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IOSH Benevolent Fund.

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1 IOSH Benevolent Fund

2 IOSH Benevolent Fund What is the IOSH Benevolent Fund?
Formed in 2002 (from Institute of Municipal Safety Officers (IMSO) Welfare Fund) It is not part of IOSH but is a separate registered charity (Charity Registration number ) Available to former and existing members and IOSH employees, with a minimum of three years’ standing Provides financial help to those suffering extended ill health, disability or hardship during a prolonged period of unemployment The Fund is reliant on donations and investment income

3 IOSH Benevolent Fund How is the Fund governed?
The IOSH Benevolent Fund has a minimum of four Trustees Currently the Trustees are: Nick Cornwell-Smith (Chairman, IOSH member, co-opted) Teresa Budworth (IOSH member, co-opted) Steve Granger (IOSH member, co-opted) Anne Isaacs (IOSH Council member) Lynn Judge (IOSH member, co-opted) Bev Messinger (Chief Executive of IOSH, ex-officio Trustee) Collectively the Trustees assess applications and decide at their absolute discretion whether to support them by paying an amount from the Fund, while adhering to the objects of the Charity as set out in the Trust Deed

4 IOSH Benevolent Fund How are the funds raised?
Funds are raised through: Donations from members Gift aid Covenants from members Income from investments Other donations Events

5 IOSH Benevolent Fund How is the Fund publicised?
The Fund is publicised by: IOSH website Articles in IOSH Magazine, Connect and Networks News Promotional material distributed at the Networks’ Conference New member welcome packs and subscription reminder letters Word of mouth through Council Members, Branch and Group Committee Members and Regional Managers (Global Networks Team at IOSH)

6 IOSH Benevolent Fund How to apply to the Fund To apply to the Fund:
Contact a member of the Governance Team at IOSH who will guide you through the application process Visit the Benevolent Fund pages on the IOSH website

7 IOSH Benevolent Fund When an application is received
A Governance Advisor will check the eligibility of the applicant (current membership status) The application is anonymised and sent to Trustees Trustees discuss the application and made a decision within one month Trustees may ask for further information A Governance Advisor sends a response to the applicant informing them of the Trustee’s decision If the application is successful, money is paid by direct bank transfer

8 IOSH Benevolent Fund What kind of cases has the Fund helped?
Successful applications include: Training course fees to help a member update his skills and return to work after a prolonged period of ill health A member who had been unemployed for a long time following redundancy received a grant towards computer equipment which helped him to secure a new role and get back into work A member living with a chronic autoimmune disease received money towards maintaining her car, which she relied on for getting to hospital appointments and for everyday tasks such as shopping. This enabled her to maintain a quality of life.

9 IOSH Benevolent Fund Make a donation You can donate by:
Making an occasional donation with your annual membership subscription Making a one-off donation by cheque or bank transfer Giving a regular donation by standing order Leaving a legacy in your will We are grateful to members who donate to the Fund in any way they can Our bank account details are available on request from The Gift Aid scheme enables the Benevolent Fund to reclaim 25p tax on every £1 donated, at no extra cost to you

10 IOSH Benevolent Fund Financial summary for year ended 31 March 2019
Capital donations from members and gift aid reclaimed were in the region of £655 A number of grants totalling approximately £5,000 were paid out Taking into account donations, interest and an increase in the value of the COIF investment fund, the overall Benevolent Fund value increased by over £1,276 The value of investments at the end of the financial year exceeded £62,000

11 IOSH Benevolent Fund It’s your Benevolent Fund,
so please make people aware of it

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