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Making Difficult Decisions about Priority, Service, and Need

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Presentation on theme: "Making Difficult Decisions about Priority, Service, and Need"— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Difficult Decisions about Priority, Service, and Need
The Outreach Dilemma: Making Difficult Decisions about Priority, Service, and Need

2 Who We Are Bonny Yeager
Youth Services Librarian CLP-Lawrenceville Simon Rafferty Teen Librarian CLP-East Liberty Isabelle Toomey Children's and Adult Librarian CLP-Downtown and Business

3 The Why

4 Data informed decision making
The Why Data informed decision making First-come, first-serve  Evaluating need and prioritizing Matching services to demonstrated need(s) "This is what we've always done"

5 The Why Have the greatest possible impact in our communities
Enable library staff to make decisions that best serve their communities, within the library's mission and strategic plan

6 Process for Determining Partnerships

7 Determining Available Time
Talk with supervisors and/or schedulers to discuss branch staffing requirements and goals Consider if your Library has requirements (is it required that you see the local public school for outreach? Optional?) Collaborate with other youth serving members at your branch In order to understand how much time you have for performing outreach and inreach, you must: 

8 After you move through the Evaluation steps, you will:
 Begin by making partnership offers Make offers in order of highest priority to lowest As partners accept the offer, subtract that time from your available time 

9 Community Scans To determine priority and learn about our communities
The Why The How To determine priority and learn about our communities To identify potential partners Paid resources: Policy Map ~Free library databases The Census (coming soon!)

10 Determining Partner Locations
Maintain lists (and consult lists) of potential partners who have reached out to you  Keep track of places you've noticed or community members have told you about Do a community scan (Policy Map)

11 Policy Map 

12 Policy Map allows you to upload and save your data

13 With Policy Map, you can:
See what branches or departments visit each site Upload customized information, like contacts, clearance information, type of visit, etc. 

14 Evaluating Partner Locations
What we wanted: Guidelines to help determine need Data driven evaluation Compare very different locations A tool to help specialists and their managers make difficult decisions

15 Another Library's Approach
Guideline Indicators for Top Need Tiers: Site reaches English language learners, children at risk for low literacy achievement, or children living in low socio-economic households. This outreach fills a service gap for the population being served. The site is publicly funded or city run. The center acts as a feeder to Title I school or school that moves in and out of Title 1 status. The outreach would eliminate barriers to access. Guideline Indicators for Lower Need Tiers: The population being served can easily access library resources and services. They are already customers or have easy access. 

16 Another Library's Approach
Tier I Service  [Highest Priority ]  Staffed by ELO, YFS Librarians, and LPS   Weekly/Bi-Weekly Programming Visit  Staff Training Workshop  Deposit Collection  Library Tour  Library Card Drive  Special Event Participation Tier II  Staffed by LSS and higher   Monthly or Bi-Monthly Programming Visit  Deposit Collection  Library Tour  Library Card Drive  Special Event Participation Tier III   [Lowest Priority]  Staffed by LSS and higher   Quarterly or Annual Programming Visit  Deposit Collection  Library Tour  Library Card Drive  Special Event Participation   


18 Three Pittsburgh Public Schools 6th to 12th grade
CAPA | Obama | Westinghouse

19 Rating 0 = No Need  1 = Some Need  2 = A lot of Need 

20 Demographics Rating 0 = Population is not marginalized nor at a low socio-economic level 1 = Some of the population is marginalized or at a low socio-economic level 2 = Majority of the population is marginalized or at a low socio-economic level


22 Demographics CAPA Obama Westinghouse 1 2

23 School Librarian and State of Library
Rating 0 = Full-time librarian and popular + up-to-date material (low priority) 1 = Part-time librarian and/or adequate material (medium priority) 2 = No librarian and/or material out of date or unpopular (high priority)

