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Congratulations to the Regional leadership academy class of 2019

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1 Congratulations to the Regional leadership academy class of 2019

2 Regional Community Institute of Northeast Florida, Inc.
Annual Meeting September 30, 2019

3 ANNUAL Meeting of the RCI
Agenda – September 30, 2019 Welcome and Call to Order Introductions Invitation for Public Input * Approval of Minutes * Financial Report Nominating report * Election of Board of Directors General Activity Update RLA Class of 2019 Policy report General Public Comment * Next Meeting: September 28, 2020 Adjourn

4 RCI Annual Budget 230 368 FY 2009- FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017
FY 2019 Budget Estimates Totals Program Revenues RCI Fundraising/Donations 310,639 50 70 2,000 312,759 R2 Challenge 230 One Spark 368 Total Program Revenues 311,237 313,357 Program Expenses FY 2009 – FY 2014 456,507 4,583 6,165 10,047 7,062 FY 2019 2,427 Total Program Expenses 486,791

5 Summary of FY 2017/2018 Audit Results
Financial Statements Type of auditors’ report issued Unmodified Internal Control over financial reporting: Any material weakness identified? No Any noncompliance finding to financial statements noted? No Corrective Action Plan needed? Not required no prior year findings

6 RCI Board Slate of Nominees
Renewal of Term Mr. Richardson Mr. Conkey Mr. Rhodes Dr. Bechtle Comm. Waldron Mr. Thoburn Ms. Jenkins New to the Board Mr. Pope

7 General Activity Update
Resiliency Update Water Beyond Borders Regional Tourism RLA Class of 2019 Report General Public Comment

8 RLA Recruitment If you nominate, they are in!
Leave us a form with contact info Nominate by the end of November NEFRLA.COM

9 Save the Date NOMINATE!!!! Elected Officials Luncheon and Regional Leadership Awards December 5, 2019 RLA/RCI Social: RLA Kickoff in January

10 Next RCI Annual Meeting
September 28, 2020 Adjourn

11 Meeting of the RCI Board of Directors
Agenda – September 30, 2019 Call to Order and Roll Call * Approval of Minutes Invitation for Public Input Nominating Report * Election of Officers due to Vacancy SLATE: Chair: Ms. Jenkins Vice Chair: * Recognition: Ms. Nazzaro Policy Work Update Marketing & Funding Legislative Priorities General Discussion General Public Comment * 2019 Meeting Dates: 1/13, 3/30, 6/29, 9/28 (Final Monday except for January)

12 REPORTS & NEXT STEPS Report and Next Steps on related work: CEDS, SRPP
*Next Steps for RCI Policy/Action

13 NEFRC Motion on RCI Policy work 2020
First Coast Vision The Regional Community Institute (RCI), beginning with its work on Reality Check, created First Coast Vision as a guiding document and integral part of the Strategic Regional Policy Plan (SRPP) in As NEFRC updates the SRPP, we ask the Regional Community Institute to consider: What gaps exist in Northeast Florida’s ability to implement a vision; and Whether the gaps are in leadership or in implementation, and how to address those gaps. RCI is asked to make recommendations on doable actions to implement First Coast Vision. RCI is asked to report their recommendations in the Fall of 2020. August 1, 2019

14 Proposed Motion for 2020 work:
Conduct policy work to determine: What gaps exist in Northeast Florida’s ability to implement a vision; and Whether the gaps are in leadership or in implementation, and what doable actions would address those gaps. Report recommendations in the Fall of 2020.

15 Added ITEM NEFRC and City of Jacksonville Status

16 RCI Board meeting Adjourn

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