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FY19 Budget Summit University Wide Joel Klucking

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1 FY19 Budget Summit University Wide Joel Klucking
University Wide is a division that exists for the purpose of paying mandatory institution-wide commitments and is a vehicle for allotment control and budget reconciliation. The majority of the budget is related to contractual obligations and/or costs that the university cannot avoid (e.g. cost sharing with other state agencies such as the Attorney General office) In FY19, we pulled several significant costs that met the above criteria out of other divisional budgets (utilities, software licensing, etc).

2 Division Structure There are three main departments and several sub-departments in University Wide. Authorization for spending resides with the VP-BFA: University Mandatory Utilities, Debt payments, state mandates, software license contracts, supplemental retirement payments, institutional reserve, etc. Allotment Control A place to receive the annual state allotment and distribute to other divisions Budget Reconciliation A budget clearinghouse for the State General Fund

3 FY16-19 Expenses by Account

4 FY16-19 Expenses by Program

5 FY18 Budget to Projection by Department

6 Universal Reporting Metrics
There are no headcount in University Wide division as it is used for retirement benefits and goods & services only

7 Division Specific Reporting
Utilities cost per sf FY19 - $0.95 per sf Enterprise license cost per user FY19 - $ per student FTE FY19 - $ per faculty/staff FTE

8 Allocation Request Summary if Applicable
Unit: University Wide Amount Requested: $ TBD One Time or Continuous? Continuous Reason: State Mandates Summary Detail: During the legislative process, there will be some additional funding as well as additional mandated spending related to other state agencies. For instance, the State Auditor’s Office could receive extra funding which would mean a higher allocation of their expenses to us. Same with Attorney General, DES, OFM, etc. We will not know the final amount until the conclusion of the legislative process, likely to be June, but there should be a placeholder for these types of expenses. There are no planned increases in utilities or software licenses, which makes up the large majority of this total budget.

9 Thank you!

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