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A Human Rights Based Approach

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1 A Human Rights Based Approach
to Health

2 Human Rights Based Approach
All programmes should further the realization of human rights Human rights standards and principles guide all programming in all sectors Capacities of 'duty-bearers' to meet their obligations and/or of 'rights-holders' to claim their rights are developed GOAL PROCESS OUTCOME

3 Key Principles of a HRBA Key Principles of a HRBA
Interdependence and interrelatedness Key Principles of a HRBA Equality and non-discrimination Participation and inclusion Accountability and Rule of Law

4 Summary of the Practical Steps to apply HRBA
1. Causal Analysis Identify the immediate, underlying and root causes 2. Role/Obligation Analysis Identify who are the rights-holders and duty bearers Identify their corresponding entitlements and obligations

5 Summary of the Practical Steps to apply HRBA
3. Capacity gap analysis Understand the issues and claims/duties at stake Resources at their disposal (financial, technical and human) Exposure to risks arising from making a claim or fulfilling obligations Authority, attitudes and motivation HRBA leads to deeper, more robust analysis of power relationships

6 Identification of rights-holders & duty-bearers
Individual Family Local Community Local Government National Government International Community

7 The role of Capacity Development

8 Value-added of HRBA Uses universally recognized values enshrined in international law Recognizes persons as rights holders “Empowering” strategy for health Entitlements generate corresponding obligations Monitoring & enforcement mechanisms Enhanced accountability

9 World Health Organization
1 December 2019 Thank you! Health and Human Rights Team Department of Ethics, Equity, Trade & Human Rights Information, Evidence & Research Cluster

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