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US International Education, Study Abroad, and AAAE

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1 US International Education, Study Abroad, and AAAE
Richard G Maloney, PhD Clinical Associate Professor and Director, Performing Arts Administration Program Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development; Affiliated Faculty Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service New York University

2 Performing and Visual Arts Administration graduate programs
US International Student Enrollment Source: Institute of International Education Fall 2018 International Student Hot Topics Survey (November 2018) While the overall number of international student grew slightly this year, there have been three straight years of declines – also 8th straight year of decline in overall number of college students. 12/4/2019

3 Percentage of Schools Reporting their International Students….
Performing and Visual Arts Administration graduate programs Percentage of Schools Reporting their International Students…. 12/4/2019

4 Percentage of US Colleges Recruiting in These Countries
Performing and Visual Arts Administration graduate programs Percentage of US Colleges Recruiting in These Countries 12/4/2019

5 Performing and Visual Arts Administration
graduate programs Additional Trends More selective institutions, which likely have better global brand recognition, continue to experience growth in new international students (2017 and 2018) while institutions that admitted over half of their applicants—an indicator of lower selectivity—report declines On average, Northeast schools are holding steady while schools in all other regions of the US (particularly the Midwest) are experiencing a decline in international student enrollments On average, large private universities are seeing small gains in the number of international students on campus while regional master’s institutions are experiencing declines More international students are choosing to study in Australia, the UK, and Canada (versus the US) than in the past. 12/4/2019

Performing and Visual Arts Administration graduate programs TOP U.S. INSTITUTIONS HOSTING INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS, 2017/18 1 New York University New York NY 17,552 2 University of Southern California Los Angeles CA 16,075 3 Northeastern University - Boston Boston MA 14,905 4 Columbia University New York NY 14,615 5 Arizona State University - Tempe Tempe AZ 13,459 6 University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign Champaign IL 13,445 7 University of California - Los Angeles Los Angeles CA 12,017 8 Purdue University - West Lafayette West Lafayette IN 11,044 9 University of California - San Diego La Jolla CA 9,883 10 Boston University Boston MA 9,742 15 Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh PA 8,604 19 Indiana University – Bloomington Bloomington IN 7,343 12/4/2019

7 International Opportunities Offered by US AAAE Member Programs

8 Internationally focused Arts Management Programs at US institutions
Performing and Visual Arts Administration graduate programs Internationally focused Arts Management Programs at US institutions American University International Arts Management Graduate Certificate Southern Methodist University Master of Management in International Arts Management (SMU/HEC Montreal/SDA Bocconi) Carnegie Mellon University Dual Masters Degree program with University of Bologna (MAM-GOICA) 12/4/2019

9 Performing and Visual Arts Administration
graduate programs Study Abroad and AAAE Member Programs Source: AAAE member list on the website/program websites AAAE undergraduate AA degree programs: 25 AAAE graduate AA degree programs: 48 UG programs with AA specific SA option: 8% (2) UG programs with general SA option: 92% (23) UG programs without any SA option: 0 G programs with general SA option: 56% (27) G programs with AA specific SA option: 21% (10) G programs without any SA options: 23% (11) G programs with more than one AA specific SA experience: 13% (6) 12/4/2019

10 AAAE Member Programs that Offer Multiple AA Study Abroad Experiences
Performing and Visual Arts Administration graduate programs AAAE Member Programs that Offer Multiple AA Study Abroad Experiences American University course and study abroad semester Southern Methodist University two to three locations for students in MIM program Carnegie Mellon University exchanges with two European universities University of Kentucky Boston University 3 AA specific courses New York University 3 AA specific SA courses; 5 art professions SA courses; international internships At least two program mention that it is possible to complete an internship internationally – UNO does not offer a course, but allows international internships 12/4/2019

11 Study Abroad Locations for AAAE Member Graduate Programs
Performing and Visual Arts Administration graduate programs Study Abroad Locations for AAAE Member Graduate Programs London – 5 Ireland – 2 Edinburgh -- 2 Berlin – 2 Milan -- 1 Cuba -- 1 Barcelona – 1 Paris – 1 Montreal – 1 Netherlands – 1 Bologna – 1 Sweden – 1 (UG) Hong Kong – 1 (UG) 12/4/2019

12 The End Richard G Maloney, PhD Clinical Associate Professor and Director, Performing Arts Administration Program Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development; Affiliated Faculty Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service New York University

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