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Unit 13 Pretest.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 13 Pretest."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 13 Pretest

2 Unit 13 Pretest Quadratic n tn 1 3 2 6 11 4 18 5 27 Problem 3
1st Differences, 2nd Differences, & Constant Ratios

3 Arithmetic Quadratic Geomteric Remember!
When the independent variable changes by a constant amount, linear functions have constant first differences. quadratic functions have constant second differences. exponential functions have a constant ratio. Remember! Arithmetic Quadratic Geomteric Problem 2

4 Unit 13 Pretest

5 Unit 13 Pretest Subtract

6 Unit 13 Pretest Solve for t sub 1 Multiply by r^5

7 Unit 13 Pretest

8 Unit 13 Pretest

9 Unit 13 Pretest Arithmetic Series

10 Unit 13 Pretest Sum of a Finite Arithmetic Series Previous Problem

11 Unit 13 Pretest Geometric Sum of a Finite Geometric Series

12 Unit 13 Pretest

13 Unit 13 Pretest

14 Unit 13 Pretest

15 Unit 13 Pretest Geometric Series

16 Unit 13 Pretest

17 Unit 13 Pretest Geometric Series Sum of an Infinite Geometric Series

18 Unit 13 Pretest

19 Unit 13 Pretest

20 Unit 13 Pretest

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