservable ‘Random’ Component = + Utility of Alternative i with n attributes = μi = Σ βinX εi n n=1 Notes Systematic / Deterministic component common to all individuals. Also known as Representative Utility Stochastic Component unique to individuals + Important assumptions in regard the error term Independently and Identically Distributed Error Terms (IID). If extreme Gumbel distributed, then can ignore. Test for IID; Independence from Irrelevant Alternatives (IIA) (red bus – blue bus issue) As we cannot ‘read the mind’ of the individual and exactly predict their choice, we can only explain choice up to a probability of selection; VTTS is the marginal rate of travel time divided by marginal rate of travel cost i.e. Behavioural VTTS = ratio of travel time and cost β values 7 December December 2019 7

8 3. The Three SP Data Sets in Gauteng
SP Survey for Proposed BRT Mode: Sample size: 400 Current Modes: Minibus taxi; rail; bus; car Alternative mode: BRT Rated responses (5-point Likert); Conjoint analysis for MNL application Tshwane (2012) SP Survey for Proposed BRT Mode: Sample size: 400 Current Modes: Minibus taxi; rail; car Alternative mode: BRT Rated responses (5-point Likert); Conjoint analysis for MNL application Ekurhuleni (2013) SP/RP Survey for BRT Mode Evaluation: Sample size: 1,200 Current Modes: Minibus taxi; rail; car; Gautrain; bus CAPI survey with alternative attributes pivoted off current mode values Alternative mode: BRT Mixed logit application Johannesburg (2014) 7 December December 2019

9 3. Objectives of SP Meta-Analysis
Four main objectives of the investigation were: Assess Suitability of Conjoint Models Evaluate Extent of Traveller Heterogeneity Estimate Value of Behavioural Travel Time Savings (VTTS) Consolidate Tshwane and Ekurhuleni SP Data Sets

10 Tshwane (2012) and Ekurhuleni (2013)

11 4. Conversion Assumption: Likert to Choice Responses
The key assumptions were that: If a respondent prefers or strongly prefers their current mode, the discrete choice is 0; If they prefer or strongly prefer the alternative (BRT) mode, then the discrete choice is 1; If the response was neutral it was removed for the data set. Respondent Preference Rating Conjoint Likert Scale Discrete Choice Strongly Prefer Current Mode 5 Prefer Current Mode 4 No Preference 3 Data Removed Prefer BRT Mode 2 1 Strongly Prefer BRT Mode 7 December December 2019

12 4. City of Tshwane CM and MNL Results: All Income Groups
Public Modes (Excl. Bus) Private Car Attribute Coefficient t-ratio t-value Wait Time (min) 0.0129 6.77 0.0165 3.23 Travel Time (min) 0.0077 5.63 0.0120 9.79 Fare (R) 0.0331 7.74 0.0700 3.72 No. Transfers 0.5230 30.78 0.0961 2.13 BRT ASC 3.167 119.10 1.672 7.20 VTTS (Rand/hour) 14.00 10.29 Log-Likelihood - Prob > |Chi2| Bus mode excluded from public modes Conjoint Model Original VTTS all modes all income groups: R5.31/hr Tshwane ML Public Modes (Excl. Bus) Private Car Attribute Coefficient t-value Wait Time (min) -5.22 -2.30 Travel Time (min) -9.03 -9.79 Fare (R) -12.05 -3.37 No. Transfers -19.72 -2.00 BRT ASC - 1.8560 4.00 VTTS (Rand/hour) 6.44 18.32 Log-Likelihood Prob > |Chi2| 0.000 Note: Behavioural VTTS is not the same as social or equity VTTS used in economic analyses. MNL Note that behavioural VTTS is not the social or equity VTTS 7 December December 2019

13 4. Ekurhuleni CM and MNL Results (All Incomes)
Ekurhuleni Multinomial Logit Public Modes (Rail + Taxi) Private Car Mode Coefficient t-value Wait Time (min) 0.0234 9.97 0.0199 2.87 Travel Time (min) 0.0258 12.45 0.0257 3.62 Fare (R) 0.0911 8.52 0.1099 1.99 No. Transfers 0.2340 12.12 0.1231 1.00 BRT ASC 2.6890 72.31 0.8534 1.02 VTTS (Rand/hour) 8.86 14.04 Log-Likelihood - Prob > |Chi2| Conjoint Model Original VTTS: Rail: R8.89/hr Taxi: R14.72/hr Car: R83.36/hr MNL Ekurhuleni Mixed Logit Public Modes (Rail + Taxi) Private Car Mode Coefficient t-value Wait Time (min) -0.032 -8.98 -0.038 -3.77 Travel Time (min) -0.031 -7.31 -0.040 -3.86 Fare (R) -0.172 -8.16 -0.100 -1.29 No. Transfers -0.279 -9.89 -0.291 -1.65 BRT ASC -0.710 - 2.444 2.07 VTTS (Rand/hour) 10.81 24.00 Log-Likelihood -178.2 -475.8 Prob > |Chi2| 0.000 7 December December 2019

