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Smart Solar Charging pilot

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1 Smart Solar Charging pilot
Introduction to Smart EV Charging through the Smart Solar Charging pilot Nico Brinkel MSc – Researcher Utrecht University Welcome My name Nico Brinkel, started about a month ago on Smart Solar Charging project, as a researcher on smart charging. Even though new to the topic, and not involved in Smart Solar Charging operation itself, I will introduce you to this project, and to the need of smart charging.

2 Smart charging Uncontrolled charging Smart charging Grid capacity
To introduce you to smart charging, first introduce the base situation: We expect a large growth in the number of EVs. Normally, they start charging at the moment everyone comes home from work. This is the moment with the highest household demand. Therefore, one problem we can expect is that the grid capacity is exceeded, causing that grid reinforcements are required. Also, we do not charge at the moments with the highest solar generation. Therefore, it would be better to charge at different moments. EV much longer connected. Adjusted from:

3 Smart charging Smart charging: shifting EV demand over time
Based on different objectives: Minimizing charging costs Avoiding grid congestion Providing balancing reserves Energy independence Maximizing solar self-consumption So smart charging is shifting EV demand over time. This is a broad concept, but important to note that it is not necessarily to avoid grid congestion. Smart charging can also be caused to minize charging costs, with low electricity prices. This can even cause grid congestion, as EVs start charging at the moments with low electrictity prices. Other types of smart charging: help the tramsission system operator, maximize solar self-consumption. All different charging behavior, but shifting EV demand over time.

4 Smart charging Uncontrolled charging Smart charging with V2G
Can be expanded: A new concept is Vehicle-to-grid, in which EV injects electricity into the grid. So at peak, EV injects electricity to the household, so grid stress even lower. Adjusted from:

5 First V2G charging pole opened by King
First V2G charging pole opened by King. And this is a nice bridge to the research project I am working on, because this V2G charging pole was opened in the Smart Solar Charging project.

6 Smart Solar charging project
Goal: Get insights in the electricity system of the future 5 pilot projects: Installing EV charging stations and monitoring EV charging behavior High installed PV capacity Introduction of 30 electric sharing cars Measuring power flows in electricity grid Installing and monitoring V2G charging station Testing smart charging algorithms Noorwegen en Nederland relatief hoog percentage EVs Nederland: ca elektrische personenauto’s op de weg Ca (semi-)publieke laadpalen in NL

7 Smart solar - Lomboxnet/Lombok - Other pilot projects - Sharing cars
- V2G - Smart Charging algorithms - Veel PV - Feiten geven over SSC Noorwegen en Nederland relatief hoog percentage EVs Nederland: ca elektrische personenauto’s op de weg Ca (semi-)publieke laadpalen in NL

8 Smart solar - Lomboxnet/Lombok - Other pilot projects - Sharing cars
- V2G - Smart Charging algorithms - Veel PV - Feiten geven over SSC Noorwegen en Nederland relatief hoog percentage EVs Nederland: ca elektrische personenauto’s op de weg Ca (semi-)publieke laadpalen in NL

9 Research output Noorwegen en Nederland relatief hoog percentage EVs
Nederland: ca elektrische personenauto’s op de weg Ca (semi-)publieke laadpalen in NL M. K. Gerritsma, T. A. AlSkaif, H. A. Fidder, and W. G. J. H. M. van Sark, “Flexibility of Electric Vehicle Demand: Analysis of Measured Charging Data and Simulation for the Future,” World Electr. Veh. J., vol. 10, no. 1, p. 14, 2019.

10 Research output Day with maximum peak in simulated month December, ‘2050’ Other research projects: impact grid constraints on charging costs, role of solar forecasting.

11 Research output EVs can also be used to mitigate light flicker induced by rapid PV fluctuations Other research projects: impact grid constraints on charging costs, role of solar forecasting.

12 Thank you for your attention!

13 Results data analysis

14 Results data analysis

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