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2 I. Inorganic Compounds A. Water 1. High heat capacity 2. Polarity / Solvent properties 3. Chemical reactivity 4. Cushioning B. Salts - All are Electrolytes

3 C. Acids and Bases 1. Acids are Proton Donors 2. Bases are Proton Acceptors 3. pH - Acid / Base concentrations II. Organic Compounds A. Carbohydrates - Contain C, H, and O 1. Include sugars and starches 2. Classified according to size

4 B. Lipids 1. Triglycerides a. Found in fat deposits b. Source of stored energy 2. Phospholipids a. Phosphate containing group replaces 1 fatty acids b. Form Cell Membranes 3. Steroids - Include: a. Cholesterol

5 b. Bile salts c. Vitamin D d. Some Hormones C. Proteins - 20 common amino acids are building blocks of body cells 1. Made of amino acids 2. Contain C, O, H, N and sometimes Sulfur 3. Account for over half of the body’s organic matter

6 a. Provides for construction materials for body tissues
b. Plays a vital role in cell function 4. Act as enzymes, hormones, and antibodies a. Enzymes act as biological catalysts b. Enzymes increase the rate of chemical reactions

7 D. Nucleic Acids 1. Nucleotides 2. DNA 3. RNA E. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) 1. Chemical energy used by all body cells 2. High-energy phosphate bonds broken to release energy for work

8 3. Energy released from food regenerates ATP

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