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Digital Design with VHDL

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1 Digital Design with VHDL
Presented by: Amir Masoud Gharehbaghi

2 Concurrent Statements
Concurrent Signal Assignment Component Instantiation Statement Generate Statement Process Statement Block Statement Concurrent Procedure Call Statement Concurrent Assert Statement

3 Sequential Statements
Signal Assignment Statement Variable Assignment Statement IF Statement Case Statement Loop Statement Wait Statement Procedure Call Statement

4 Sequential Statements (cont.)
Next Statement Exit Statement Return Statement Assertion Statement Report Statement Null Statement

5 Block Statement block_label: BLOCK [ (guard_expression) ] [ IS ]
block_header block_declarative_part BEGIN block_statement_part END BLOCK [ block_label ] ;

6 D-FF Example ARCHITECTURE guarding OF d_ff IS BEGIN
dff_blk: BLOCK (c = ‘1’ AND NOT c’STABLE) q <= GUARDED d; END BLOCK; END guarding;

7 D-FF with block header ARCHITECTURE guarding_h OF d_ff IS BEGIN
dff_blk: BLOCK (c = ‘1’ AND NOT c’STABLE) PORT(din: IN BIT; qout: OUT BIT); PORT MAP (din => d; qo => q); qout <= GUARDED din; END BLOCK; END guarding_h;

8 D-FF with enable ARCHITECTURE nested_guard OF d_ff_e IS BEGIN
edge: BLOCK (c = ‘1’ AND NOT c’STABLE) enable: BLOCK (e = ‘1’ AND GUARD) q <= GUARDED d; END BLOCK; END nested_guard;

9 Resolution Function FUNCTION anding (drivers: IN BIT_VECTOR) RETURN BIT IS VARIABLE acc: BIT := ‘1’; BEGIN FOR I IN drivers’RANGE LOOP acc := acc AND drivers(i); END LOOP; RETURN acc; END anding; SIGNAL a: anding BIT; a <= b; a <= c; a <= d;

10 Configuration CONFIGURATION identifier OF entity_name IS
{ use_clause } FOR architecture_name { block_configuration } END FOR ; END CONFIGURATION; block_configuration ::= FOR block_specification { configuration_item }

11 Configuration (cont.) configuration_item ::= block_configuration
| component_configuration component_configuration ::= FOR component_specification [ binding_indication ; ] [ block_configuration ] END FOR ;

12 Configuration Example
CONFIGURATION default_c OF test_comp4 IS FOR customizable FOR a1: comp4 USE ENTITY WORK.nc4(flexible); FOR c0, c3: comp1 USE ENTITY WORK.bc1(fixed);END FOR; FOR c2to3: comp1 USE ENTITY WORK.bc1(fixed); END FOR; FOR flexible END FOR;

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