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Welcome to Doing Meetings Differently!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Doing Meetings Differently!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Doing Meetings Differently!
Helen Garforth & Richard Usher Just Ideas

2 The next hour! Introductions – who’s in the room?
So what is a meeting anyway? Doing things differently Making it visual Walk and talk Top tips Ideas to take away


4 Making it visual Rummage through the postcards to find an image that represents your experience of a great meeting! Share your image and your story at your table Stick the postcards on the paper to make a collage – add key words

5 Walk and talk Follow us for a brief excursion into the garden
As you walk in pairs or threes share your stories of magnificent meetings! After 10 minutes come back in to share your insights


7 While you’re sharing stories think about…
What you can do to make a brilliant meeting: Before Beginning During Ending Afterwards

8 Feedback How was it for you? Sharing some examples

9 Before… Make it appealing Use a range of media
Use images that reflect what’s going to happen Offer a meeting ‘buddy’ Think about the space

10 Beginning… Welcoming Introductions Checking in
Share the purpose of the meeting and what to expect You might need an ice breaker / warm-up activity

11 During… A way for everyone to contribute
Mix it up to suit different styles Dynamic decision making Wear different hats Space for the future Refreshments!

12 Ending… Check back in Agree what happens next
Make sure everyone has a role How was it for you? How could we do better next time?

13 Afterwards… Keep people informed/updated
Get key messages out – social media Thank and celebrate! Get together and plan the next meeting!

14 Here’s what Brookside Big Local have done…

15 Thank you and enjoy the rest of Big Local Connects
Thank you and enjoy the rest of Big Local Connects! Helen & Richard Just Ideas

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