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An introduction to Machine Learning (ML)

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Presentation on theme: "An introduction to Machine Learning (ML)"— Presentation transcript:

1 An introduction to Machine Learning (ML)
Anders U. Waldeland Force, Stavanger

2 Input data/ Data sample
Machine Learning Input data/ Data sample Output/ Prediction Output Input Cat

3 Input data/ Data sample
Machine Learning Input data/ Data sample Output/ Prediction Output Input Cat

4 Using ML to make a forest map of Africa


6 Training data

7 Input data/ Data sample
Forest mapping Input data/ Data sample Output/ Prediction

8 Classification Regression
Class 1: 0 - 2m Class 2: 4 - 7m Class 3: > 10m Tree hegith Feature(s)

9 Input data/ Data sample
Traditional ML Input data/ Data sample Features/ Attributes Model/ Classifier Output/ Prediction

10 Features (attributes)
Raw pixel-values: Red / Green / Blue Near Infra-red (NIR) Vegetation Red-edge NDVI ( normalized difference vegetation index) GARI, SLAVI

11 Making a feature plot NDVI GARI RED GREEN NDVI NDVI RED Red

12 Visualizing the feature space

13 Visualizing the feature space
PCA (Principal Component Analysis) TSNE (t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding) PCA component 2 PCA component 1

14 Feature-extraction and analysis
Input data/ Data sample Features/ Attributes Model/ Classifier Output/ Prediction

15 Training a classifier Dividing the classes in feature space

16 Training and testing Train and test on the same data Cross-validation

17 Training and testing Train and test on the same data Cross-validation

18 Training and testing Train and test on the same data Cross-validation

19 Training and testing Train and test on the same data Cross-validation

20 Training and testing Train and test on the same data Cross-validation

21 Training and testing Train and test on the same data Cross-validation
Divide area in two Test

22 Results: Test-region Input data Prediction Ground truth

23 Precision True positive
Scoring Confusion matrix: Recall _______True positive_____ True positive + false negative Accuracy: Train: 62% Test: 59% (Random guessing = 33%) Precision True positive N positives

24 Different types of classifiers
Simple Probalisitc classifier Neural network Random forest Train 60 % 81 % 100% Test 59 % 63 % 58 % Bad features 

25 ML ( = using training data)
Deep learning ML ( = using training data) Input data/ Data sample Features/ Attributes Model/ Classifier Output/ Prediction

26 ML ( = using training data)
Deep learning ML ( = using training data) Input data/ Data sample Convolutional Neural Network (Deep Learning) Output/ Prediction

27 Deep learning for images
Object detection Deep learning for images Image classification «Cat» Image segmentation

28 Deep learning Great if you have a lot of training data Easy to overfit
Can be unreliable when applied to new data Hard to explain how it works

29 Deep learning for Forest mapping
256 x 256 256 x 256

30 Probalisitc classifier
Results – 3 classes Simple Probalisitc classifier Neural network Random forest Convolutional Neural Network Train 60 % 81 % 100 % 94 % Test 59 % 63 % 58 % 87 %

31 Results - regression Input data Ground truth Prediction Prediction vs ground truth

32 Forest height map of Tanzania

33 Forest map of Africa with 10m x 10m resolution

34 NR-Projects using Deep Learning

35 Detection of cultural heritages
Hill shade image constructed from a digital elevation model

36 Detection of cultural heritages
Able to identify, grave mounds, kilns, trapping pits,…

37 Explaining Deep Learning Models

38 Explaining Deep Learning Models

39 Mammography screening program

40 Thank you for your attention!

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