14 Tshwane and Ekurhuleni MNL Tshwane and Ekurhuleni ML
4. Tshwane and Ekurhuleni Consolidated MNL & ML Results (All incomes): Mode VTTS Heterogeneity Tshwane and Ekurhuleni MNL Taxi Rail Private Car Coefficient t-value Waiting Time -0.032 -9.58 -0.028 -5.08 -0.027 -4.03 Travel Time -0.022 -9.56 -0.023 -6.65 -0.034 -9.76 Fare/Cost -0.209 -11.42 -0.193 -5.48 -0.081 -2.76 No. Transfers -0.588 -19.62 -0.941 -9.31 -0.146 -2.20 BRT ASC -0.076 -1.81 -0.211 -3.59 1.589 4.06 VTTS (Rand/Hr) R6.32 R7.15 R25.18 Log-Likelihood Prob > |Chi2| 0.000 MNL Tshwane and Ekurhuleni ML Taxi Rail Private Car Coefficient t-value Waiting Time -0.055 -8.05 -0.028 -4.06 -0.036 -5.52 Travel Time -0.041 -7.02 -0.021 -1.52 -0.040 -2.10 Fare/Cost -0.391 -13.95 -0.269 -9.61 -0.082 -4.01 No. Transfers -1.125 -9.68 -0.540 -6.24 -0.274 -2.80 BRT ASC -0.069 -1.07 0.198 1.19 1.866 3.85 VTTS (Rand/Hr) R6.36 R4.65 R29.65 Log-Likelihood -955.3 Prob > |Chi2| 0.000 Mixed Logit Heterogeneity also identified by income, gender, trip duration, trip purpose. Notice that the attribute coefficients are indicating a need for operational focus (waiting time, fares, transfers), not infrastructure (CAPEX) focus, i.e. travel time 7 December December 2019

15 4. Tshwane + Ekurhuleni Mode VTTS Heterogeneity
7 December December 2019

16 4. Tshwane + Ekurhuleni: Car 95% VTTS Confidence Intervals
Mean VTTS R29.65/hr Mean VTTS R25.18/hr 7 December December 2019

17 4. Jo’burg MNL & ML VTTS 95% Confidence Intervals by Mode & Income
7 December December 2019

18 4. Summary of VTTS 1990 to 2014 (2017 Rands)
7 December December 2019

19 Ex post B/C evaluation of Rea Vaya Ph 1A
4. What if We get the Choice Model and VTTS Wrong? Ex post B/C evaluation of Rea Vaya Ph 1A Costs ( ) 2012 Rm, i=12% Capital expenditure Bus Operating Contract Other Infrastruct. O&M Project Planning Project Staff Labour Taxi Ind. Negotiations Total Costs R3,881 R2,033 R127 R39 R30 R6,149 Benefits ( ) 2012 Rm, i=12% Travel time savings Road Fatalities avoided Increased physical actvy. Vehicle op cost savings Travel time lost (constr.) Road accidents avoided CO2 emissions avoided Total Benefits R2,719 R2,046 R1,161 R1,399 R-313 R159 R149 R7,320 TTS Share of total benefits = 37% VTTS used = R56/hr BCR = 1.19 At VTTS of R34/hr (-40%), estim. pass = -5%  BCR=1.0 19 19 7 December December 2019 7 December December 2019 7 December December 2019 Source: EMBARQ: Social, Environmental and Economic Impacts of BRT systems: Bus Rapid Transit Case Studies from Around the World, 2014

20 5. Conclusions We still don’t have sufficient insight into travel behaviour and willingness to pay – there are large gaps; VTTS is lower than estimated in the past; We must be aware of pitfalls of ‘one size fits all’ transport systems and operations; In some cases we may have made the wrong feasibility & infrastructure design and operations decisions; We have to invest in behavioural research when making investment decisions worth R(billions); We might make the same decisions, but be more aware of the downside risks, and mitigation strategies. We normally get the forecasts wrong. When we get it right it’s for the wrong reasons 7 December December 2019

21 Thank you (part 1)

22 Presentation to Southern African Transport Conference
Transit Assignment: Why Logit-Based Methods are Required for South African Transit Networks Presentation to Southern African Transport Conference Gary Hayes Prof. Christo Venter 11th July 2017

23 Presentation Overview
Where does transit assignment fit in? What is transit assignment so difficult to calibrate? Optimal Strategy and the Common Line Problem Logit-Based Transit Assignment What does this tell us?

