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Immunization with IR or F/T 4T1-OVA cells elicits similar numbers of APCs capable of cross-presenting antigen. Immunization with IR or F/T 4T1-OVA cells.

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1 Immunization with IR or F/T 4T1-OVA cells elicits similar numbers of APCs capable of cross-presenting antigen. Immunization with IR or F/T 4T1-OVA cells elicits similar numbers of APCs capable of cross-presenting antigen. (A) Experimental design: groups of C57BL/6 mice were immunized with 106 IR or F/T 4T1-OVA cells. At the indicated time points post-immunization, DLN-derived cells were assayed for the ability to cross-present IR or F/T cell-derived antigen to B3Z cells. (B) Immunization with IR or F/T 4T1-OVA cells generates apparently similar amount of antigen-presenting capacity. Mice were immunized, and at 72 or 96 h post-immunization, DLNs were harvested and co-cultured in titrated numbers (1× ×105) with 105 B3Z cells. CPRG assays were performed as described in Materials and Methods. Data are plotted as the average O.D. at 570 nm minus the values for PBS immunized groups at each concentration. Error bars are representative of the SD between values of triplicate wells. Results are representative of 3 similar experiments. Matthew R. Buckwalter, and Pramod K. Srivastava Cancer Immun 2013;13:2 Copyright © 2013 by Pramod K. Srivastava

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