24 School Librarian and State of Library
CAPA Obama Westinghouse 1 1

25 Environment Rating 0 = High quality technology and a good teacher to student ratio (low priority) 1 = Adequate technology and acceptable teacher to student ratio (medium priority) 2 = Low quality technology and low teacher to student ratio (high priority)

26 Environment CAPA Obama Westinghouse 2

27 Target Population Rating
0 = Youth from location probably won’t come to my library nor attend special events (low priority) 1 = Some youth from location already come to library and may come to special events (medium priority) 2 = Youth from location most likely would come to my library and attend special events (high priority)

28 Targeted Promotion CAPA Obama Westinghouse 1 2 2

29 Existing Relationships
Rating 0 = No relationship or difficult to establish (low priority) 1 = Location ambivalent to maintaining a relationship (medium priority) 2 = Location has a long standing relationship (high priority)

30 Existing Relationships
CAPA Obama Westinghouse 2 2 2

31 Strength of Interaction
Rating 0 = A lot of staff time but results in low level of engagement (low priority) 1 = Level of engagement adequate to the amount of staff time required (medium priority) 2 = Amount of staff time is met with high level of engagement (high priority)

32 Strength of Interaction
CAPA Obama Westinghouse 1 2 2

33 FINAL SCORE CAPA Obama Westinghouse 0.69 1.00 1.71

34 Summary Sheet

35 Guidelines: Children and Teen
PPS Early Childhood Education Classroom STAR Rating and/or NAEYC accreditation Environment Serviced by other CLP Departments/Branches Other Community Support Demographics Staffing School Librarian/State of Library Test Scores and Literacy Achievement Funding and Title 1 Status Special Population Targeted Promotion Barriers to Access Existing Relationships Strength of Interaction Teen: PPS Middle or High School Graduation Rates Environment Serviced by other CLP Departments/Branches Other Community Support Demographics Staffing School Librarian/State of Library Test Scores and Literacy Achievement Funding and Title 1 Status Special Population Targeted Promotion Barriers to Access Existing Relationships Strength of Interaction

36 Pros & Cons of Guidelines
Clear directions on finding info Way to compare very different types of partner organizations Specialist become more informed about their partners and their needs Helps make difficult decisions if cuts need to happen Justifies the reason why we do what we do Cons: Complex document that's not incredibly user friendly Final Total not weighted and should be considered within context

37 Children's and Teen Service Types
Storytime Read Aloud Hands On Literacy and Learning Family PlayShop Library Instructional Visit Waiting Room Outreach Library Card Signup Community Collection Tabling and Information Kid Summer Reading Promotion Workshop Teen BAM! Classroom Visit Summer Dreamers Library Card Signup Community Collection Tabling and Information Kid Summer Reading Promotion Networking and Professional Development

38 Children's and Teen Service Types

39 Children's and Teen Service Types

40 Matching Services to Need
Use of Guidelines to determine need in specific areas Match services to assist with that need

41 Sunnyside Middle Final Score 1.50

42 Sunnyside Middle 2 1 2 2 Demographic Literacy Environment
Librarian/Library 2 2

43 Communicating with Partners
We provide templates for specialists to use and edit on the following likely scenarios: Frequency change Pause to site visits Switch to inreach visits Unable to provide service

44 Staff Training and Implementation Timeline
November 2018 Presented at Library Leaders Meeting Gathered rose, bud, thorn feedback January​/February 2019 Training at Children’s and Teen Meetings​ on the entire Process March Hosted multiple small group regional meetings April – August​ Flexible pilot of the Process Questions during regional meetings suggested which tools would be most helpful July Check-in with Library Services Managers September Check-in at Children's and Teen Meetings October Initial training phase is complete Ongoing New Staff trainings offered twice per year Opportunities for staff to provide feedback

45 Next Steps Additional tools Adapting and maintaining existing tools
Determining available time Cross walk Evaluation categories with Service Types Community Collections Program/Partnership Evaluations (effectiveness) Adapting and maintaining existing tools Continued opportunities for feedback What does it mean for the Process to be "in place"


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