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ATP III Guidelines Benefit Beyond LDL-Lowering:

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Presentation on theme: "ATP III Guidelines Benefit Beyond LDL-Lowering:"— Presentation transcript:

1 ATP III Guidelines Benefit Beyond LDL-Lowering:
The Metabolic Syndrome as a Secondary Target of Therapy FUTURE RESEARCH

2 Synonyms Metabolic Syndrome Insulin resistance syndrome
(Metabolic) Syndrome X Dysmetabolic syndrome Multiple metabolic syndrome FUTURE RESEARCH

3 Causes Metabolic Syndrome Acquired causes Overweight and obesity
Physical inactivity High carbohydrate diets (>60% of energy intake) in some persons Genetic causes FUTURE RESEARCH

4 Therapeutic Objectives
Metabolic Syndrome Therapeutic Objectives To reduce underlying causes Overweight and obesity Physical inactivity To treat associated lipid and non-lipid risk factors Hypertension Prothrombitic state Atherogenic dyslipidemia (lipid triad) FUTURE RESEARCH

5 Management of Overweight and Obesity
Metabolic Syndrome Management of Overweight and Obesity Overweight and obesity; lifestyle risk factors Direct targets of intervention Weight reduction Enhances LDL lowering Reduce metabolic syndrome risk factors Clinical guidelines: Obesity Education Initiate Techniques of weight reduction FUTURE RESEARCH

6 Management of Physical Inactivity
Metabolic Syndrome Management of Physical Inactivity Physical inactivity: lifestyle risk factor Direct target of intervention Increased physical activity Reduce metabolic syndrome risk factors Improves cardiovascular function Clinical guidelines: U.S. Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity FUTURE RESEARCH

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