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Demonstration and review of a Mobile Unit for Site Characterization in Environmental Remediation Projects 23-27 July 2012, Gabon.

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Presentation on theme: "Demonstration and review of a Mobile Unit for Site Characterization in Environmental Remediation Projects 23-27 July 2012, Gabon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Demonstration and review of a Mobile Unit for Site Characterization in Environmental Remediation Projects 23-27 July 2012, Gabon

2 Scope of the mission: To gather together experienced professionals in designing, constructing and operating Mobile Laboratory Units for environmental measurements of radionuclides to perform a real case exercise of site characterization in areas contaminated by past activities involving NORM

3 Instruments: Model Detector type Capability Data (discarded) PGIS 21,
Envinet S.A. NaI(Tl) (3 x 3 “). Dose rate eU, eTh, K Spectrometry 32929 (0) High throughput Reliable dose rate calibration and GPS coordinates Heavy, but easy to carry

4 Instruments: Model Detector type Capability Data (discarded) AT6101C,
Atomtex NaI(Tl) (2.5 x 2.5 “). + Neutron He detector Dose rate eU, eTh, K Spectrometry 5604 (0) High throughput Reliable dose rate calibration and GPS coordinates Heavy

5 Instruments: Model Detector type Capability Data (discarded) Stride
ThermoScientific NaI(Tl) (2 x 2 “). Dose rate Spectrometry 35338 (8.9%) FH40G from APVL Ionization chamber (23.8 %) High throughput Reliable dose rate calibration (NaI) Partial loses of GPS coordinates Not so easy to carry Out of calibration readings (Ioniz.Ch)

6 Instruments: Model Detector type Capability Data (discarded) RS-125,
Radiation solutions NaI(Tl) (2 x 2 “). Dose rate Spectrometry 1853 (0) Light weight, reliable GPS readings Dose rate readings require long accumulation time (~ 10 seconds) Biased results below 400 nSv/h

7 Instruments: Model Detector type Capability Data (discarded)
Victoreen 451P Fluke Ionization chamber Dose rate 38441 (4 %) Dose rate readings and GPS readings very reliable High throughput Fraction of readings transmitted out of scale No spectrometry

8 Instruments: Model Detector type Capability Data (discarded)
RadEye B20 from Thermo Scientific Geiger Muller Exposure rate Dose rate (calibrated) For calibration Light weight Accuracy (calibrated)

9 Instruments: Model Detector type Capability Data (discarded)
Niton XLt-Goldd SDD Elemental composition Selected spots Fast measurement time (60 s) Light weight Relative Accuracy (10 – 20 %)

10 Instruments: Model Detector type Capability Data (discarded)
Gamma Surveyor II, GF-Instruments BGO (1.3 x 1.3 “). Dose rate eU, eTh, K Spectrometry 100 % Discarded Dose rate readings only reliable with long accumulation time (> 20 seconds) Not quantitative results in scan mode (1 s)

11 Comparison of Dose rate readings

12 Comparison of GPS readings
Deviations < Decimal Degrees ~ 5.5 m

13 Strategy followed Gathering background information
Measurements around the areas (waypoints) Grid measurements in the areas with hot spots Hot spot: Dose rate values exceeding 10 x 114 nSv/h 114 nSv/h: Internationally accepted level for public exposure (1 mSv/year)

14 The site: Original Map

15 The site: modified map

16 Eyebird view

17 Waypoint readings 114 165 measurements 2 ½ days of measurements
Dose rate (nSv/h) Number (%) 61 267 56.7 24 771 22.9 11 660 10.8 5 283 4.9 5 036 4.7

18 Interpretation of readings
Identification of hot spots

19 Correlation with the features of the area
Interpolation based on Natural Neighbor Correlation with the features of the area

20 Correlation with the features of the area
Interpolation based on Natural Neighbor Correlation with the features of the area

21 Correlation with the features of the area
Interpolation based on Natural Neighbor Correlation with the features of the area

22 Correlation with the features of the area
Interpolation based on Natural Neighbor Correlation with the features of the area

23 Correlation with the features of the area
Interpolation based on Natural Neighbor Correlation with the features of the area

24 Correlation with the features of the area
Interpolation based on Natural Neighbor Correlation with the features of the area

25 Correlation with the features of the area
Interpolation based on Natural Neighbor Correlation with the features of the area

26 Correlation with the features of the area
Interpolation based on Natural Neighbor Correlation with the features of the area

27 1) Analysis of variance of data in space
Interpolation by Kriging 1) Analysis of variance of data in space  Model definition

28 2) Using the model for the interpolation
Interpolation by Kriging 2) Using the model for the interpolation

29 3) Probability of exceeding a given level
Interpolation by Kriging 3) Probability of exceeding a given level > 300 nSv/h

30 Identification of source of activity
Gamma Spectrometry analysis Identification of source of activity

31 Identification of source of activity
Gamma Spectrometry analysis Identification of source of activity 214Bi Pressed Wood Remediation Site

32 XRF Spectrometry analysis
Identification of materials based on elemental composition

33 Participants: Horst Didier Marcos Rean Eugene Roman

34 Conclusions The mission allowed producing maps of radiological status of most of the areas of interest in the Mounana site, as requested by the counterpart The use of the Mobile is a cost-effective approach for the assessment of surface dose rate distribution and the identification of radiation sources

35 Thanks for your attention

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