24 1. Mode Choice – Assignment Process
Note that the mode choice model and transit assignment can become more complicated if nested models are needed for transit access mode simulation Note the need for overall network / system equilibrium Note that transit lines = services Note: Behavioural attributes and weightings must be used in mode choice and assignment models. 7 December December 2019

25 2. Why is Transit Assignment Difficult to Calibrate?
Common line problem Transit Assignment Decision Rules Limited Time Period Models (e.g. 1 hour) Transit Operations Coding: Routes, Headways, Speeds, Fares, Stops. Transit Assignment Limitations Effect of technology on choice? Large traffic zones don’t help Capacity Constraints not Modelled Static, Average Headway based Models A key issue for transit assignment is how is the mode choice model structured, i.e. how are trip matrices by mode ‘passed’ into the assignment model Modelling multi-mode trips is also difficult, e.g. bus-taxi or BRT-rail; Not surprising that transit assignment cannot be calibrated; High risk when forecasting Behavioural data: time & cost weightings 7 December December 2019

26 2. Why is Transit Assignment to Difficult to Calibrate?
Transit assignment calibration is notoriously difficult - goodness of fit criteria are hard to achieve; Rail = Easiest Taxi = Hardest Rail is easiest because the network is limited and has fewer services When we get down to passenger demand on individual lines, the results are even worse! However we often base our decisions on the demand of individual lines Bus = Harder 7 December December 2019

27 3. Optimal Strategy & The Common Line Problem
A strategy is a set of attractive lines at each boarding decision point encountered by the traveller The optimal strategy is the minimum generalized cost path; Common lines can distort the assignment: will all the trips on Route 1 (with end station destination) interchange at Station 2 and use Route 2 if there are marginal travel time savings on Route 2? If we don’t have an appropriate transfer penalty at Station 2, too many trips will transfer at Station 2 from Route 1 to Route 2 7 December December 2019

28 3. Optimal Strategy & The Common Line Problem
Total Person trips i to j by taxi from MNL = 100 per hour A Optimal taxi strategy is Taxi Line 3 Taxi Line 1 Taxi Line 3 Transit assignment result: Taxi Line 2 Comments: Arrangement of centroid connectors is critical; Unrealistic transit assignment result, trips should be spread between three lines; Difficult to calibrate model link volumes based on transit assignment result; Using trip matrix estimation approach to estimate base matrices will give incorrect trip ends and incorrect final matrix. 7 December December 2019

29 4. Variant Transit Assignment (Florian & Constantin)
𝑃 𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑖 = 𝑒𝑥𝑝 − 𝜃 𝑥 (𝑈𝑡𝑖𝑙 𝑖) 𝑛=1 𝑛 𝑒𝑥𝑝 − 𝜃 𝑥 (𝑈𝑡𝑖𝑙 𝑛) P(line i) is the likelihood of a traveller choosing line i; Θx is the unique scale factor for zone x (value between 0 and 1) that limits the number of competing strategies included in the solution. A value of 0 includes all strategies & value of 1 includes only the cheapest strategy; n is the number of lines between O-D included in the strategy; (Util i) is the trip utility of line i between O-D. 7 December December 2019

30 4. Variant Transit Assignment (Florian & Constantin)
𝑃 𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑖 = 𝑒𝑥𝑝 − 𝜃 𝑥 (𝑈𝑡𝑖𝑙 𝑖) 𝑛=1 𝑛 𝑒𝑥𝑝 − 𝜃 𝑥 (𝑈𝑡𝑖𝑙 𝑛) 7 December December 2019

31 4. Zenith Transit Assignment (Brands, de Romph, Veitch)
Features: Centroid connectors automatically generated within centroid radius; Type of transit stop / station can be defined, e.g. park and ride; Minimum number of stops within radius can be defined (i.e. define more stops or increase radius); Transit systems that must be reached. 𝑃 𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑖 = 𝐹 𝑖 𝑒𝑥𝑝 −𝜃𝑥(𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑖) 𝑖=1 𝑛 𝐹 𝑛 𝑒𝑥𝑝 −𝜃𝑥(𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑛) P(line i) is the likelihood of a traveller choosing line i; Fi is the frequency of line i; Θx is the zonal service choice parameter (i.e. scale factor) for zone x; n is the number of lines between O-D; (Cost i) is the total trip generalised cost of line i between O-D. 7 December December 2019

32 4. Zenith Transit Assignment (Brands, de Romph, Veitch)
Taxi line demand with variation in Line 3 frequency and θ = 0.2. 7 December December 2019

33 Conclusions Considered mode choice / assignment models are necessary;
Alternative approaches to standard transit assignment should be investigated; DCM behavioural data must be used in mode choice and traffic & transit assignment models; Variant transit assignment approach is relatively simple to implement and automate for zonal scale factor estimation. 7 December December 2019

34 Thank you (part 2)

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