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Sunspots, Solar Cycle, and Observing the Sun

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Presentation on theme: "Sunspots, Solar Cycle, and Observing the Sun"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sunspots, Solar Cycle, and Observing the Sun
Sunspot #9289 – The sunspot that generated the flare that blinded star dust satellite

2 What We Don’t Know What are the precise causes of flares and CMEs?
Why do sunspots cycle in an 11 year cycle? Why is the corona is hotter than the photosphere? CME = Coronal Mass Ejection Flares & CMEs heat billions of tons to millions of degrees in seconds Cycle – low of 0 to high of 100 concurrent spots Corona – 1.8million degrees Surface 10k degrees

3 Solar Sunspot Cycle The sun spot count peaks every 11 years
Astronomers don’t know why, but suspect: - magnetic processes within the sun run an 11-year cycle - planetary gravitational influence (Jupiter’s orbit = years) {this is a less probable consideration} Magnetic Processes unknown – deep within sun? Jupiter’s gravity pull may trigger – 99% of planetary mass, causes sun to wobble (That’s how we detect extrasolar planets) Jupiter’s magnetic field is discounted

4 Compare minimum to maximum disturbances
MDI – gray EIT – green Cover those later

5 How are Sunspots Born? Many layers of the sun spin at different rates, creating a magnetic field for the sphere Convection currents create local magnetic fields in hot gas bubbles Larger local magnetic fields and bubbles rise to the surface At the surface, north and south polarity are split into pairs of disturbances Large pairs usually create sunspots Large sunspot groups often create flares and mass coronal ejections It’s all magnetics! Spots appear where magnetic field intrudes into photshpere Loops extend into the corona and cause gas swirls

6 Sunspot Anatomy Granulation – 1-2 arc sec size - Tops of convection cells - spread throughout the surface Pores – 1 arc sec dark areas - can develop into sunspots Umbrea – dark area of sunspot, most active area Penumbrea – lighter fringe found on larger sunspots Faculae – 1 arc min light areas surrounding sunspots Umbra forms first then penumbra

7 Close-ups of Features Granulae Sunspot Flare Faculae                      

8 Sunspot Classification & Flares
Measured in solar degrees First column describes the largest (or only) sunspot of the group Second column describes the layout of the group itself This categorization allows astronomers to accurately predict solar flares Classifications Fsi, Fki, and Fkc carry a 100% probability of an M flare within 24 hours! Classification Fkc also carries a 50% probability of an X (X-ray) flare. Surpasses all other prediction methods and classifications. Groups that produce flares are relatively rare, except during solar maximum Progress from top towards bottom, then back Not all spots make all steps – some skip steps Fsi, Fki, Fkc – 100% M flare in 24 hours Fkc – 50% X flare

9 Sunspots, Flares, and CMEs
MDI LASCO C2 EIT LASCO C3 November 25, 2000 MDI – Michelson Doppler Imaging – incl white lite EIT X-rays for flares LASCO – Large Angle & Spectrometric Chronograph (Corona camera)

10 Solar Axis Tilt The sun’s axis appears to tilt throughout the year
Sun’s tilt - 7° 15’ Earth’s tilt - 23° 27’ Axis appears vertical: - Jan 6 – North back - Jul 7 – South back Jan 6= top right July 7 = top third column

11 Heliographic Coordinates
To be useful, sunspot records must use a common frame of reference based on solar solar latitude and apparent longitude Amateur Astronomers often use Astronomical League drawing form Professional astronomers use the Stonyhurst disk shown at right

12 Convert Visual to Actual Coordinates
The interaction of the sun’s and Earth’s axis tilt make placement difficult Stonyhurst disks are used for projection scopes for easier recording The solar emepheris is then consulted and the tilt is corrected to provide accurate location Record spots visually as on sun in straight grid Find tilt for today, use appropriate Stony disk Draw equator and poles, then translate observations

13 Types of Amateur Solar Scopes
Celeostat is a motorized reflective telescope Direct view or pin-hole projection system Celeostat – used to project an image into a dark room Direct View – pin-hole projection Solar Dob – use 1 way mirror at objective (serves as secondary mirror, too), polished, but uncoated mirror, and welder’s glass Filtered scope – variety of filters Filtered standard telescope – many filter types available Solar Dobsonian telescope – using 1-way mirror and uncoated mirror

14 Missions & Observatories Solar Observing Organizations
Internet Links Missions & Observatories NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) Satellite NASA Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) Satellite ESA/NASA Yohkoh Satellite Big Bear Solar Observatory Mees Observatory Education Sites NASA Space Weather NASA Science web NASA Solar Flare Theory NASA Marshall Solar Physics Thursday’s Classroom Solar Observing Organizations Association of Lunar & Planetary Observers (ALPO) – Astronomical League Sunspotter’s Club British Astronomical Association American Asociation of Variable Star Observers, solar Yahoo Solar Astronomy site list

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