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Reminders: Unit: Age of Exploration Focus Activity:

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1 Reminders: Unit: Age of Exploration Focus Activity:
MYP Unit Question: Why do people explore? What are the consequences? Focus Question: What were the effects of French exploration? Focus Activity: Turn to page 19 Homework: Make up any missing work Tuesday, October 8th, 2019  Happy National Fluffernutter and National Pierogi Day  Reminders: Unit Test: Thursday, 10/17

2 A group of people sent out by a country to settle in a new territory.
The Spanish created COLONIES in New Spain. Colony: A group of people sent out by a country to settle in a new territory.

3 Indian Class (Later: African Class):
Peninsulares: -Born in Spain -Held most wealth and power Creoles: -100% Spanish, but born in the Americas -Had wealth, but no power Mestizos: -Native American/European mix; born in Americas -Not allowed to own land in most of New Spain Indian Class (Later: African Class): -100% Native American (Later: 100% African) -Were often slaves and worked for the Spanish settlers

4 1a. Our social class system is not based on race or skin color
1a. Our social class system is not based on race or skin color. We do not have slaves. We can move up or down in social class. 1b. Our social class system is still based on wealth and power. 2. There were many more natives (Indian Class) than Spanish in the colonies. The Spanish needed to keep order to prevent a rebellion.



7 Colony of New France

8 Giovanni da Verrazano

9 The Verrazano-Narrows Bridge: Connects Staten Island and Brooklyn

10 Jacques Cartier

11 Samuel de Champlain


13 What were the reasons for French exploration?
Exit Card What were the reasons for French exploration?

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