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DG RTD Common Implementation Centre Common Data and

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Presentation on theme: "DG RTD Common Implementation Centre Common Data and"— Presentation transcript:

1 Elements of information on Horizon Dashboard, Horizon Results Platform and CORDIS
DG RTD Common Implementation Centre Common Data and Knowledge Management October 2019

2 Overview of available tools
Funding & tender opportunities portal Horizon Dashboard Horizon Project Results CORDIS Available to the general public Search through research projects

3 H2020 Dashboard Access to the EU Research Programme Data

4 Horizon Dashboard key elements
Dashboard Concept Monthly refreshed, one click stop shop Modern visual analytics (data discovery tool) Complete picture - more than a dashboard: (ongoing and finalized H2020 projects, subscription rates…) Purpose and Audience EU Member and Associated States, R&I Community EC R&I monitoring and implementation of the policy instruments

5 Horizon Dashboard visual identity

6 Horizon Dashboard highlights
Public access on F&T Portal Refresh rate (monthly) Functionalities (+data export, visualization customize) Coverage: H2020 and FP7 Implementation figures: incl. success rates, participation trends, Country Profiles Reports on Specific focus areas: EIC Pilot, SoE, Regional data H2020 project results, notably: IPRs and Scientific publications

7 Horizon Dashboard H2020 Country Profiles
Detailed figures on a specific country or region (projects, participations) KPIs on the involvement in Horizon 2020 Overview by programme part, SME performance Comparisons with other countries Indicators on the R&D landscape

8 Horizon Dashboard H2020 Country Profiles
Main organisations and NUTS regions from the country Representations on the map Drill-down on the selections at regional level

9 Horizon Dashboard Country Profile summary page
Printable version of the key figures on a selected country Available to the general public

10 Horizon Dashboard H2020 Participation and Research Collaboration
Under development Interactive regionalized data for the European NUTS regions Overview by H2020 thematic priorities, research subjects (thematic keywords) Participation patterns, research institutes and their departments

11 Participation in H2020 Regions and research topics

12 Participation in H2020 Regional data and top recipients (top participants)


14 Horizon Results Platform highlights
Online advertising space for EC funded Research results Beneficiaries of FP7 or Horizon 2020 can upload their project results through their F&T Portal Account profile (as Project Coordinators or Participant Contacts) Beneficiaries can upload multiple project results Results with linked videos are (in general) more visually attractive and encouraged The choice of Target Audience and Needs drive the match-making process

15 Horizon Result Platform highlights
Visitors to the Horizon Results Platform website can search results according to their needs and interests: Quick searches are provided for quick access to results with specific needs Provide means for our beneficiaries to find uses for their results

16 Horizon Result Platform filters
Filter by Keyword Nanotechnology Batteries Artificial Intelligence Filter by Country Austria Denmark Germany Filter by ‘Looking for’ Business Angels Venture Capital To raise awareness and possibly influence policy Incubators/ Accelerators

17 First EU framework programme for research in 1984
CORDIS launched in 1990 and online in 1994 CORDIS is the EC's primary public repository and portal for all EU-funded research projects and results FP4, FP5, FP6, FP7 Horizon 2020: partnership with Common Implementation Centre (RTD B6) Part of EC strategy for Dissemination and Exploitation of research results Bring research results to closer to potential users in the field

18 CORDIS Products & Services
Project page contains: the project factsheet the available public reports the results in brief (not in every project) the results that are publicly available news and multimedia of the project

19 Search and reuse of open data

20 THANK YOU! Ioana-Andreea VLAD European Commission
European Commission DG Research & Innovation AB.6 Common Data and Knowledge Management

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