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Welcoming You Is what we do.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcoming You Is what we do."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcoming You Is what we do

2 Knowing the Competition
Is what we do

3 National Brands

4 #1 in the Maritimes!* * Based on REALTOR® count on respective national real estate brand websites

5 NS

6 NS: 2016 VS 2015 * Based on MLS transactions reported to NSAR

7 NS: 2016 * Based on MLS transactions reported to NSAR

8 NS: 2016 * Based on MLS transactions reported to NSAR

9 Opportunity Markets … NS

10 NB

11 Opportunity Markets … NB

12 PE

13 Opportunity Markets … PE

14 NL

15 Opportunity Markets … NL

16 Please share with the group:
One ‘Best Practice’ initiative and - One ‘Current Challenge’ with respect to the competition.

17 Financial Incentive Program
$ $1500 per incremental REALTOR (8-12 month of fixed fees) 2 or more REALTORS from same brokerage within the same time period (Ie. same month) Current with IBA* obligations In first trimester of IBA* term * IBA = Independent Broker Agreement

18 Royalty Fee: 6% GCI capped at $3000/annually.
- Typical brokerage splits: 70/30, 80/20* and 90/10** capped at approx. $20 000/year. Transaction fees: $100 after brokerage capping + monthly office fee ($300-$600) + monthly marketing/admin fee ($55-85) *Previous GCI for 2 years must be > $100,000 and brokerage cap must be guaranteed. **Previous GCI for 2 years must be > $200,000 and brokerage cap must be guaranteed.

19 Residuals made easy… 1. Calculation of Market Center Profit:
Gross Commission Income (GCI) $150,000 (-) 70% Agent Split $105,000 (=) Company Dollar $ 45,000 (-) KW Approved Costs $ 22,500 (=) KW M.C. Profit (or Loss) $ 22,500 2. Creation of Monthly Profit Share Pool: Profit Share Pool Owner Profit Level 1 (first $2,990) 25% $ % $2, Level 2 (next $8,250) 35% $2, % $5, Level 3 (above $11,240) 50% $5, % $5, $9, $13,235.00 The formula for distributing profits based on the agents each agent recruited to the company, the productivity of those agents, and the cash profits generated by each market center.

20 Residuals made easy… 3. Contribution to Profit Share by Agent:
Agent Total % of Company $ Company $ Profit Share John contributed $3,886 out of total $45, = 8.64% Total Profit Contribution to Share Pool Profit Share That % X $9, = $800 4. Distribution of Profit Share to Agent’s Upline (KW Team Members Who Recruited the Agent): 1st Level Sponsor Mary gets 50% $400 2nd Level Sponsor Tom gets 10% $80 3rd Level Sponsor Joe gets 5% $40 4th Level Sponsor Nancy gets 5% $40 5th Level Sponsor Jane gets 7.5% $60 6th Level Sponsor Mike gets 10% $80 7th Level Sponsor Carol gets 12.5% $100 100% $800 The formula for distributing profits based on the agents each agent recruited to the company, the productivity of those agents, and the cash profits generated by each market center.

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