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ANDY LEWIS Registrar and Member Services Director

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Presentation on theme: "ANDY LEWIS Registrar and Member Services Director"— Presentation transcript:

1 ANDY LEWIS Registrar and Member Services Director

2 What is the BCS? Formed in 1957 Royal Charter 1984
A Membership organisation Nominated Engineering Institution 1990 A professional products Company An accreditation body A “learned Society” A thriving business with a £15m turnover……. 7-Dec-19

3 The Society at work…. We have over 38,000 members including 15,000 students and graduates; 18,000 professionals; 8,000 Chartered Engineers We accredit over 1,000 current University courses in the UK. Over 500,000 UK computer users have attained our ECDL qualification, through more than 2,000 accredited UK test centres 15,000 candidates took our Information Systems Examinations in FY 2001/2,with over 80 training providers accredited 3,000 candidates took our Professional Development examinations in FY 2001/2 Over 1000 copies of our ISM3 product sold 7-Dec-19

4 We have to enhance the professionalism in IT
What is our aim ? To make IT The Profession for the 21st century But first We have to enhance the professionalism in IT 7-Dec-19

5 The challenge for the Society
To lead the IT part of the push for UK professionalism. We can only do that if we ARE recognised as the UK’s professional IT body. And that means We grow our membership with professionals who are in tune with the requirements of the 21st century and who are passionate about professionalism We continue to persuade employers that hiring BCS members is paramount Our members value their association with us and that we provide services that they find unique and useful in their careers. We are here to help you! 7-Dec-19

6 And next year…….. BCS is changing to a new Membership grading structure so that after graduation you will be able to progress to professional membership much more quickly We are providing even better services - particularly for our young professional members to help you manage and progress your career at key stages With the Queen’s permission – we will bring this about on 1 May 2004. 7-Dec-19

7 A Professional Network
Branches A regional network covering the UK and a number of overseas locations Meetings, presentations, summer schools etc. Meet and network with professionals working in your area Specialist groups A technical network covering a wide range of areas Meetings, newsletters, conferences, etc. Meet and network with professionals working in your technical area 7-Dec-19

8 Young Professionals Group
Largest Group within BCS, all members under 35 automatically affiliated More from Andrew Brown, YPG Chair………….. 7-Dec-19

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