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Library Orientation CRJ 101

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1 Library Orientation CRJ 101
Lynda Gillow

2 After this session you will:
Know about the WilmU New Castle Library and the resources available to you Know how to locate the CRJ 101 online guide with tips to help you succeed in this class Know how to access Library databases and how to search and capture citations Understand that scholarly, popular and trade resources are different and can be located either in print or online How to get more help from the Library

3 New Castle Library Peoples Building, main floor
Free printing Free computers Free Wi-Fi Free scanning; flash drive needed Copies $0.10 per side Front desk Reference questions Basic office supplies Thousands of books, dozens of magazines Tables & study carrels 6 Group Study Rooms

4 Course Guides / Subject Guides
Major Resources Wilmington University – Main Library Books, print periodicals, APA style guides Electronic Databases – 24/7 Periodicals - Scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers eBooks, videos, and reference materials (encyclopedias) Library Homepage Course Guides / Subject Guides Research Consultations: walk-in or by appointment

5 Delaware Library Catalog
Contains records for our holdings, primarily print books WU uses the Library of Congress Classification *Books provide deep knowledge of a topic Books are organized by subject Psychology, criminal justice, law, political science Call Numbers - necessary to locate books in stacks Example: HV7419 .B Use your student ID to check out books; renew online or by phone The Delaware Library Catalog also contains records for about 60 libraries in a variety of formats, CD’s, DVD’s, etc. items from other libraries can be borrowed by “placing a hold” with your entire student ID number ex. W

6 Useful resources on the Library Home Page…

7 Type the name of your course, click on SEARCH then go to the home page of the CRJ 101 guide.

8 Online course guide… 3 4 Find APA help (1), watch this PowerPoint again(2), view relevant websites (3), or view database video tutorials(4). 1 3 2

9 Each tab leads you to useful information: 1. APA citation help

10 Each tab leads you to useful information: 3. APA citation help

11 Library Home Page… on the top of the page …

12 On the bottom of the Library Home Page …

13 Review: Library Website
Services / Contact Information / Getting Help Research databases APA Style Course Guide for CRJ 101 Questions?

14 The Research Process Review your syllabus / assignment requirements
Identify appropriate sources Choose a topic Narrow the topic down Select from our services (Catalog, databases, etc.) Use Thesaurus to generate additional search terms (synonyms) Cite Properly (APA 6th ed.) – print and online resources * If you need further assistance you can request an appointment at the Student Success Center

15 Selecting a Research Topic
Selecting a good topic is not always easy. It must be narrow and focused enough to be interesting, yet broad enough to find adequate information for your research. You can use this 7-step guide to refine your topic:

16 When writing a paper, who can suggest an advantage or a disadvantage to: 1. Using the Internet OR 2. Using a Library database?

17 Comparing Internet Resources with Academic Databases

18 Consider Newspapers, Popular Magazines and Trade Publications: available in print or online
Newspapers / Popular Magazines: Huffpost Crime, New York Times, The Crime Report Their purpose is often to entertain and make money. They are often published more quickly than scholarly materials. Some are credible, current, and useful background. Some are biased (with opinions). References are not usually provided. They are intended for general audiences with non-technical language. Trade Publications: Police Chief, Corrections Today, or Their purpose is to provide news, trends, and practical information about problems or concerns in a specific trade, industry, or field. The audience is people working in that specific trade or field and the writing may contain specialized vocabulary. There may be references. They are often produced by a trade associations.

19 Boolean Operators AND – includes both terms OR – includes either term
Narrows the number of results OR – includes either term Expands the number of results NOT – excludes results Examples Delaware AND Pennsylvania NOT Wilmington (Instructor OR teacher) AND economics Children AND minors AND youth NOT male NOT boys

20 Lets go live and practice searching Suggested topics?
4 4

21 Academic Search Premier is an excellent resource for multi-disciplinary (not subject specific) research. Note that not all results are scholarly, some are magazines, videos or news articles. Do you need … Scholarly/Peer-reviewed? Full-text (right now)? Any date range? Other limiters?

22 Here is an article. Notice the PDF full text link on the left
Here is an article. Notice the PDF full text link on the left. The subject terms all link to new searches. The cite button is on the right. Here is the citation for this article. Remember to scroll down to the APA format and check it with an APA 6th Edition guide before you submit your paper.

23 Opposing Viewpoints is a great resource for researching controversial subjects. Both sides of the topic are addressed and many different resources are available. Remember, ‘Viewpoints’ have a point of view: they are written to persuade.

24 Here is an example of an Opposing Viewpoints scholarly article
Here is an example of an Opposing Viewpoints scholarly article. The arrow points out the ‘cite’ button

25 Search practice followed by … Questions?

26 Do you want to know more about…
How to narrow your topic About synonyms and using a Thesaurus Advantages of library subscription databases Easy to locate variety of sources Scholarly, Reliable, Selected by professionals Free to you (already paid for by WilmU) Limiters: Full text & Peer review & Publication date Evaluating Internet sources? What are primary and secondary sources of information? Ethical use of information: Copyright , Fair Use, Plagiarism

27 Thanks for allowing me to help you today
Thanks for allowing me to help you today! Please remember there are many useful links on our homepage, including the ‘FEEDBACK’ link in the lower left corner. Please take 2 minutes to let us know how library sessions can be improved. (Your librarian today: Lynda Gillow)

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